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  • We're gonna make the most incredible chocolate brownie. Yes!

  • Who doesn't love a beautiful, delicious chocolate brownie. I wanna show you a

  • perfect one. No flavouring, no nuts, no fruit just chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.

  • It's gonna be crisp and it's gonna puff up and then it's gonna crack. It's gonna be

  • gooey in the middle, it's gonna blow your mind.

  • First up chocolate. Come have a little look at this. This is beautiful 70 percent

  • cocoa solid chocolate. 70 percent means the amount of cocoa solids in the chocolate.

  • It will taste a little bit bitter when you eat it like this right

  • but when you mix it with butter and sugar and all the other ingredients it's

  • gonna be amazing. So 250 grams of chocolate goes in a bowl.

  • I've got a pan simmering very gently. Put that over the top. Then I've got 250 grams

  • of butter. Try and get the best one you can because the best butter, the best

  • chocolate, makes the best brownie. So if you're gonna make brownie it's a

  • wonderful treat, but if you're gonna do it do it properly. Do it really, really well.

  • Dice up the butter and get it into the bowl and just very gently we wanna

  • melt that down gently, gently. Next up the sugar and the eggs. Four eggs into a bowl.

  • Lovely free-range, organic eggs is gonna give you a better product. 250 grams of

  • golden caster sugar and whisk up the eggs and the sugar until the sugar's

  • fully dissolved. As you beat it, it goes pale, fluffy and light and that will be

  • your texture and it will also give you the crispiest little topping for your brownie.

  • And if you want the recipe for this just click the link go over to

  • I've got this recipe and thousands of others. Go and fill your boots!

  • Then it comes to the flour part. Two heaped tablespoons of self-raising

  • flour by using the little sieve you're allowing the flour to be as light and as

  • delicate as it can be. Two heaped tablespoons of quality cocoa powder. Use the whisk now

  • fold it don't beat it. If I just sit there and beat it then we lose all the

  • air that we put in to the eggs. The chocolate is almost done and a lovely

  • little tip right just get a pinch of salt and season your chocolate. It sounds

  • weird but it makes all the difference. It opens up your

  • taste buds, it allows you to taste the full flavour of the chocolate and it

  • genuinely really does make a difference. I got given that tip like 25 years ago

  • from this incredible French chocolatier and I've always done it since and it works.

  • And then we're gonna go in with every last bit of it. Look at that, look

  • at the colour, look at the shine. Back to the folding. Have a look at that,

  • we've still got air in there and of course at this point you can lick the

  • whisk, it's filthy but who wouldn't! I've got myself a lovely cake mould and then

  • we're gonna go in with that amazing brownie every last bit of it. Move it

  • around get it into the corners look at that. Chocolate heaven. And I've put it

  • into one of my tins here. If you wanna check out my lovely range of bakeware

  • check it out there's a whole bunch of different shapes and sizes, beautiful colour.

  • Now I'm gonna put this in an oven on fan at 180 degrees Celsius which is 350

  • Fahrenheit and close the door gently and that's gonna be amazing. It will take

  • about half an hour to cook but I will show you exactly what I'm looking for

  • for the perfect brownie because it looks like you've got to slightly under cook

  • it but you've gotta have the faith. Trust me.

  • Look at that! That's just under 30 minutes and you can see it's poofed up right it's gone really crisp on the

  • outside and if you just shake it, can you see that wobble? Right so I do want it

  • cooked on the outside but it's slightly under in the middle and I just wanna

  • let that cool down for about 15 minutes before you even think about eating it.

  • Hold yourself back! Don't go in! Let it cool down and then you're gonna get more

  • flavour and you're gonna get more texture. It's gonna be amazing.

  • Let's get into there, let's have a look at the texture. I love the way that when you cut through

  • it, look that's what you want. Oozieness. You can see that the top is

  • almost sharding it's cracking. Guys, guys, guys. Come and see that. Yes! So this is

  • what I want for you. Right, it's really crisp and delicate and thin on the top.

  • It's kind of spongy around the outside here and then in the middle it's oozie

  • and gorgeous and unctious and chocolatey and the chocolate will taste different

  • because of that cooking, right? So that is good. We like that. A nice little scoop of

  • vanilla ice cream. Some hazelnuts, chocolate, hazelnut, vanilla ice cream.

  • Come on you know it makes sense! And then what we love to do in the restaurants is popcorn.

  • Of course that little bit of heat from the brownie, it's gonna start to melt the

  • ice cream really, really nice. Right, enough talking let's get a nice small

  • spoon and let's have a little try up.

  • Mmm! That is a very agreeable brownie it's

  • really good. Guys go on, that's what you gotta do this weekend or today and enjoy.

  • Take care.

We're gonna make the most incredible chocolate brownie. Yes!


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如何做巧克力布朗尼|傑米-奧利弗-------。 (How to make Chocolate Brownies | Jamie Oliver)

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    吳思沛 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日