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CES can be a lonely place.
消費電子展 (國際性電子產品和科技的貿易展覽會) 可以是個傷心地。
Sometimes you witness things that you just can't understand.
You try everything you can just to feel something but at the end of the day, all you need is a friend to come home to.
This robot needs you more than you need it.
Its only purpose is to be loved.
Unlike other robots that promise to make your life easier or help out around the house, the Lovot really just is like a baby for you to take care of.
不像其他機器人,用意是為了讓你的生活舒適些或是幫你做家事,Lovot 機器人純粹就像是一個需要你愛護的小寶寶。
It follows you around and makes little cooing sounds and when you're not paying attention to it, it'll come up to you and beg you to hug it.
Its cuteness really comes from these big eyes.
It's like scientifically designed to be cute.
There's six layers of projections in the eyes to create depth so when it looks up at you and asks for a hug, you better hug it.
He's laughing.
Like you can literally boop it on the nose and it'll respond like it doesn't get any better than that.
It weighs the same amount as a toddler and when you cradle it in its arms, it'll fall asleep.
So he's sleeping.
The baby is sleeping.
So as far as the tech goes, there's a canister on the top with the microphone and the camera and there's over 50 sensors on its body that react to touch and it's also warm so it's not cold like a machine but besides that, it's not really overloaded with any tech.
在技術方面,頭部上方的圓盒配有一個麥克風和相機,身上則有超過 50 個感應器,對觸摸有反應,它還是暖的,不像是機器一樣冰冷,就這樣了沒再加載其他技術。
It doesn't have Alexa, it can't speak, so it's not super useful but then again, neither are your cats or dogs.
它不含 Alexa (亞馬遜虛擬語音助手),它不會說話,所以並不是非常實用,不過說起來養貓或是養狗也不是為了實用。
The AI can recognize up to a thousand people so if you're not nice to it or you treat it roughly, it'll remember that and avoid you next time.
So one of the downsides is that the battery life isn't that long.
It's only about an hour and this is just a prototype but when the final version launches, it'll know automatically to go to its charging dock.
The second downside is the price.
This little guy goes for three thousand dollars which is kind of crazy but that's the price you pay for companionship.
這個小傢伙要價三千元 (約台幣九萬兩千多),價格有點瘋狂,但那就是陪伴的要價。
It's becoming more common to use robots as therapy companions in countries like Japan and for comparison, Paula the therapy seal cost five thousand dollars.
在一些國家,例如日本,越來越常見用機器人作為治療夥伴,而相較之下,治療夥伴海豹 Paula 則要價五千元。
But if money's not a deterrent and you still want to get your hands on this adorable robot, then the Lovot is supposed to launch in the US some time next year but it's not confirmed yet.
但如果錢對你來說不是問題,而且你真的很想摸摸這可愛的小機器人,Lovot 預計在今年稍晚會在美國上市,但還尚未確定。
I love you.
I'm gonna call you Demi Lovato.
我要叫你 Demi Lovato (一位美國歌手)。