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  • In this video I'll explain how to memorize a speech, but first let's talk about why

  • you'd want to do that.

  • Delivering a speech without notes is like walking a tightrope.

  • You don't have any support and the fear of messing up can be pretty scary.

  • But you don't want to feel scared, you want to feel super-confident, and that's why

  • most people want to memorize their speech.

  • It makes sense.

  • So I'm going to explain not just how to memorize a speech, but how to give a fantastic

  • speech that people will love and admire you for.

  • Here's the first big secret about memorizing a speech word for word.

  • Nobody knows you've done it!

  • And the second big secret?

  • Nobody cares!

  • It's not about being a robot delivering a word perfect speech.

  • Why?

  • Because a great speech is about your message and how you deliver it, not about being word

  • perfect.

  • Your audience wants to be engaged, and entertained or educated, and that's what your goal should

  • be.

  • So here are 3 simple steps for achieving that and then we'll get into the memorization

  • part.

  • Obviously, you need to have great contentMemorize only the outline or key points

  • of your speechThen practice giving the speech

  • Alright, time to get memorizing.

  • So why are you only going to memorize the key points of your speech?

  • Because it will be enough to give you the confidence you know what to say next, without

  • sounding like a robot, and it frees up your mind so you can concentrate on your delivery

  • and connecting with your audience.

  • Now memorization is all about visualization and association.

  • You create a mental image in your mind of what you want to recall, and then link it

  • to the next thing you want to remember.

  • For example, let's say you need to give a best man's speech at a wedding.

  • Go through your speech and divide it up into around five to eight sections.

  • For each section, create a picture in your mind that represents the key point or theme.

  • You'll start with the introduction, so you might imagine two hands shaking.

  • Now visualize the room or space where you're giving your speech.

  • There's going to be an audience and a room.

  • Picture the two shaking hands in the front row of the audience.

  • That's your starting point.

  • Next, choose specific locations in the room or audience to visualize more images.

  • Keep this nice and simple.

  • You could choose the corners of the room and the corners of the audience.

  • Whatever you decide, make sure there's a natural progression from one spot to the next,

  • because that's going to help you recall the correct order of your speech.

  • You'll start with the introduction, then you might mention what a lovely wedding ceremony

  • it was, and say how beautiful and charming the bridesmaids are.

  • Tell a funny story about how you and the groom met when you were kids, and how he used to

  • steal your lunches at school.

  • So you divided your speech up into five to eight sections; then you create a mental picture

  • that represents each of those sections; and visualize each image in certain places around

  • the room you're giving the speech.

  • If the speech is happening in a room you've never been to before, practice in your head

  • with a standard room, and if you can, visit the real room as early as possible so you

  • can transfer your mental images to their actual locations.

  • Now what happens if you want to add more details?

  • You might not feel comfortable with only 8 mental pictures to help you, so here's what

  • you do.

  • For each section of your speech, choose the extra details you want to make sure you mention.

  • In the introduction you might want to mention you've been friends with the groom for 25

  • years and how happy you are he found his perfect match.

  • You could use a quarter, a 25c coin to represent 25 years, and picture it shaking hands with

  • a smiley face holding a match.

  • When you visualize the shaking hands you'll know it represents the introduction of your

  • speech, and you'll be prompted to say how long you've known the groom, and you're

  • happy he found his perfect match.

  • So you can add more details to your mental pictures by turning a single image into a

  • little scene.

  • And that's as much as you should memorize.

  • Now you've got your mental cue cards firmly in place, it's time to start practicing

  • your speech.

  • Again, this isn't about being word perfect, it's about you feeling comfortable and confident

  • with what you're saying.

  • To begin with, you'll probably stumble a lot, and that's totally finenobody's

  • polished at the beginning.

  • Talk only using the key points you picture in your mind.

  • As you practice, you'll naturally get into a groove of how you say things.

  • It won't be exactly the same each time, but you'll focus instead on a great delivery.

  • Keep practicing and you'll rely less and less on the imagery in your headbut it'll

  • be right there if you need it.

  • If you do happen to forget your next point, pause and take a breath while you check your

  • mental cue cards.

  • Rather than memorizing your speech, your focus will now be on making your speech memorable

  • for your audience.

  • And that's when your public speaking becomes fantastic.

  • If you'd like to learn how to turn abstract or non-concrete words, words that aren't

  • nouns, into mental pictures, check out the video training at Memorize Academy by clicking

  • the card on the screen right now.

  • And if you'd like to improve your public speaking skills, check out Toastmasters International

  • they're awesome.

  • If you thought this video was valuable, please give it a 'like' and share, leave a comment

  • below, and subscribe for more of my one-of-a-kind videos.

  • I'll see you again soon, bye!

In this video I'll explain how to memorize a speech, but first let's talk about why


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如何記憶演講稿 (How to Memorize a Speech)

  • 427 19
    Yi Jie 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日