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  • Although Apple Cider Vinegar has an overpowering acidic taste, you don't have to drink it

    雖然蘋果醋具有壓倒性 酸味,你沒有喝

  • straight to benefit from its amazing properties.


  • Some of those properties include raw enzymes and the promotion of good bacteria in the

    一些這些屬性包括原酶 和促進良好的細菌

  • digestive tract.


  • In order to avoid the taste, some people will substitute Apple Cider Vinegar for regular

    為了避免味道,有些人會 蘋果醋代替定期

  • vinegar when pickling their favorite vegetables, or pair it with olive oil to make a salad

    酸洗自己喜歡的蔬菜醋時, 或者用橄欖油配對做色拉

  • dressing with a little kick.


  • However, by simply diluting Apple Cider Vinegar or adding it to tea before bedtime you can

    然而,通過簡單地稀釋蘋果醋 或睡前,你可以之前將其添加到茶葉

  • significantly improve several areas of your health.

    顯著提高的幾個方面您 健康。

  • Consider a few ways that ACV helps if you take it before bedtime:

    考慮這幾個方面是ACV幫助,如果您 把它睡前:

  • 1.


  • Halitosis You know that awful taste in your mouth that

    口臭 你知道在你的嘴那可怕的味道

  • you wake up with in the morning?


  • It's probably due to too much bacteria in your mouth.

    這可能是由於過多的細菌 你的嘴。

  • Drinking one tablespoon with eight ounces of water and a slice of lemon before bed,

    喝一湯匙用8盎司 水和檸檬睡前片,

  • will keep that bacteria at bay and let you wake up more refreshed.

    將保留該細菌在海灣和讓你 醒來更清爽。

  • 2.


  • Lower Blood Sugar Some people have difficulties sleeping because

    降血糖 有些人有困難,因為睡覺

  • of a peak in their blood sugar level at night.


  • It's one of the leading causes of insomnia, and it also impedes the body from burning

    這是失眠的主要原因之一, 它也阻礙了身體燃燒

  • fat.


  • Apple Cider Vinegar lowers blood sugar levels because it increases insulin sensitivity.

    蘋果醋降低血糖水平 因為它增加胰島素敏感性。

  • If you aren't already on blood sugar medicine, try taking two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar

    如果你是不是已經對血糖藥, 嘗試服用蘋果醋兩茶匙

  • right before bed each evening and see if you don't have a more restful night.

    每天晚上睡覺前,右,看看你 沒有一個更加寧靜的夜晚。

  • If you are taking prescription medication for diabetes, please speak with your doctor

    如果你正在服用的處方藥 糖尿病,請與您的醫生說話

  • before using this natural remedy.


  • 3.


  • Hiccups This nice trick overrides nerves in your throat

    打嗝 這個漂亮的伎倆覆蓋神經在你的喉嚨

  • that are responsible for hiccups.


  • If these nerves have to deal with powerful taste in Apple Cider Vinegar, hiccups become

    如果這些神經不得不面對強大 品味蘋果醋,打嗝成為

  • less of an issue.


  • For this, you'll need to drink one undiluted teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar.

    對於這一點,你需要喝一稀釋 蘋果醋茶匙。

  • 4.


  • Sinus Relief If you've got a stopped up nose because

    鼻竇緩解 如果你已經有了一個被堵住的鼻子,因為

  • it's pollen season again, don't forget about Apple Cider Vinegar.

    它的花粉季節再次,不要忘記 關於蘋果醋。

  • Rather than reaching for an over-the-counter decongestant, rely on the B vitamins to work

    而不是伸手過櫃檯 減充血劑,依靠B族維生素工作

  • with the potassium and magnesium in Apple Cider Vinegar, to loosen up your sinuses so

    在蘋果的鉀和鎂 醋,放鬆一下你的鼻竇所以

  • you can breathe easier.


  • 5.


  • Drop Unwanted Pounds More and more people are incorporating Apple

    放下不必要的磅 越來越多的人正在將蘋果

  • Cider Vinegar into their weight loss regimen.


  • However, did you know that not getting a good night's sleep is also associated with being

    然而,你可知道,沒有得到很好的 晚上的睡眠也與被關聯

  • overweight?


  • Researchers now know that Apple Cider Vinegar inhibits the body when it tries to convert

    研究人員現在知道,蘋果醋 抑制人體時,它會嘗試把

  • starches into calories.


  • Not only that, but it also reduces your appetite.


  • The pectin it contains actually makes you feel more satisfied, so when it's time to

    它實際上含有果膠讓你 覺得比較滿意,所以當它的時間

  • go to bed and your hungry, sip a little Apple Cider Vinegar tea to feel satisfied and sleep

    上床和你餓了,抿了一點蘋果 醋茶感到滿意和睡眠

  • better.


  • 6.


  • Reflux Remedy When your stomach is void of the necessary

    回流補救措施 當你的胃是空的必要的

  • amount of acid, it tends to move around to do the job that the full amount would easily

    酸的量,它趨向於左右移動到 做這項工作,充分量就易於

  • do.


  • When that happens, some of the acid can sneak up the esophagus and burn your throat.

    當發生這種情況,一些酸可以潛行 了食道和刻錄你的喉嚨。

  • Apple Cider Vinegar helps to replace that stomach acid and balance your intestinal tract.

    蘋果醋有助於取代 胃酸和平衡你的腸道。

  • Try a tablespoon with a full glass of water about an hour before lying down.

    嘗試用湯匙一滿杯水 約躺著前一小時。

  • 7.


  • Sore Throat Apple Cider Vinegar is a powerful anti-bacterial.

    喉嚨痛 蘋果醋是一種強大的抗細菌。

  • Its acidity helps kill bacteria that live in the back of your throat.

    它的酸度有助於殺滅細菌住 在你的咽喉後部。

  • If you have a sore throat, in thirty minute intervals, take one teaspoon of Apple Cider

    如果您有喉嚨痛,在30分鐘 間隔,以蘋果醋一茶匙

  • Vinegar.


  • About an hour before bed, drink one teaspoon.


  • After thirty minutes, drink another.


  • Finally, drink the third just before bed.


  • 8.


  • Restless Legs If you have restless legs or are often plagued

    不寧腿 如果你有不寧腿或經常困擾

  • with leg cramps in the middle of the night, it's probably a sign that you're not getting

    與在半夜腿抽筋, 它可能是你沒有得到一個標誌

  • enough potassium in your diet.


  • By adding two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to eight ounces of water, you can quickly

    將蘋果醋兩湯匙 到八盎司的水,可以迅速

  • boost your potassium levels and avoid these annoying issues.

    提高你的鉀水平,避免這些 惱人的問題。

  • 9.


  • Upset Stomach Sometimes a simple remedy like Apple Cider

    胃不舒服 有時候,一個簡單的補救辦法像蘋果酒

  • Vinegar can settle an upset stomach.


  • Again, by helping restore the pH level in the digestive tract, you can rid yourself

    再次,通過幫助恢復pH值 消化道,你可以擺脫自己

  • of excess gas and even stomach cramping.


  • Try a warm cup of water with one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to calm an upset stomach.

    試水溫杯與一茶匙 蘋果醋的平息胃部不適。

Although Apple Cider Vinegar has an overpowering acidic taste, you don't have to drink it

雖然蘋果醋具有壓倒性 酸味,你沒有喝


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