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字幕列表 影片播放

  • - Is the button blue?

  • - [Dan] Yellow.

  • - [Chuck] Colored strip will light up

  • to the right of the module.

  • - Red.

  • - Release when the countdown timer has a one

  • in any position.

  • (timer beeping) (intense music)

  • - My name is Dan,

  • I'm a former US Army Airborne combat engineer.

  • Did five years of demo training

  • and blowing stuff up and jumpin' out of planes.

  • - I'm Chuck, Airborne infantryman, demolition trained.

  • Dan and I work together, doing technical advisory

  • and tactical work for film and television.

  • - He's my boss. (laughing)

  • Basic demolition training is

  • just lookin' to hookin' up charges,

  • hookin' up time fuse, calculating time fuse,

  • learn how the elements play into the effect

  • on explosives and all that stuff,

  • and it's basically just

  • how to not get yourself killed doin' it.

  • (Chuck laughs)

  • - Film and television, remember it's about storytelling,

  • and, especially, about excitement.

  • A lot of what anybody does in the military is,

  • it can be tedious, it can be boring,

  • and most things that you do aren't glamorous.

  • Nothing's ever the way it is in real life.

  • (timer beeping) (intense music)

  • - Is it pretty weird?

  • - It's odd 'cause I know you're right there.

  • - Eh, but I'm not. - But you're not right there.

  • Alright, ready? - Ready.

  • - [Dan] Oh, there's a bomb in front of me.

  • - Okay, grab a hold of bomb, flip it around,

  • and give me that serial number.

  • - [Dan] How do I pick it up?

  • Serial number, no serial number.

  • - Should be on one of the sides.

  • - Oh, on top, there we go.

  • Quebec, six, one, echo, charlie, four.

  • - Roger, alright, what's our first?

  • - First module is-- - The first subject.

  • - The hieroglyph one.

  • - Roger that, what are you lookin' at?

  • - A three-pronged trident, a C with a dot in the middle,

  • looks like a smiley face.

  • - Smiley face with a tongue out?

  • - Yup, the smiley face with a tongue out.

  • - Roger that. - I have to hit these

  • in a sequence of some sort,

  • I believe. - What's the fourth one?

  • - Fourth one is the upside down,

  • almost like the Tampa Bay logo,

  • T with a upside down P.

  • - Oh, okay, looks like a big B with

  • a little somethin' on top? - Yup.

  • - Press the four buttons in the order listed on here...

  • - Is this a regulation timer?

  • It's going pretty quick.

  • - What's the one in the top left?

  • - The top left is the trident.

  • - Okay, highlight that.

  • Okay, what's to its right?

  • - [Dan] The B with the T.

  • - Okay.

  • Wow, go to the smiley face. - Smiley face.

  • - [Chuck] Select it.

  • - [Dan] Good to go.

  • - Go to the Tampa Bay. - Tampa Bay, selected.

  • Alright, that module is done.

  • Yeah, wires, I got six wires.

  • - Okay, are any of 'em striped?

  • - Negative. (papers rustling)

  • Six wires, top and bottom are black,

  • and red and blue in the middle.

  • - How many reds, how many blues?

  • - Two blues, two reds. - Are there any yellows?

  • - No yellows. - 'Kay, if there are

  • no yellow wires, the last digit of the serial number.

  • - Four.

  • - Cut the fourth wire. - Cut the fourth wire?

  • - [Chuck] Yup.

  • - [Dan] Good to go.

  • - Okay, so just do the button.

  • Is the button blue? - Yellow.

  • - 'Kay, stand by, hold the button.

  • - Holding-- - And release when

  • the countdown timer has a five in any of its positions.

  • (buzzer buzzes) - What?

  • - The button's yellow, correct?

  • - Yup, and it's got a red flash next to it.

  • - Okay, hold the button. - Holding.

  • - [Chuck] Colored strip will light up

  • to the right of the module.

  • - Red. - Release when the countdown

  • timer has a one in any position.

  • (timer beeping) (intense music)

  • (ringing)

  • - Wow.

  • Well done, Dan. - De,

  • Defused!

  • (triumphant music)

  • - Pretty fun. - Nailed it.

  • - I'm surprised. - Hey.

  • - I'm surprised we made it. - We're still here, man.

  • - My first ever time using VR, so, I like it.

  • (timer beeping) (intense music)

  • Two batteries, bravo, six, four,

  • victor, tango, zero.

  • - Roger, first module.

  • - First module, six wires.

  • - Six wires, are there yellow wires?

  • - Two yellow wires.

  • - Okay (chuffs).

  • Are there red wires?

  • - One red wire.

  • - Cut the fourth wire. - Cut the fourth wire.

  • Good to go.

  • Big button.

  • - Okay. - Blue button

  • and it says, abort.

  • - Okay, if the button is blue and the button says, abort.

  • Hold. - Holding.

  • Yellow stripe.

  • - Anything with a five in any position.

  • - [Dan] Anything with a five,

  • good to go. - Alright.

  • - One of the greens is far left column,

  • second from the top.

  • - Roger. - Other green is,

  • far right column, third from the top.

  • I am on the left, third down from the top,

  • and the goal is,

  • second column,

  • second from the-- - You're in the

  • far left column? - Yes.

  • - Third from the top? - Third from the top.

  • And the red triangle is,

  • second column, two from the,

  • or one from the bottom.

  • - One from the bottom,

  • second column? - Yup.

  • - Okay, down.

  • - Down.

  • - Down. - Down.

  • - Right. - Right.

  • - Right. - That's good to go.

  • And the top word is, hold on.

  • (papers rustling)

  • - Okay, time?

  • - 3:25 - Okay,

  • bottom right?

  • - [Dan] Bottom right is the word, like.

  • - Okay, here's the sequence.

  • You're, next-- - Which your is it?

  • - With an apostrophe. - With an apostrophe,

  • good to go, next word is, first.

  • - Okay, top right.

  • - Top right is the word, you're, with an apostrophe.

  • - Here's the sequence.

  • You, You're, apostrophe-- - You?

  • Got it, good to go. - Alright.

  • - T-H-E-R-E.

  • - E-R-E, bottom right?

  • - Bottom right is the word, blank.

  • - 'Kay, here's the sequence.

  • Wait, right, okay.

  • - Right, R-I-G-H-T? - Yes.

  • (ringing)

  • - Bam, nailed it.

  • - That it? - Nailed it.

  • - Is that a winner winner,

  • chicken dinner? - That's a winner,

  • that's a winner. - Alright (laughs).

  • - That's a winner,

  • where's my-- - What was the time?

  • - Where's my stuffed animal?

  • (triumphant music)

  • (timer beeping) (intense music)

  • - [Dan] Serial number alpha, three, four,

  • sierra, zulu, two.

  • - [Chuck] Roger, first module.

  • - [Dan] Got the flat top six.

  • - Yup. - The trident.

  • Looks like a puzzle piece. - Hold on one second.

  • Flat top six, trident.

  • - The puzzle piece. - Got it.

  • - [Dan] And a backwards N,

  • with a U on above. - Roger that.

  • Flattened six. - Flattened six.

  • - Puzzle piece. - Puzzle piece.

  • - Trident. - Trident.

  • - Weird H. - Oh, we got the maze.

  • The one green dot is top row, second column.

  • - Hold on, top row, oh, okay.

  • Top row, second column, got it.

  • And the other one is a green below it.

  • - And you have it directly below,

  • all the way at the bottom.

  • I am third up from the bottom, on the far left,

  • and the goal is-- - Third from the bottom,

  • on the far left. - Yeah, that's me.

  • - Okay, and what-- - And then--

  • - What's the goal? - The triangle is,

  • one up from the bottom, fourth row in.

  • - Fourth row from the left? - Fourth column in

  • from the left, yeah.

  • - Okay, down. - Down.

  • - Down again. - Down.

  • - Right. - Right.

  • - Right. - Right.

  • - Right. - Right.

  • - Right. - Right.

  • - Up. - Up.

  • - [Chuck] Left.

  • - Good to go. - Boom.

  • - Ooh, Simon says.

  • Oh, you've-- - Alright.

  • - Scurred the scheister.

  • - Alright.

  • - Got red flashing.

  • - Okay, hold on, our serial number contains a vowel.

  • - Yes, it does, there is a A,

  • I believe. - Yup, there's an A in there,

  • okay.

  • The red button's flashing, correct?

  • - Red button flashing.

  • - Hit blue. - Blue.

  • Now, it goes red, blue.

  • - Okay, then go blue, red.

  • - [Dan] Blue, red, okay.

  • (beeping)

  • Red, blue, blue.

  • - Go blue, red, red.

  • - Blue, red, red. (ringing)

  • Oh, we nailed it!

  • - Yeah! - We nailed it!

  • - (laughs) We nailed this-- - I wanna high five you,

  • but I don't know where you're--

  • (triumphant music)

  • - Alright, that was-- - Solid work.

  • good work, man. - I kinda want this game, now.

  • (laughing) - This is a fun game.

  • - Fun game.

  • It went well.

  • - A lot better than I-- - Bombs disposed of.

  • - Than I thought I would do. - And, yeah, interesting game.

  • - We work pretty good under pressure.

  • Chaos is our calm.

  • Me describing somethin' to him,

  • and him havin' the same mental picture

  • in his head is the award I'm lookin' at,

  • which is probably, it's pretty accurate,

  • when it comes to diffusing bombs and stuff like that.

  • - Invite us back, we'd love to see

  • if you guys can maybe make this game a little bit harder,

  • and add some more modules, cut that time down,

  • longer manual with more directions in it,

  • that always makes things harder,

  • so, you don't skip any sequences,

  • so, if you want to change things up

  • and have us play it again, we'd love to.

  • (exultant music)

  • - Hey, Unsolved is on a new channel,

  • and now, your part.

  • - [Together] Subscribe here.

  • - That was my part.

- Is the button blue?


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B1 中級 美國腔

真正的拆彈部隊在 "繼續說話,沒有人爆炸 "中拆除炸彈 (Real Bomb Squad Defuses A Bomb In "Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes" )

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日