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  • You know what? We're done with crying.

  • We spent the last few episodes on some heavy emotional (Bleep).

  • Tugging hearts, jerking tears, but now we think it's time to slap some knees.

  • These are our picks for the top ten funniest movie moments of all time.

  • (Music)

  • How do you break down humor?

  • It's something we all experience,

  • but most of us probably couldn't explain it if our life depended on it.

  • I mean give it a try.

  • What makes something funny?

  • E.B. White probably put it best when he said that analyzing humour is

  • like dissecting a frog.

  • Few people are interested and the frog dies.

  • But we're in the business of frog murder here at Cinefix,

  • so get your lab gloves on.

  • Because we're going in.

  • The first of three prominent theories of humor is called relief theory, and

  • it comes to us mostly by way of our favorite phallic symbol smoking German

  • psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud.

  • In it he slots humor into his existing theories of repression and

  • psychic energy as a release valve.

  • According to Freud and his ilk we've got all this pent up energy from clenching out

  • buttholes, repressing our sexual and aggressive urges, and humor lets us

  • blow off some much needed steam about it without letting go of those defenses.

  • A joke then is something that looks like it's going to take even more

  • energy to repress our urges, maintaining our emotional or cognitive stasis.

  • But it veers away at the last second and we laugh at the relief.

  • Think 'Blazing Saddles'' sheriffs Self hostage situation.

  • - The next man makes a move, the (Sound) gets it.

  • - Where a clever back dooring theoretically allows us to revel

  • in racial aggression in a scenario where the actual social stakes are rendered

  • artificially low.

  • Or Dr. Strangelove's famous outburst,

  • where the psychological tension involved with having to explain why the Doctor has

  • suddenly stood up out of his chair is instead quickly waved off as a miracle.

  • - What a relief, we don't have to

  • resolve that conflict it's Buster Keaton and Steamboat Bill Jr. miracousley

  • threading the needle through a window as the house falls sparing him from harm.

  • And our emotional shock that might have had to go with it.

  • And it's little Ms. Sunshine when Olive's family get's on the stage with her and

  • spares us the immense discomfort of her embarrassment.

  • But for our first pick,

  • we're going with the infamous diner scene reveal from 'When Harry Met Sally'.

  • - Most women, at one time or another, have faked it.

  • - Well, they haven't faked it with me.

  • - How do you know? - Because I know.

  • - It's just that all men are sure it never happened to them.

  • And most women, at one time or another have done it, so you do the math.

  • - You don't think that I could tell the difference?

  • - No.

  • - Get out of here.

  • - Are you okay?

  • - (Sound) God.

  • (Sound) God.

  • - Now the most famous part of this scene is obviously the end.

  • - I'll have what she's having.

  • - And that seems to function as a social awkwardness relief too.

  • But we want to talk about the moment when Harry first realizes what's going on,

  • because it's pretty perfectly Freudian.

  • We're already laughing and having a good time from Harry and

  • Sally's fake orgasm banter, where there's clearly some awkwardness and

  • repression that goes unreleased.

  • - How do you know that they're really - And released.

  • - What are you saying that they fake orgasm.

  • - When "Sally" starts acting strange.

  • And here he is first concerned about her health.

  • Is she okay, is she choking?

  • He doesn't quite know what's going on and we don't either.

  • But then it becomes clear, no, she's not choking.

  • She's faking an orgasm.

  • It's a near miss.

  • It looks like we're heading towards danger until we veer off towards sex land.

  • And this back doors Harry and us into a sexual experience.

  • In this context, the whole scene is really a release valve for their sexual tension.

  • They get to use humor to express the feelings they're repressing without

  • committing to them.

  • It's funny because it allows us to get our metaphorical rocks off without the actual

  • stakes, which sounds a whole a whole lot like flirting to me.

  • Of course, the relief theory isn't exactly perfect.

  • It's pretty obvious that everything relieving doesn't end in laughter, and

  • it doesn't seem like it's capable of explaining all jokes either.

  • Enter 'Superiority Theory', the idea behind the 'Superiority Theory' of humor

  • originating all the way back with "Plato" and "Aristotle" is that we laugh because

  • we get an opportunity to experience our own superiority over another.

  • This is the classic pratfall, why tripping can be funny.

  • Our superiority can be physical, intellectual, certainly social or

  • even emotional.

  • We see someone else behaving like a fool, and

  • our laughter is joy at our own not foolness.

  • Think the can scene from The Jerk.

  • - Stay away from the cans!

  • - The cinema line from Annie Hall.

  • - What I wouldn't give for a large sock with horse manure in it.

  • - Most of the discreet charm of The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.

  • - (Foreign) - It's schadenfreude on screen like

  • Jackass' golf course 'Pineapple Express'" chase and 'Something About Mary's' zipper.

  • A superiority theorist would say 'When Harry Met Sally' is actually funny because

  • we know what's happening before Harry does and we're identifying with Sally by

  • the time she proves she's more orgasmically knowledgable than he is.

  • But for our number nine pick, we think that The Princess Bride's

  • battle of the wits is an example as perfect and hilarious as they come.

  • - You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong.

  • So, you could've put the poison in your own goblet,

  • trusting on your strength to save you.

  • So, I could clearly not choose the wine in front of you.

  • But you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied.

  • And in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so

  • you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible.

  • So I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

  • - Your trying to trick me into giving away something.

  • It won't work.

  • - It has worked, you've given everything away.

  • I know where the poison is.

  • - Then make your choice.

  • - I will, and I choose, what in the world could that be?

  • - What? Where?

  • I don't see anything - I could have sworn I saw something.

  • No matter.

  • - What's so funny?

  • - I'll tell you in a minute.

  • First, let's drink.

  • Me from my glass and you from yours.

  • (Music)

  • - You guessed wrong.

  • - You only think I guessed wrong.

  • That's what's so funny.

  • I switched glasses when your back was turned.

  • (Laugh) - So

  • the big punchline is pretty obvious here.

  • Vizzini is convinced he's outsmarted Westley, our hero,

  • until he falls over dead.

  • Pretty obviously wrong.

  • And who doesn't want to feel superior to the blithering, bragging,

  • boasting, self-proclaimed genius?

  • We just want Westley to shove his own words back down his smug throat.

  • So when he does boy, is that a big kick of superiority humor.

  • And sure, it's also a relief.

  • But it gets even better for superiority.

  • What is he doing right before he croaks?

  • Laughing, and why is he laughing?

  • Because he think he's bested "Wesley".

  • That's right, we got some meta superiority humor up in this (Bleep), classic.

  • (Music)

  • Superiority isn't quite a catch all, either.

  • Who were we feeling superior to with this joke?

  • - The Supremes were to hit the top of the charts with this really

  • big one in the 60's.

  • - we're not sure.

  • And why are we laughing at this poor, sad sap?

  • Not sure either.

  • So next up we got incongruity theory, the reigning humor theory king,

  • championed by those famous comedians Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hagel.

  • It suggests that humor comes from the realization of incongruity,

  • a mismatch between our expectations and reality.

  • In comic terms,

  • the setup creates in us an expectation while the punchline subverts it.

  • And the humor lies in the moment of realization.

  • The instant of collapse between the imagined and the actual.

  • This is Young Frankenstein's, "Putting on the Ritz."

  • - If you're blue and

  • you don't know where to go to, why don't you go to where fashion sits?

  • - Putting on the Ritz.

  • - Or in "Glorious Bastards," Italian where the infiltrating bastards are far worse

  • than the german they are trying to fool.

  • (Foreign).

  • - It's puppet sex, or an accidental "Hitler" speech.

  • Or an awkward skinny, dorky boy named "Mclovin".

  • Incongruity theory would tell you that 'The Princess Bride' moment is funny

  • more because of "Vissini's" proclamations of his own intelligence are so wildly out

  • of whack with reality, than because we like how smart he makes us feel.

  • It's almost every single joke that you'd look at and call ridiculous or absurd.

  • However, for our number eight pick,

  • there's no incongruity more delightful than the 'Black Knight's' refusal to

  • acknowledge his obvious defeat from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'.

  • - (Sound) - "Victory is mine"!

  • "We thank thee Lord that in thy-" - (Sound)

  • - "Come on, then".

  • - "What"?

  • - "Have at you".

  • - "You are indeed brave, sir knight, but the fight is mine".

  • - " had enough, ey"?

  • - "Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left".

  • - "Yes, I have, look, just a flesh wound".

  • - (Sound) As the duel proceeds,

  • we are continuously confronted with the 'Black Knight's' denial.

  • Each time he gets a limb chopped off, he downplays its importance.

  • But each time he has one less limb, so the incongruence is much worse and

  • the laughs much better.

  • So it heightens and it heightens the absurdity of the bit,

  • turning what was a possible comeback into a hilarious farce.

  • And yet he persists, and

  • we love it all the more because it's such a human kind of denial with machismo and

  • pride so tragically misplaced as to be hysterical rather than grating.

  • It's a brilliant, shameless inconsistency between his reality and his proclamations.

  • And for that very reason, it's impossible not to love him.

  • (Sound) But we're a bit in the weeds here with the theory.

  • We've got seven more slots and we want to spend them looking more at

  • the technique of humor than the philosophy of it.

  • And the good news is that cinema has a ton of different ways to tell a joke.

  • And probably the best one to start off with is dialogue.

  • In a nutshell, it's word play where the text, itself, contains the humor.

  • The relief, the superiority, the incongruity,

  • they're imbedded in the language.

  • Think 'Life of Brian's- Biggus Dickus'.

  • - Wait till "Biggus Dickus" hears of this.

  • - Or 'Ghostbusters' dickless.

  • - Yes, it's true.

  • This man has no dick.

  • - 'Airplane's' jive.

  • - "What it is big momma, my momma didn't raise no dummies.

  • I dug her rap".

  • - 'Blazing Saddle's' harumph, 'Naked Gun's' fireworks, and

  • how could we not mention the all time class, 'Who's on First'.

  • But, if it's clever verbal banter you want our preference goes to the now and

  • then insanity of 'Spaceballs' video review.

  • - What the hell am I looking at?

  • When does this happen in the movie?

  • - Now, you're looking at now,

  • sir everything that happens now is happening now.

  • - What happened to then?

  • - We passed it.

  • - When? - Just now.

  • We're at now, now.

  • - Go back to then.

  • - When? - Now.

  • - Now? - Now.

  • - I can't. - Why?

  • - We missed it. - When?

  • - Just now.

  • - And the same way that a pun is funny because it's a word used for

  • an incongruous meaning, with the language choice conflicts with normal expectations,

  • here, they're doing something similar with the words now and then.

  • They use each word to mean multiple different things.

  • Sometimes now means at this moment on the tape, and

  • at other times it means at this moment in reality.

  • And then, they never use them in the same way at the same time,

  • such that their use is always incongruous.

  • And then, they repeat it over and over and over rapid fire like 80 times in a row,

  • constantly shifting the meanings back and forth, never on the same page,

  • until everyone's in stitches and no one knows what time it is.

  • (Sound) Of course, sometimes it's not about the words they're saying so

  • much as the underlying silliness behind it.

  • Switch up the language and the punch lines still land.

  • That's because our number six is not wordplay, it's situation comedy.

  • The silliness lies in the core conflict.

  • Some improv comics call this the game of the scene.

  • The fundamental funny thing about what's driving the action.

  • The incongruity isn't in words and meaning.

  • It's in wants and worldviews.

  • This is life 'Life of Brian's' gang of men playing women pretending to be men so

  • they can stone to death anyone who so much as dares to say "Jehovah".

  • - 'Sorry (Inaudible) - 'We started.'

  • - It's 'Django Unchained's KKK' mask

  • bickering.

  • - 'No, nobody brought an extra bag.

  • - Or 'Super Trooper's' cat game.

  • - All right, meow.

  • - Or 'Naked Gun's' baseball pat down.

  • - Strike two!

  • - It's any scene where the description of the scene itself is hysterical.

  • For our number six pick,

  • we're going with 'His Girl Friday's' introduction of "Bruce Baldwin".

  • - Well, I can see right away my wife picked out the right husband for herself.

  • How do you do sir?

  • - Must be some mistake, I'm already married.

  • - Already married?

  • (Sound) Yeah, you should have told me.

  • Congratulations again "Mr Baldwin".

  • - No my name is- - Excuse me, will you.

  • I'm terribly busy, just leave your card a with the boy.

  • What did you say "Mr Baldwin"?

  • - My name is- - Some other time,

  • I'm busy with "Mr Boost Baldwin" here.

  • I didn't hear what you said.

  • - I was going to say that my name is- - Now, look what is it with you?

  • Do you mind?

  • Can't you see that- - You're Bruce Baldwin.

  • - Yes.

  • - Who is he?

  • Who are you?

  • - My name's "P Davis".

  • - Well, "Mr Davis", is this any concern of yours?

  • - No. - Well, from now on I'd like you to keep

  • your nose out of my affairs.

  • - The underlying game here is that "Carrie Grant's",

  • "Walter" has mistaken his ex-wife's new fiance for a very old man and he's so

  • fixated on impressing this wrong "Bruce" that he keeps brushing off the right one.

  • And while the dialogue is great, it's not what's on display here,

  • instead it's the three way case of mistaken identity playing out first and

  • dirty right in front of our eyes.

  • Is there incongruently?

  • Check.

  • Superiority?

  • You bet you.

  • Even relief theory would point to the final biggest punchline as a relief in

  • avoidance of the emotional toll of apologizing to the old man.

  • But, the three leading theories of humor had damn well better be able to

  • look at one of the funniest scenes ever shot on film and

  • declare it what audiences around the world already have.

  • God damn right!

  • (Sound) Some comedy scenes are just a okay in the dialogue and structural sense.

  • But then along comes a brilliant comic actor,

  • who delivers a performance that seemingly turns a basic into a home run.

  • It's not what they said or what they're doing, it's how they said or did it that

  • offer to some of that comic relieving, superior, or incongruence madness.

  • Think of "Will Ferrel" in 'Anchorman'.

  • - I'm in a glass case of emotion!

  • - And his telephone booth scene is a funny idea, and it's got some clever lines, but

  • could you imagine anyone getting as big of a laugh out of his delivery as him?

  • What about "Jim Carey" in the 'rhino', in "Ace Ventura"?

  • - (Sound) - "Bill Murray" telling his "Dalai Lama"

  • tale in 'Caddyshack'?

  • - (Foreign) - "Christopher Guess" naming nuts in 'Best

  • of Show.' - Peanut, hazelnut, cashew nut.

  • - It's moments of "Jeff Bridges", "Lebowski", "Steve Carell's" '40-Year-Old

  • Virgin', "Joe Brown" and "Jack Lemmon" at the end of 'Some Like it Hot'.

  • They're all funny scenes elevated by absolutely magical performances.

  • But, the best of all has to go to 'Peter Sellers',

  • "President Merkin Muffley" on the phone with "Soviet Premier Dimitri Kissoff" and

  • "Dr Strangelove" or 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb'.

  • - Well now what happened is, one of our base commanders,

  • he had a sort of, Well he went a little funny in the head.

  • Just a little funny.

  • And he went and did a silly thing.

  • Well, I'll tell you what he did.

  • He ordered his planes, To attack your country.

  • Well, let me finish "Dimitri".

  • Let me finish "Dimitri".

  • Well, listen how do think I feel about it?

  • - We consider picking this scene in the last category,

  • because it's such a brilliant idea on its own.

  • But, there's something extra magical about "Seller's" performance that takes it

  • to the next level.

  • The incongruity is clear, what if two heads of state,

  • actually chatted on the phone like a married couple?

  • Plan it in a giant officious underground war room and the contrast is even clearer.

  • But the shy, hesitant, tentative sensitivity of "Muffley" just flies so

  • far in the face of everything we think of as presidential that we

  • can't help ourselves from laughing.

  • "Sellers" plays him like a waspy soccer dad who'd be uncomfortable running a 'PTO

  • meeting', much less a country with an uncomfortable whine and

  • just a hint of stutter.

  • And it absolutely makes the scene.

  • (Music)

  • (Sound) While dialog, structure, and performance are all tools that give us

  • humor driven primarily by the characters, that's not the only way to make a joke.

  • Because, while most movies don't have actual voiceover narration,

  • they're narrated nonetheless.

  • The camera, the editing, the sound, the music.

  • These are all the voice of the cinematic narrator.

  • They're just visual and sonic rather than verbal, and

  • the narrator can make jokes too.

  • One of our favorite ways a narrator can make a joke,

  • is through cleaver use of the camera.

  • Punchline isn't just what's happening, but how it's being shown to us.

  • The trick.

  • Is in the telling.

  • Think psych acts, like 'Top Secret's' boots, 'High Anxiety's' crashing dolly,

  • and 'Austin Powers'' nudit.

  • There's 'A Knight's Tales'' feet, 'Dodgeball's' sign, and

  • 'Men in Black's' chaotic background.

  • Samberg falling through a serene frame in 'Hot Rod' gets us every time,

  • as does '21 Jump Street's' tripping balls.

  • And pretty much everything made by "Edgar Wright" but for our favorite psych act we

  • think that 'This Is Spinal Tap', "Stonehenge" is just to (Bleep) much.

  • - When we get the actual set,

  • when we get the piece it'll follow exactly these specifications.

  • I mean even these contours and everything.

  • - I don't understanding.

  • - That I mean. - Wasn't it the actual piece.

  • - Well when we, I mean when, when you build the actual piece.

  • - This is what you asked for, isn't it?

  • (Music)

  • At daybreak, I come too soon.

  • - What a perfectly silly camera angle.

  • Sure, the punchline is embedded in the scenario.

  • But it's the camera that delivers it, mischievously framing the miniature as it

  • lowers hesitantly over Christopher Guest's unsuspecting shoulder.

  • We're superior because it makes a fool out of Guest.

  • It's incongruous with his expectations.

  • And are we getting any relief?

  • I suppose it's relieving the emotional investment that would come

  • with a big epic set piece.

  • But however you wanna interpret it,

  • it's excellent visual comedy which is enough to make this slot on our list.

  • But it doesn't just have to be the camera that makes the visual jokes,

  • editing can do it to.

  • Could you imagine a better engine for incongruity than the uniquely cinematic

  • instant juxtaposing machine that is the edit.

  • Is there anything more perfect for smashing together the unexpected for

  • a sudden laugh?

  • It's the classic smash cut.

  • Someone says I'm not ever doing that, and then boom, they're already there.

  • - Man, what am I supposed to tell the press?

  • - Training exercises, isn't that the usual BS?

  • It's not that simple.

  • (Music)

  • (Sound) - An unfortunate training exercise.

  • - But it can also be as simple as a reaction shot, as in 'The Producers's'

  • 'Springtime for Hitler', or '22 Jump Street's', 'Ice Cube's' daughter reveal.

  • 'Zoolander' builds jokes out of a walk-off montage.

  • 'Austin Powers' combines editing with dialog for double entendre.

  • And 'Monty Python and

  • the Holy Grail' mucks about hilariously with a castle charge.

  • However, for our number three pick, I don't think we've ever laughed harder at

  • a cut than in 'Bruce Almighty's' broadcast sabotage.

  • - "A potential scandal with

  • the Buffalo PD surfaced

  • today when the mayor (Sound).

  • (Cough) (Sound) (Cough) (Sound) "

  • (Cough) (Noise) (Noise) - Okay, at first glance you

  • might want to throw this in with performance or scenario for its humor.

  • We definitely did too.

  • But our test involved paying attention to ourselves as we watched,

  • noticing when we laughed hardest, and then asking why.

  • And for us, we laugh hardest here, the astonishingly perfect lip-syncing

  • of Jim Carrey's mouth with Steve Carell's gibberish just kills us.

  • And here we are again, looking at an obvious basic incongruity.

  • Jim Carrey's mouth is moving but Steve Carell is talking.

  • And far more than the superiority of the "Bruce" "Evan" relationship of this scene,

  • we react to the incongruity of cause and effect of movement and sound.

  • And that punchline?

  • That's right there in how it's cut, between picture and picture and

  • between picture and sound.

  • (Sound) If you're not suspecting it from our last pick already,

  • in addition to visuals, audio can contain our punch lines, too.

  • And nowhere is this more obvious than in the score.

  • Whether it's 'Sean of the Dead's' 'Don't Stop Me Now,' 'Dr.

  • Strangelove's' 'We'll Meet Again,' every music cue in 'Team America World Police,'

  • 'Uncle Fucker' in the South Park movie, or the 'Big Lebowski's' 'Intro to Jesus'.

  • However, for our number 3 pick,

  • we've gotta go with the Office Printer Massacre from 'Office Space.'

  • (Music)

  • If you haven't already gotten tired of us sucking all the fun out of funny scenes by

  • analyzing them to death like our frog,

  • you can probably pretty easily identify the pattern of silliness here.

  • It's hilarious, because of the mismatch between the music and

  • the scene itself, incongruity style.

  • And this is a pretty common music trope.

  • This playing against the scene, but

  • it's interesting to note that it's not always funny when it happens.

  • Compare Office Space to this.

  • - (Sound)

  • (Music)

  • Not the same vibe.

  • So, what gives?

  • Not to keep harping on these different models, but

  • it seems like the relief theory has a pretty clear answer.

  • 'Office Space's' scene is funny because the action provides us a silly

  • relief from the aggression of the music.

  • Whereas, there's no such relief in the torture of 'The Girl With

  • the Dragon Tattoo',

  • which maybe reveals something deeper about these three competing theories.

  • Maybe they're not really competing at all.

  • Both these scenes pass an incongruity test, but only 'Office Space' passes

  • a relief one, while 'Dragon Tattoo' fails with flying colors.

  • So maybe the truth of humor is that while you may only need to secure an A+ in

  • either the relief, the superiority, or the incongruity,

  • you can't just flunk a whole category and still expect to graduate to laughter.

  • (Music)

  • And finally, arriving at number 1, we've reserved this slot for

  • perhaps the gee source of cinematic comedy.

  • Originated largely in 16th century Italian theater,

  • we're talking about physical comedy.

  • Think Slapstick.

  • Think 'Charlie Chaplin' and 'Buster Keaton' and 'Jackie Chan'.

  • It's the Pink Panther and Wallace & Gromit.

  • It's Lebowski's door, ' Brother's' fall and 'Young Frankenstein's' priest.

  • Our second favorite runner up here is Kung Fu Hustle's knife scene.

  • (Music)

  • - (Foreign) - But, for our number one pick,

  • we've got to give it to the 'Marx Brothers' mirror routine from 'Duck Soup'.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know we're big film hipsters for

  • picking a comedy scene that's older than your grandma for our top slot.

  • But did you watch it?

  • It's (Bleep) Hysterical.

  • Look at them work their craft, it's absolutely incredible the amount of work,

  • precision, and choreography that went into this sequence.

  • And it's so long.

  • It has its own narrative arc.

  • It's not just one joke, but one after another, after another, nonstop.

  • It's got relief, superiority, and, in our favorite part,

  • a serious dose of incongruity, all without a single word or phrase.

  • And, most of all, above the technical, philosophical jibber-jabber

  • of dissecting our frogs, it absolutely slays us more than 80 years later.

  • Which is why it's our pick for the funniest movie moment of all time.

  • (Music)

  • So what do you think?

  • What's your favorite comedy moment?

  • Do you disagree with any of our picks?

  • Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to subscribe for

  • more Cinefix MovieLists.

  • (Music)

You know what? We're done with crying.


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B1 中級 美國腔

十大最有趣的電影時刻 (Top 10 Funniest Movie Moments)

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    Pedroli Li 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日