字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I was frustrated, I think, working in a large organization. 我覺得在大規模的組織底下工作,讓我感到挫敗。 I wanted to be able to make a bigger impact. 我想要更有影響力。 We've all thought about it: Quit the 9-to-5, start a company, become the next Jeff Bezos. 我們都曾想過:辭掉朝九晚五的工作、開公司、成為下一個 Jeff Bezos (Amazon 創辦人)。 Only, it's easier said than done. 只是說得比做得容易。 Estimates suggest anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of start-ups fail with the first few years. 據統計,50% 到 90% 的新創公司在起步的五年內就會宣告失敗。 So just what is it that takes someone from an employee to an entrepreneur? 所以,從員工躍身企業家,這之間到底需要具備什麼? I'm here in Singapore with three former employees, who gave up their day jobs to join start-up generator, Antler. 我在新加坡與三位放棄工作,並投身新創公司生產器 Antler 的前員工進行談話。 I wanted to find out what led them to take the leap. 我想知道是什麼原因讓他們願意涉險。 I, personally, was working in the fashion industry for a long time, and noticed that there was a problem that needed to be solved. 我個人以前從事時裝業很長一段時間,我注意到有個問題必須解決。 The fashion industry wasn't being inclusive enough and didn't cater to plus-sized women. 時裝界的涵蓋度不夠廣,無法滿足加大尺碼的女性。 And so I felt like I could enter entrepreneurship by solving a real problem for real women. 我覺得自己可以自立自強,為現實生活中的女性解決真實的困擾。 I was a management consultant before. 我之前是管理顧問。 But I felt the lack of being able to create and see something grow. 但我覺得以前無法發揮所長,也看不見事情的成長。 I would say I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur. 我覺得自己一直都想成為企業家。 My dad is an entrepreneur and I've seen him pursue his dream as I grew up. 我爸就是企業家,我從小看著他追求自己的夢想。 I did an MBA last year at INSEAD and, really, I think the turning point was when I was in Israel and someone told me the only way to fail is to stop trying. 我去年在歐洲工商管理學院取得工商管理碩士 (MBA),我想轉折點就是當我在以色列時,有人告訴我「唯一的失敗就是停止嘗試」。 And, that moment, I knew I was ready. 當下我就明白:我準備好了! I started a company called Vaniday, which is a beauty marketplace. 我成立一家叫 Vaniday 的公司,是家美容商場。 And that gave me a lot of confidence to start something on my own. 而這給了我許多創業的信心。 I had experience working at a large department store, doing womenswear buying. 我曾在大型百貨公司工作過,也就是採買女裝。 But it means your role is very siloed, and so the impact you can make is very limited. 但這意味著你是獨立作業,所以影響力有限。 That was one of the big reasons why I left a corporate job. 這便是我離開公司工作的最大原因之一。 So, they had the dream. 因此,他們懷抱夢想。 But what made them stand out to Antler, whose program helps aspiring entrepreneurs start new businesses? 但究竟為何他們選擇 Antler?這家幫助懷有雄心大志之企業家的公司呢? So we're looking for three things in an entrepreneur at Antler. 我們在 Antler 旗下的企業家身上,尋求三個要素。 The number one thing is the spike, so something that you are really great at. 第一,特長,即精通某事的能力。 It could be a personality trait or it could be something that you're passionate about. 這可能是個性特質,或是你熱愛的事物。 We also look for that inner drive, the inner engine, so basically meaning to be a self-starter. 我們也尋求那內驅力,也就是積極主動的人。 The third thing is, we look for tenacity. 第三,就是尋求不屈不撓的精神。 Tenacity's really this thing about never giving up, perseverance, you're in this to succeed. 不屈不撓就是永不放棄、堅持不懈。你全心投入只為成功。 And a lot of great start-ups they fail because people actually gave up, but not because they didn't have a great idea and a great team. 很多優秀的新創公司都是因為放棄才會失敗,而並非沒有好點子或是好團隊。 Definitely solve a real problem. 一定要解決真正的問題。 Make sure that it's something that customers need and are willing to pay for. 搞清楚顧客的需求,並確認他們願意為此掏腰包。 The most important is really the support system around you. 最重要的是你身邊得到的支持。 So please, please do talk to your loved ones, your friends, extensively. 所以拜託一定要盡量和你愛的人,以及家人談談。 Don't start something on your own. 不要自己埋頭苦幹。 Work with other co-founders so you can balance out skill sets, and the ups and downs of the early days, which are very frequent. 找個合作夥伴,如此一來能各司其職。一開始的起起伏伏很常發生。 It's also a lot of instability to be an entrepreneur, financially and personally, so be prepared and do everything you can to succeed. 成為企業家後,在經濟與個人生活上,一定有很多不穩定的因素,因此,做好準備吧!為了成功在所不惜。
B1 中級 中文 企業家 公司 新創 尋求 管理 放棄 何時從員工轉為創業者|CNBC Make It! (When to Go from Employee to Entrepreneur | CNBC Make It) 249 15 PENG 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字