字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So, you're going to Prague, but you don't know what to do? 你要去布拉格卻不知道該去哪些地方嗎? Well, you've come to the right place. 那你真的是選對影片了! We're Alex and Marko. 我們是 Alex 和 Marko。 You're watching Vagabrothers, and these are our top 10 tips on doing Prague like a local. 你現在收看的是「流浪兄弟」,在影片中我們要介紹你在布拉格 10 個最道地的玩法。 Let's get into it! 我們馬上開始吧! Number 1: the old town. 第一站:舊城區。 Ok. Prague's old town is where all the tours go, but that's because it's gorgeous. 遊客來到布拉格一定會去舊城區逛逛,因為它實在是太讓人驚艷了。 Spend your first day wandering its cobble stone streets and of course getting some photos for your Instagram. 第一天就踩在鵝卵石鋪成的街道上晃晃吧,別忘了拍幾張照上傳到你的 Instagram! Number 2: the astronomical clock. 第二站:天文鐘。 It's basically a gigantic ornately decorated cuckoo clock that comes alive on the hour. 布拉格的天文鐘就是個裝飾超華麗的巨大咕咕鐘,整點時,咕咕鳥就會活靈活現地跳出來報時。 You can also climb to the top for great views of the old town. 你也可以上去它的塔頂將舊城的美景盡收眼底。 Number 3: Dlouhá Street. 第三站:Dlouhá 街。 Excuse my pronunciation. 抱歉囉,我唸得不太標準。 Start with Lokál, which as the name suggests, serves only local Czech products. 我們就先從 Lokál 這間店開始看起,店如其名,它就只賣捷克當地的產品。 The food is good; the food is local, and I'm happy. 食物很好吃也很道地,我超開心的! Or Naše Maso , a top-notch butchery that has beer served from a faucet on the wall... 或你也可以去 Naše Maso,它是間超讚的肉販,而且它的水龍頭一打開就有啤酒可以裝...... Beer faucet...Cheers! 為啤酒水龍頭......乾杯! Vagabrothers' tip: don't miss the meat loaf or the burger. 流浪兄弟小提醒:別錯過這裡的肉餅和漢堡就對了! Let me just smell the burger. 讓我聞聞你的漢堡就好。 Get your own burger! 你自己去買來聞啦! Number 4: Pilsner. 第四站:皮爾森啤酒。 The Czech Republic is the birthplace of the Pilsner, the world's most popular beer style made famous by Pilsner Urquell. 捷克是皮爾森啤酒的發源地,這種世界上最受歡迎的啤酒是因為皮爾森.歐克而聞名的。 But the best beer comes in small batches so check out microbreweries like Pivovar Bašta where the beer is literally cheaper than water. 但最上等的啤酒都是一小批次出產的,所以可以去 Pivovar Bašta 這類小型的啤酒廠看看,那邊的啤酒真的是比水還便宜。 Number 5: craft beer. 第五站:手工精釀啤酒。 Czechs love their Pilsners, but they're not stuck in the past. 捷克人固然很愛自家產的皮爾森啤酒,但他們也不是只活在過去而已。 Try something newer at craft beer pubs like Zlý časy. 來 Zlý časy 酒吧嘗試點新玩意兒吧! Beers are more expensive than Pilsner, but still pretty damn cheap. 雖然手工精釀啤酒比皮爾森啤酒貴,但真的還是便宜到炸啊! Next stop: subscribe to Vagabrothers. 下一站:訂閱「流浪兄弟」。 Fine, it's not on the top 10 things to do in Prague ,but it should be at the top of your to -do list. 好啦,這不是你去布拉格必做的 10 件事,但這絕對是你待辦清單上的首要之務。 So get it out of the way, and click subscribe already, ok ? 所以快按下訂閱鍵完成這件事吧,瞭嗎? Number 6: Prague Castle. 第六站:布拉格城堡。 Cross the river on the Charles Bridge up to the Prague Castle, it's got great views of the city. 漫步過查理大橋、跨過河流前往布拉格城堡,你便可以一覽這座城市的美景。 And it used to be the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia. 這裡還曾是波西米亞王國的首都。 Number 7: be Bohemian. 第七站:波西米亞一下吧。 The Kingdom of Bohemia gave us the word "bohemian" because back in the day, they thought gypsies came from here. 波西米亞王國讓我們有了「波西米亞的;波西米亞人」這個字,因為早前他們認為吉普賽人是從此地而來的。 Soak up the boho life at places like Café Sladkovský, a cafe / restaurant / pub. 沉浸在充滿波西米亞風的地方吧,像是這間 Sladkovský 咖啡廳,它同時也是個餐廳和酒吧。 That's perfect for writing your next novel, reading some Kafka, or just drinking more beer. 不論是寫下一本小說、看些卡夫卡的作品、或繼續大口喝啤酒,這裡都是絕佳的去處。 Number 8: Krymská Street. 第八站:克利斯卡街。 Next to Café Sladkovský is Krymská Street, home to trendy pubs, restaurants and shops. Sladkovský 咖啡廳的旁邊就是 Krymská 街,這裡是超潮酒吧、餐廳及各式商家的聚集地。 It's a great little area to explore and has some really beautiful architecture. 很棒的一點是你可以在這個小小的地區盡情探索美麗的建築。 Plus, it's just really fun to say Krymská... 另外,Krymská 這個字唸起來真的很有趣。 Say it! Say it! Come on! Krymská. 唸唸看嘛!來唸唸看啦!來嘛!Krymská。 Number 9: the Lennon Wall. 第九站:藍儂牆。 The original counter-culture spot is the Lennon Wall, named after John, not Vladimir, because it became a canvas for anti-communist protests during the Cold War. 藍儂牆以是以約翰.藍儂命名,而不是前蘇聯主席列寧,它是一個體現反主流文化的景點,因為在冷戰時期,它曾是反共產主義者宣洩的畫布。(譯注:披頭四歌手約翰.藍儂主張愛、和平) Even today, you're free to draw whatever you want. 時至今日,你還是可以在這面牆上隨心所欲地作畫。 Just don't draw a dick. 但別畫小雞雞就對了。 Number 10: David Černý. 第十站:David Černým。 Near the Lennon Wall is the artwork of David Černý, the subversive artist who protested communism with his artwork. 藍儂牆附近的藝術作品是出自 David Černý 之手,因為他將反共產主義的理念訴諸於作品中,而被政府視為顛覆份子。 To get off the beaten path, head over to the meat factory, his exhibition area, where he usually has something pretty funky going on. 製肉工廠這區比較偏僻的地方是 David Černý 的作品展示區,這裡會有很多前衛的藝術作品。 But in all honesty, I still don't understand the babies... 但說真的,我真的看不太懂這些「寶寶」的裝置藝術... Naked babies? Barcode on the face? 裸體寶寶?臉上還有條碼? We're all barcode, naked babies. 嘿,裸體寶寶,我們生來就是商品 (譯注:商品上有條碼)。 Ok guys, thanks for watching. Those are our tips on Prague. 好囉!謝謝大家收看,以上就是我們覺得布拉格最值得去的景點。 What are yours? 你的呢? Tell us in the comment box below. 在下方的留言區告訴我們吧。 If you enjoyed the video, you know what to do. 如果你喜歡這支影片,你知道該怎麼做的。 Give it a thumbs- up, share it with your friends, and subscribe to Vagabrothers if you have not already. 給我們一個讚,跟朋友分享這支影片,如果你還沒訂閱流浪兄弟的話,快按下訂閱鍵吧! Want more Prague? 還想更了解布拉格嗎? Click here to see our full vlogs from Prague. The Prague Vlog. 點這邊可以看我們布拉格之旅的所有影像日誌。布拉格日誌。 If you want more top 10 city guides, click on that playlist over there. 如果你還想看更多「旅遊 10 大必訪之地」的影片,可以點選這邊的播放清單。 And in the meantime, stay curious keep exploring, and we'll see you guys on the road. 同時,繼續保持好奇和持續探索的心,我們旅途上見。 All right. Peace. 好囉,掰啦!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 布拉格 啤酒 作品 譯注 兄弟 景點 【多元文化】布拉格的 10 個必玩景點! (Top 10 Things To Do in PRAGUE) 37121 1470 Vivian Chen 發佈於 2019 年 03 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字