字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We typically think of vacation as a time to tune out and put work on hold or at least try to. 一般來說,我們把休假想成是把工作晾在一邊,或至少試著不理它。 But is it possible that vacation actually advances your career and makes you more productive? 但是有沒有可能休假其實對你的事業有所助益,而且讓你更有生產力呢? Here in Europe it's normal to take a couple of weeks, maybe even a month, of holiday during the summer. 在歐洲這,在夏天請個幾個禮拜或甚至幾個月的假是稀鬆平常的事。 Shops close their doors and some factories even stop production. 店家關門,工場停業。 It's a tradition that dates back more than a century when it was more efficient for 這是一個世紀前就有的傳統,在當時, factory-line workers to all go on holiday at the same time instead of at separate times throughout the year. 比起整年工人分別休假,一整個生產線一起放假效率還比較高。 Factories used the summer recess to do maintenance on machines and give workers a much-needed break. 工場會利用暑休期間作設備維護,也給予工人們夢寐以求的休息時光。 Fast forward a couple of decades and Europeans are still taking advantage of long holidays. 往後快轉幾十年,現在歐洲人依然會盡情享受長假的帶來的好處。 The European Union entitles workers to at least four weeks of vacation time per year. 歐盟賦予勞工們一年至少有四週的假期。 That's a lot more than most countries in the world. 這可比世上大部分的國家多得多了。 Some European countries like France, the UK or Norway even mandate extra paid holidays on top of the 20 days. 一些歐洲國家,像是法國、英國、挪威甚至會強制休額外的 20 天有薪假。 In fact, the U.S. is one of the only countries that doesn't have mandated vacation time. 事實上,美國是少數沒有強制休假的國家之一。 You might think that all this time off means European workers are less productive than Americans. 你可能會想,這麼多排休豈不是代表歐洲勞工比美國勞工生產力差。 But it turns out nine of the top 10 most productive OECD countries 但事實上,從每工時 GDP 來計算前十個最有生產力的經濟合作暨發展組織國家, measured by GDP per hour worked are in Europe. 有九個在歐洲。 The United States ranks sixth. 而美國則排在第六。 And a recent report found U.S. workers who took 11 or more vacation days 而一個最近的報告顯示,那些放假十一天以上的美國勞工, were more likely to get a raise or a bonus - compared to workers who took 10 or fewer. 相較於放假十天以下者,有更高機率能得到升遷或獎金。 More productive and more likely to get a raise? 不但更有生產力又更可能升遷? I'll take another one of these, please. 我要再一杯,謝謝。 Studies show there can also be health benefits like lower stress, 研究也顯示對於健康有益,像是比較沒有壓力, better mental health and even less likelihood of a heart attack. 更好的心理健康狀況,甚至更不容易有心臟病。 Time away from the office can also spark creativity. 離開辦公室也會點亮你的靈感。 Starbucks, Instagram and Hamilton the Musical were all ideas inspired on vacation. 星巴克、 Instagram 還有漢密爾頓音樂劇全都是假期所啟發的點子。 But it's not all paradise. 但也不總是那麼美好。 A lot of people have a hard time disconnecting when they're supposed to be off. 對很多人來說,排休中要斷開工作上的聯繫是很困難的。 And the stress of getting work done before leaving can just be too much to handle for some people. 而在放假前把工作都做完的壓力對某些人更是難以承受。 Almost half of workers in one survey said they didn't go on vacation 在一項調查中有將近一半的勞工表示他們不休假, because they don't want to come back to a mountain of work. 因為他們不想在回來時面對堆積如山的工作。 In fact more than half of Americans leave vacation time on the table. 實際上超過半數的美國人乾脆放棄休假。 Cost is also a big factor holding people back from taking time off. 高額花費也是讓人不想休假的一個重要因素。 But studies show that even taking a day or two away from the office can have a big impact on productivity. 但研究指出,即使只是離開辦公室一兩天也有相當大的影響。 So maybe it's time to sit back and relax. 所以也許是該放輕鬆休息一下了。 And who knows? 誰又知道呢? It could help you get that promotion you've been waiting for. 搞不好你等到天荒地老的晉升機會就這麼到手了。 Hey, it's Elizabeth here. 嘿,我是 Elizabeth。 Thanks for watching. 謝謝收看。 You can watch more of our videos 你可以觀看更多我們的影片, here and here. 在這裡和這裡。 We're also taking your suggestions 也歡迎把你的建議告訴我們, for future CNBC Explains, 讓之後的 CNBC Explains 更好, so leave your ideas 所以請把你的想法, in the comments section. 留在評論區裡。 And while you're at it, 在你留言時, subscribe to our channel. 也別忘了訂閱我們的頻道。 See you later. 那麼回頭見囉。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 勞工 放假 生產力 歐洲 強制 國家 度假能讓你更有生產力嗎? | CNBC (Does vacation make you more productive? | CNBC Explains) 848 38 kstmasa 發佈於 2019 年 01 月 07 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字