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(upbeat music)
>> Live from Las Vegas.
It's the Cube.
Covering, Boomi World, 2018.
Brought to you by Dell Boomi.
>> Laverne, welcome to the live Cube coverage
here in Las Vegas, the Wynn Hotel
for Dell Boomi World 18.
So, exclusive coverage.
We're here all day.
Wall to wall coverage covering the impact of cloud native
to application developers and owners
and for businesses. I'm John Furrier with Lisa Martin here.
We're here with Michael Dell.
13th time on the Cube.
He's the founder and CEO of Dell Technologies.
Continuing to defy logic.
Growing leaps and bounds.
Continuing to do more in the new era of IT
and computing.
Mike, great to see you.
Thanks for coming.
>> Great to be with you.
Lisa, John, always fun.
And here at Boomi World it's really exciting
to see the ecosystem continue to grow.
As people try to connect everything together
Boomi is right there.
Incredible business last quarter.
Booking growth, 80%, 7500 customers.
I still can't find a customer that doesn't need Boomi.
The team continues to evolve what the capabilities.
We've just had a great show here.
1000 customers showed up.
Lot's of great customer stories
about how they're integrating
all their apps and data together.
With the tsunami of data that is coming,
it just gets more and more important
and interesting and fun.
>> You know, you mentioned on the key note stage
with CEO Boomi, talking about some performance numbers
that you always throw out, server growth.
Continuing to grow, okay.
The pundants were saying oh servers,
that's cloud server-less.
You still need compute, networking and storage
but they do change with the cloud
and sass has proven that business model
of as a service is key.
Boomi's got this little secret weapon
around the unified platform that integrates
a lot of these traditional components
that is still going to be foundational
but yet set up the next wave around AI, Edge,
data tsunami that you mentioned.
This is a key variable in the architectural shift.
Can you talk about how you see that playing out?
Because you got a couple big pieces on the chess board.
VM Ware, the continuous Dell Technologies portfolio
kind of as the table stakes.
This is kind of interesting new architecture.
Explain how you see that.
>> Pivotal Dell NC, VM Ware.
>> So a lot of pieces.
>> Right.
>> How does Boomi play into that?
Because if it does be a glue layer if you will
for lack of a better word, it can be very powerful.
>> Yeah, so the challenge is when you go to softwares
and service, how do you connect the things together?
Now, connecting 1 or 2 together is pretty straight forward.
But when you start having 50 or 100 of these things,
and then you've got on premise systems
and now you want to have actions like an employee
does something and based on their roll then something
else happens, you have work flow.
And then you get this, you go from a couple billion PCs
to 5 billion smart phones to 100s of billions of
connected things out there with this explosion in the edge.
How you integrate and connect everything together with
work flow and do it securely is super, super important.
So we're seeing just an explosion of used cases.
There was some great examples from a city digitizing
and being able to detect leaks and when traffic lights
aren't working.
The used cases are pretty unlimited and Boomi and Pivitol
play sort of at the top layer for us so the applications
and integrating all the data and allowing customers to
express their competitive advantage with software and
data and AI and machine learning.
And then of course we've got VM Ware to virtualize
everything from the data center to the network and beyond.
With NSX, what we're doing with NFE
and software to fine win.
And then of course we're the initial infrastructure company.
Absolute number 1 in all aspects of the data center.
And growing much faster than any of the competitors.
>> And I want to also get your thoughts on
VM Ware announced up to this morning,
actually Barcelona time for VM Ware Europe,
the acquisition of Heptio.
>> Absolutely.
>> Okay, Pat Kelson said in VM World,
we're going in, we're going to make Kubernetes the dial tone.
This is a key architectural component around orchestration.
Containers certainly everyone knows,
that's been standardized.
People love containers.
They're using them.
As applications need to be more efficiently built out,
out of the Boomi's value proposition,
Kubernetes and these cloud native things
are super important.
What's your view on that?
Great acquisitions, very young company?
Not 34 billion dollars for a Red Hat
like IBM bought but a small tuck in.
How important is that trend for you?
>> Well, think about what we've done with Pivitol
and VM Ware together with the Pivitol container service
and now adding Heptio with 2 of the 3 founders
of the whole Kubernetes movement.
We're going to be making Kubernetes just part of
the dial tone of vSpheres.
So for virtually all the customers out there,
600000 of them that use vSphere,
it'll just be super easy to now have Kubernetes
containers built into their vSphere environment.
That's the vision.
We've got a great team working on it
across VM Ware and Pivitol and now the Heptio team.
Adding to it.
We're super pumped about all this.
>> If your friend asked you at a party this weekend,
hey Michael, why is Kubernetes important?
What do you say to that?
>> I guess it would depend on how much they know about this.
>> They're a business owner responsible for application
>> Yeah.
>> They are owning to transform their organization.
They realize clouds going to be a part of it.
They here Kubernetes really popular, it's trending.
But it's a technology.
A lot of people are now getting this for the first time
and seeing it as the early dopples have shown it.
They try to want to know the impact and why it's important.
Why is Kubernetes important as you start to get into this
orchestration of apps and work loads across clouds.
Why is it important?
>> I think people don't want to get locked in
to a particular place when it comes to their infrastructure.
Kubernetes has clearly won the battle in terms of being able
to be that abstraction layer.
That's the simple thing that is super exciting.
When it sort of went from cloud to hybrid cloud
to multi cloud, people realized they wanted a 2 way street
where they could move things back and forth.
And now with the edge, they want to move it to the edge.
With the distributed core.
This explosion in data, this dat tsunami
really requires a whole new set of tools
in terms of the software infrastructure
to be able to make it all work.
>> So transformation is ...
You're talking about Dell Technologies now.
34 years later you have 7 corporations under that.
Done a lot to keep those brands, as they're very valuable.
Dell Boomi as a business unit.
Transformation is essential
and Dell Boomi wants to be the transformation partner.
It's also incredibly difficult.
IT transformation.
Digital, security, workforce.
Dell Boomi works and Dell Technologies with a lot of large
enterprise organizations that are still probably fairly
not as well connected as they should be to find new value,
new business dreams.
How do you talk with customers, large enterprises that need
to transform to stay competitive?
Where do they start?
And how dose the Dell transformation story in and of itself
help those customers feel confident in what
Dell Technologies can deliver?
>> Right, well first thing I'd say is we actually work with
customers of all sizes.
We have an enormous business with small
and medium and large customers.
We're number 1 across the whole spectrum.
We serve 99% of the Fortune 500.
Since your question is about those types.
They're looking at the digital transformation and figuring
out this is really not an IT project.
It's about technology becoming pervasive in everything
that they're doing.
From sells to marketing, to product creation to their
whole fundamental strategy.
So then it shows up in the office of the CEO and business
line executives and they're having to reimagine.
And so they look for a partner and Dell Technologies is
very unique.
2 years and 2 months ago we put together all these companies
and it's been fabulous.
We've been growing double digits consistently and the
response has been great because we can deliver a complete
set of capabilities.
Now you're right, change management, and how do I do it in
my company, that's a big deal.
So they're pulling on us to bring them more of a ...
The don't want us to show up with a bunch of parts and
drop em off.
They want us to actually build them a solution that is
specific to their needs.
Help them implement it.
In many cases, run it for them.
So we do much of that ourselves
with our own services organization.
60000 plus people in our services organization.
And of course we have the best, all the great SIs out there
that are helping customers implement and run and manage
like I said, 99% of the Fortune 500.
We're right there with them in this digital transformation.
Of course we do the IT, the workforce, the PCs
and of course security.
Unbelievably important.
Your whole brand trust is all based on that
so we wrap the whole thing with security
and no company has the breath that we have.
I think we've kind of won the hearts and minds of the
decision makers because of the capabilities that we have.
Not that we take it for granted.
We have to go earn that trust every single day.
We have unbelievably talented people in our company.
Over 20000 engineers.
Scientists, PHDs.
About 90% of them are software engineers.
This is a very different company
than it was 5 or 10 years ago.
We're having a blast.
It's a rocket ship, so.
>> I had a chance to interview an IT leader
and his name is Allen Bean.
He's the global CTO and head of IT innovation
at Proctor and Gamble.
He brought the cloud to Coca-Cola.
Has had a career all in IT
going back to DHL in the 90s and 80s.
So we were talking and I asked him, does IT matter.
And Dave Alampi always brings up the book by Nick Carr.
And we always talk about it.
>> Love it.
Such a fun topper, yeah.
>> And so he says, quote, at that time some people thought it
didn't matter, everyone was kind of complaining,
but he says it does matter.
It's a competitive advantage.
And over the decades IT was outsourced.
And now people are trying to bring that back in
and make it a competitive advantage.
This is now ...
It's a mandate basically.
So as people who have been kind of anemic with IT,
they've got people running stuff but eventually
outsource all the value.
They got to bring that value in.
Cloud is that opportunity.
How do you respond to the leaders out there trying
to figure this out.
What are the keys to success around bringing back the
competitive advantage and using the cloud for
things that aren't core to the core competency
but getting that core competency nailed down.
What's your vision.
>> Yeah, well, look, I mean, it's all about understanding
what is your competitive differentiation
and advantage as a business.
And if you give that away to somebody else,
you're going to be out of business in not too much time.
Packers applications are great
for things that aren't differentiated.
But if you actually do something that's unique
and valuable and special and you can't express that
in software with your own data,
you're going to have a problem, right?
This is what companies are figuring out.
This is what we're doing with Pivitol and Boomi
allowing companies to build all this together.
And look I think as it relates to cloud,
customers have figured out it's multi cloud, right?
It's a workload dependent discussion.
Some workloads are great in the public cloud
but in many cases, not so much, right?
As we've modernized and automated the infrastructure
we have customers that tell us hey our private cloud for
our predictable workload, which is 90%,
is 5, 6 times less expensive than AWS.
We're building these converge, hyper converge,
like the fast track to the automated
modernized infrastructure.
And look, you can decide.
But we're seeing customers that want to move things back
and forth and we're seeing a bit of a boomerang.
Where customers have said oh everything you upload to the
cloud, and no, not everything.
>> And the digital transformation really is making
IT a competitive advantage.
So I had a long ranging interview.
It's up on YouTube.
I asked him a final question.
I always said, okay, so you know,
he's transforming Proctor and Gamble.
I said okay, as you look ads and all those things
what's the next mountain that you're going to climb?
You're an IT pro, you said in the agenda.
And I'll read you the quote. I want to get your reaction.
He said, "I think we're looking forward.
Latency is still an issue.
We have to find ways to defeat latency and we're
not going to do it through basic physics, we're going to have to
change out business models, change our technology,
distribution, change everything that we're doing.
Consumers and customers are demanding instant access
to enhanced information through AI and machine learning
right at the point when they want it."
So this is his next mountain.
This is kind of what you were talking about on the
stage here at the Dell Boomi event
around the impact of AI and data.
What's your reaction to that quote?
>> Well to me this is all about the edge and 5G coming
around the corner.
And you look at all the big telcos.
They're all piling in on 5G because it's 1000 times
faster and 1000 times less latency.
That's going to be a big turbo charge.
The rocket ship.
And it will just create an explosion in data and compute
on the edge.
And a lot of it's going to stay on the edge.
Because you'll have these edge devices
talking to each other.
A whole new class of applications and capabilities
because of that.
That's super exciting.
We're already seeing it with this build out of
distributed core.
And that's why we see so much growth
in the data center business.
>> So Michael, Dell Boomi, if you look at Boomi for a second,
was named by the Gartner Magic Quadrant of 2018
as a leader in Ipads.
Today they talked about ...
>> Again, I think 6th or 7th year in a row.
It's been there for quite some time.
>> An established leader in an established market.
But today they were talking about, hey we want to change
the, we want to redefine the I in Ipads to intelligence.
How is Dell Technologies and Boomi particularly
starting to leverage terra bites and terra bites
of customer meta data to make your systems smarter?
To enable businesses to truly connect.
Prim, edge devices as things continue to get more
distributed and data becomes more critical?
>> Yeah, so, the key to AI and all of its variance of
machine learning, deep learning neural network is the data.
The data is the fuel for the rocket ship of AI.
And the challenge is, if you have your data spread out in
100 softwares of service providers and 3 public clouds
and here and there and where's all your data?
We don't really know.
How do you fuel the rocket?
It becomes a very difficult problem.
This is the problem that we're beginning to address
for our customers.
We're going to have an event all about AI coming up
I think next week.
Where we're going to be talking much more about this.
We got a number of offerings that we're rolling out.
We've been helping customers for years build their
data lakes and curate the data.
And of course Pivitol and Boomi are essential to
how you bring all of this together
and make sense of it.
Because if you just have all the data but you can't
actually use it.
If you're not already using AI and it's variance to
improve your products and services, you're doing it wrong.
We've identified over 450 projects just within
Dell Technologies internally.
As I mentioned on stage, we've sold about 700 million
computers since I started in my dorm room.
We have enormous telemetry data.
Imagine, if you will, that something doesn't work
exactly the way it's supposed to.
What's the chance that has never happened before?
>> Zero.
>> The answers almost zero, right?
Our job is to take all this data that we have,
use all this intelligence and actually
prevent it from happening.
So we're building all kinds of intelligence and AI
and preventative technology into all of our solutions
from the data center to the desk top to the edge,
to the multi cloud so that all these systems are just
self healing and auto magically way more reliable.
>> Auto magically, I like that.
It just sounds like what you're saying is
Dell Technologies articulating it's value
and it's differentiation because you're using that data.
>> You have to.
>> To identify insight, to take action immediately.
>> And to your point about the big companies,
they have an advantage but it's a bit of a time value
expiring advantage.
They have the data that the new entrance don't have.
>> Right.
>> But they have to activate it quickly with this
new computer science or else they'll be dinosaurs, right?
Nobody wants to be a dinosaur.
>> Michael, what's the business drivers, and you talk to
customers all the time, that they're seeing and that
matter most to them.
Is it agility, is it transform the customer employee
experience, compliant security?
How would you view the pattern around the most
important business driver for your customers
that are trying to put the business transformation
together with digital.
Could you comment just anecdotally what you see?
>> I think every customer is a little bit different in
their journey.
Some customers, security is number 1.
Because of the kind of business that they're in
and it just has to be that way.
For other customers it's how do I increase my speed
to the solution.
It used to be we need a new feature.
We'll get it in a year or 2.
How about never.
Does never work for you?
That's kind of the old IT.
Now with agile development you've got,
what we're doing with Pivotol cloud foundry,
you've got companies implementing,
these are giant companies.
Biggest companies in the world.
They're implementing new things like in 2 or 3 weeks.
It's amazing how fast.
Speed and as a chief executive, that's what you crave.
How can I take this new requirement that I heard from
the customer and turn it into a feature that I can
go offer very, very quickly?
That's what you want to be able to do.
It's what we used to be able to do when we were
little tiny cubs.
How do you do it with 200000 people?
>> I want to get your thoughts on a trend that you
popularized early on in your career, the direct
business model, you also had the just in time
manufacturing kind of ethos of build it, build to order,
really streamline efficiency.
So I want to kind of take the leap to now a new
generation with cloud native where you have workflows and
You have integration.
So in a way the customers are now going direct
to their customers and wanting to compose and build
As you said on stage, these are going to be new problems
that not yet have been identified.
New solutions.
So that customers have to be what you did.
They got to build their own.
So they got to build their own, they got to have the
suppliers, they got to have the code.
How do you see customers being successful if they want
to take that efficiency approach?
Kind of be 5 nines if you will in this
new modern era.
Because this is the challenge that they have.
They have to build their own. They need suppliers.
They need you guys.
How do you see the customers being successful
in that scenario?
>> Yeah, I think what they're trying to do is shrink the time
from when at that point of customer interaction,
they can use the data to make the service and the
product better and if it's like this lengthy
value chain with all these different intermediaries
and it takes weeks or months or never, that's just
way too slow.
They want it to be like instantaneous.
How do they create that direct relationship
with their customers?
I only had 1000 dollars when I started
so we couldn't really afford much so each dollar
you invest very carefully.
We just kind of out of necessity came up with some
ideas that ...
>> You were efficient because you had to be.
>> We didn't have any choice, right?
>> So when we talk about integration,
we talk about it's the foundation of digital
transformation, we've talked about IT, security,
workforce. One of the things that you mentioned earlier that
I'd like to get your perspective on, a different
view of transformation is cultural.
An enterprise organization as you mentioned has
a huge advantage of a tremendous wealth of data.
With that amount of data and the need for speed
as you just talked about, where, in your opinion, and
your experience, is cultural transformation as an
enabler of an enterprise to really be able to react
that quickly to develop new products, new revenue strengths?
>> Yeah, I think it's a big challenge.
And a lot of customers struggle with change management.
You never want a good crisis go to waste.
We sort of grew up in the business where it was change
or die, quick or dead.
If you don't do it you're gone, right?
This was just the way our business, this was just
how we had to compete.
It's what we grew up in.
And I think what's happened is more and more businesses are
that way now.
It requires the business leaders to say hey friends,
we've got a real challenge here and we've got to move
It is change or die, it's quick or dead,
I think for all businesses because this is the fastest
time ever but it's the slowest time relative to
the future.
It's just going to get faster and faster.
If companies ...
The only way you get good at change
is to do it more frequently.
And so if you've never changed anything
for 80 years in your company and all the sudden
you start trying to change, it's really hard.
You just have to start.
>> How do you inspire say employees
at Dell Technologies who've been with you for
a very long time to be able to be open and
agile themselves to help facilitate this transformation?
>> I believe we built it into our culture that
they understand that change is good as opposed to
change is bad.
If you fear something well then it's bad, right?
We precondition people to say okay we're going to
change something.
Not to say every time we change something it
works perfectly.
We make mistakes, we learn, we trial and error.
That's all fine.
Fail fast.
But you need a culture where you can embrace change.
No question about it.
I think a lot of companies that didn't really
have that are figuring that out and either
by crisis or by leadership or by some combination
they're then forced into it.
For me, it's what we grew up in.
Because hey it's a tough world out there.
>> Mike, I want to ask you a final question.
Thanks for coming on and spending the time with us.
Great interview here.
Good length.
Recently in the news with a lot of commentary from us
as well as the industry around IBM buying Red Hat.
I made a comment around the innovation piece of this
and I want to get your thoughts on that because when you
bought EMC, it was a merger of equals.
You integrated that and the growth that you've been
successful since then, I want to get your perspective.
I want you to take a minute to explain to folks
watching, when you did the merger equal with EMC,
what happened?
You've been successful integrating the organization.
What innovative things have you done since the EMC
merger of equals?
Take a minute to explain, again, there's a lot of
moving pieces on the table.
You got VM Wares, you got Pivitol, you got Boomi.
A lot of moving parts in your plan.
You've been successful with the numbers.
Financial performance shows it.
Take a minute to explain what happened, where's
the innovation coming out of Dell Technologies?
>> So in hind sight, it looks pretty obvious, right?
You take the leader and servers and the leader in
storage and you say hey infrastructure hardware
goes together.
And by the way, if you have the leader of infrastructure
software, VM Wares, you put that all together.
Wow, that'd be really great.
And turns out it was.
It was actually much better than we thought.
And so customers have really bought into that
and then with Pivitol and Boomi and Rsave, Virtustream,
Secureworks etc., we have such a complete set of
capabilities that customers have said, hey, why do I want to
buy from 20 smaller less capable companies and integrate it
myself versus you guys will just do all this for me.
If they were buying from 2 or 3 or 4 parts of
Dell Technologies they'll say, well, why don't
we just take the others, right?
We been picking up huge amounts of share across
the whole business.
I'm talking about like 10s of billions of dollars
of growth here.
There's clearly a consolidation going on in the
kind of existing parts of the industry but
we've also got massive investments in the new cloud
native parts and software defined, and security.
It's been a real blessing to be able to pull all of
these teams together.
We had this relationship with EMC going back from 2001.
We were very early supporters of VM Ware.
We had a theory of victory and it's played out
very well.
The teams have really gelled enormously well and
the customers have continued to give us their trust.
>> I think, first of all servers, storage, networking is
never going away.
It's the holy trinity of anything in computing.
Just looks different and consumes differently.
But I think people underestimate the execution
innovation that you guys have done.
You didn't skip a beat.
VM Ware didn't skip a beat.
So things have happened, so that was a challenge of
the integration.
>> Not everybody predicted that it
was going to go that way.
It's actually gone much better than even we had planned.
The revenue synergies have been much larger.
>> Well congratulations and thanks
for taking the time on the Cube.
Michael Dell is here inside the Cube here
at Boomi World 18.
Dell Boomi World.
It's the part of Dell Technologies.
We think of them being the power engine for data processing,
data growth, powering AI,
integrating all the application workloads.
I'm John Furrier with Lisa Martin.
Stay tuned for more coverage after this short break.
(upbeat music)
>> Since the dawn of the cloud,
the Cube has been there.