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  • This video is brought to you by SquareSpace.

  • Hello everyone!

  • Today I will be talking about 5 ways to create the perfect morning routine for yourself.

  • These tips can be implemented regardless of your schedule or the time you have available

  • to get ready in the morning.

  • Instead of suggesting new things to incorporate in your morning, like journaling or working

  • out, I will try instead to make you transform what you already do to feel more motivated,

  • more productive and way less stressed.

  • This can also apply to both a morning person or a night owl, so all the tips are very flexible

  • and depend on your own approach.

  • 1.

  • My very first tip is to be very smart when managing the time you have available to actually

  • create your morning routine.

  • When I was in Law School I always had less than an hour to wake up, get out of the house

  • and take an hour drive to college.

  • I couldn't afford extending my morning routine one more hour to including meditation, journaling

  • or working out, like I see in most YouTube videos, because that would mean I would have

  • to sleep only four or five hours every day.

  • Because of that, I always had to be very precise when scheduling my morning routine and make

  • it as effortless and relaxing as I could, while also being able to do everything I could

  • manage so I could start the day off on the right foot.

  • Because of that, my main message here is avoid fitting in all kinds of activities in a tight

  • morning routine if you know you can't afford it.

  • Be critical of the advice you hear and understand what is actually beneficial for your body

  • and your mind and what is just creating a cluttered morning routine that will do you

  • more harm than good.

  • My advice is to experiment only with five or ten minutes blocks of time until you find

  • the perfect morning routine.

  • For instance, if you want to include a little bit of planning in your morning, wake up 5

  • minutes earlier to do that task and see how you feel during that day.

  • Don't subtract an entire hour from you sleeping schedule to cook an entire breakfast from

  • scratch if you can't afford it.

  • Be mindful when setting your own expectations and flexible when you hear someone else's

  • advice.

  • 2.

  • The first tip is to revaluate the sounds you hear during your morning routine.

  • First of all, consider changing your alarm clock sound into something more pleasant,

  • such as soft music or the sounds of nature.

  • Secondly, re-evaluate how you feel in the morning when you are exposed to sounds, voices

  • or music.

  • Personally, I dislike hearing people talk when I wake up so for the most part, I prefer

  • to spend my morning routine in silence.

  • I don't turn on the TV or watch YouTube videos and when I do so, I find myself feeling

  • less motivated to start the day because I feel like I am just glued to what I am hearing.

  • Other people, however, love to jumpstart their day with the right playlist or listening to

  • a motivational podcast.

  • The secret is understanding how your brain reacts to auditory triggers in the morning

  • and playing around with your options to make sure you make the most out of your morning.

  • 3.

  • Just like we did with audio, we need to reconsider the impact of visual triggers around the house

  • during the morning.

  • For me, the biggest visual trigger is clutter.

  • When I lack the time to clean my working space, my kitchen and my bedroom, I cannot, for the

  • life of me, enjoy my morning routine.

  • Everywhere I look, I am reminded that I have to clean up the mess before I leave the house

  • and that creates a ton of stress that I could easily avoid.

  • On the other hand, that time I will be spending cleaning and decluttering before I leave,

  • should have been spent in the precious time I have in the morning.

  • For me, the trick is to make sure that in the previous night, I spend at no more than

  • ten minutes going around the house, putting everything back into its place and preparing

  • my surroundings for a new day.

  • Another big visual trigger is your phone screen.

  • This was another thing I was able to abolish from the first hour of my day and my morning

  • routine drastically improved because of it.

  • I no longer scroll through social media when I wake up or watch tv during breakfast.

  • Having some time to myself right after waking up makes me brainstorm new ideas right away,

  • plan my day, and reorganize my thoughts while I eat breakfast.

  • Although some people benefit from that visual motivation in the early hours of the morning,

  • I know I am not one of them so as a rule, I only pick up my phone in the morning to

  • turn off the alarm and then pick it up again when I start working.

  • 4.

  • I am sure you have heard that breakfast is the king of meals and I have no choice but

  • repeating the same old advice.

  • However, I can also assure you that it's not easy to find the perfect breakfast and

  • when you do find it, your whole morning will be transformed.

  • A breakfast short of essential nutrients will make you feel without enough energy to face

  • the day but eating too much can make you feel puffy and overstuffed, and eating some types

  • of food can even give you a slight stomach ache.

  • The same thing applies to what you drink in the morning.

  • I am a huge fan of coffee and although I love to drink coffee in many different ways, I

  • always feel the best when I cold brew my coffee.

  • It makes me feel more energized, less bloated and since I can brew it overnight, I can pour

  • it in my cup right after I climb out of bed and get an extra couple of minutes during

  • the morning.

  • My tip is planning a couple of recipes the night before, waking up ten minutes before

  • your alarm clock rings and practice different things until you find the thing that works

  • the best for you.

  • 5.

  • My last tip is to never underestimate the importance of prepping your day the night

  • before.

  • You can double the time you have available each morning to prepare for school or work

  • if you make some smart decisions the previous night.

  • Picking your clothes and makeup and packing your bag, lunch and snacks are all things

  • you can do before you go to bed.

  • You can also do a little clean up around the house, set the table for breakfast and try

  • showering in the evening instead of doing it in the morning for an extra twenty minutes.

  • If you are definitely not a morning person and usually feel sluggish when you wake up,

  • you will thank yourself for doing all of that work the night before.

  • You can use this extra time to feed your brain with motivational content, get in a 10-minute

  • workout, cook a better breakfast or just spend some quality time with your own thoughts.

  • If you have the motivation, you can also give yourself a prepping bonus by writing your

  • to-do list the night before and having your day all planned out for you without having

  • to use your brain power to do that in the morning.

  • (And this is all for today's video!

  • Just for a quick recap: we have talked about being flexible when scheduling your morning

  • routine and how important it is to experiment with small blocks of time to create your perfect

  • morning routine.

  • We've also mentioned the importance of revaluating visual and auditory triggers during the morning,

  • as well as finding quick, nutritious breakfast recipes and, finally, prepping for the day

  • the night before to get a couple of extra minutes during the morning.

  • Before we end today's video, I want to talk a little bit more about Squarespace.

  • Squarespace gives people a powerful and beautiful online platform to create your own website.

  • You can create a beautiful website with award-winning templates to start your own business, blog

  • you name it!

  • The best thing about Squarespace is that it's used by a wide range of createives and people,

  • form musicians, designers, lifestyle bloggrs and more.

  • The platform is all-n one so there's no need to install any program, patch or upgrade,

  • so the process of designing your website is as simple as it can get.

  • You also get 24/7 customer support as well as a unique domain experience that's simple

  • to set up and completely transparent.

  • Go to slash mariana to get a free trial and 10 percent off your first

  • purchase.

  • For more advice like this, all you have to do is click the subscribe button and wait

  • for a new video to be uploaded every friday.

  • I hope you've enjoyed today's video and I will see you next week.

  • Bey!

This video is brought to you by SquareSpace.


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