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  • We're now at the MRT station

  • Heading to Shifen

  • Taking the 624 train to Hualian

  • I dont even know if we can actually sit in the train?

  • May need to ask somebody later.

  • If you use this card, you actually have to stand all the way

  • Ruifang is a platform you wanna go to to either go to Jiufen or Shifen

  • So wherever you wanna go (Jiufen or Shifen)

  • from Taipei Main Station or wherever, you will still need to get to Ruifang Station first.

  • Now we're taking the KTM version of Taiwan

  • It's the railway tracks.

  • But since we got in with the EZ cards,

  • we will have to stand all the way for 40 minutes from Taipei Main Station

  • In the case that you actually wanna sit down,

  • you will have to get tickets at the counter.

  • Instead of using the card.

  • We're waiting for everybody (who has seated tickets) to sit down first.

  • Then we can sit.

  • We got quite lucky so we got seats.

  • But my brother has to stand.

  • My dad is right behind.

  • So if you're lucky you can get seats

  • but always be prepared to stand up when people come in at diff stations.

  • That's not a very nice sight.

  • (toilet door wide open)

  • We plan to go to Shifen first.

  • I think we have to take another train.

  • I'm quite lost actually, hold on.

  • 1.00 PM?

  • Yeah, they did mention it was coming at 1.00PM.

  • It's coming.

  • We're here. 1,2,3,4.

  • 4 stations.

  • After arriving at Ruifang, come to Platform No 3.

  • Apparently you have to tap out, and back in - because they have a time limit for travellers.

  • I don't think we wanna go very far.

  • The train is coming in 15 minutes.

  • So we just go back in.

  • The train to Shifen. Wow.

  • It's really crowded.

  • Everybody's going down (from the train)

  • That took about 40 minutes.

  • This is a self facilitating station

  • I'm getting abit of a sore throat already.

  • So crowded. (Everyone is tapping out)

  • Actually they had another machine there.

  • So far the food is about the same

  • Nothing very different from other markets.

  • The price along the whole street is the same (Lantern Set Off)

  • But the view from our spot here is really nice.

  • After the train leaves, every body comes back out to the tracks.

  • Standard Lu Rou Fan.

  • We wanted to set the lanterns up but we are going to the waterfalls first.

  • Ow, my bones cracked bro.

  • We wanted to set the lanterns up but we were running out of time.

  • We wanna go to the Shifen Waterfalls.

  • You'd have to keep walking to the waterfalls.

  • Is it far?

  • Decided to take a cab.

  • From Shifen Station to the Shifen Waterfalls...

  • ..they should only charge you NTD 100.

  • Nothing more.

  • It's probably about a 5 minutes drive from here.

  • Saves you a lot of waiting, and time.

  • That was quite a quick drive.

  • We're crossing this hanging bridge.

  • Feels pretty stable but its still quite wobbly.

  • Proof of me on the bridge.

  • Found the waterfalls.

  • Taking the train back to RUIFANG.

  • It's super packed and we can't buy seats.

  • So you gotta queue (?)

  • The Ruifang Station is right over there.

  • But if you walk over, just abit out from the exit

  • You'll find this place where you can wait for a taxi.

  • If you have at least four people in your group..

  • might as well just take a cab to Jiufen.

  • It's abit more expensive still..

  • ..but its easier? You don't have to wait with the crowd.

  • You don't have to wait for the bus.

  • And its just easy, just directly from the station.

  • The bus intervals are pretty fast.

  • But there's usually a lot of people.

  • You won't know if you can actually get in.

  • And i heard alot of reviews that they're usually delayed?

  • Think this cab is ours.

  • From the first impression, it looks like its a very souvenir based area?

  • You can buy alot of souvenirs that can tell that you came to Taiwan.

  • This looks abit like the Bugis area.

  • Is it cheese? Cant' tell.

  • But it tastes just like butter croissant.

  • It's not even cheese.

  • 40 yuan.

  • Oh its the mushroom.

  • Maybe i can try it here?

  • Do you think its as nice (as the one in Shilin)?

  • Do you want chilli?

  • No please.

  • 6.00PM and we're having our dinner.

  • Total would be 240 yuan.

  • Ah do we pay now?

  • Not very fond of these fishballs cause they're really floury.

  • It's not

  • Just rushed ourselves to the train.

  • We initially wanted to get reserved seats.

  • But we were abit too late.

  • And it was just 2 minutes before the train was gonna arrive.

  • We just rushed to the platform.

  • and now we're all non seated.

  • We gotta be here for about 40 minutes

  • An experience.

  • Having our breakfast.

  • Finally, I am sick. (as if I've been waiting)

  • After 7 days, we realised eating here we don't really have much of an appetite?

  • Huge wastage but we really can't force ourselves to eat.

  • Not because it's not nice I guess?

  • I dunno, maybe because we're sick?

  • Today we're going to Zhong Xiao Dun Hua one more time.

  • We've been there about 2 times already.

  • and later we may go to Shihlin.

  • After that I don't know. Maybe somewhere else?

  • But yes. Day 7.

  • We are here in Din Tai Fung.

  • I'm feeling really, really, really unwell now.

  • We're gonna grab some lunch and go back and rest for at least about an hour?

  • Din Tai Fung is founded in Taipei.

  • So we thought we have to try it here la.

  • Each basket of Xiao Long Bao has 6.

  • (NEXT DAY)

  • It is the last day.

  • We are checking out in about 15 minutes maybe.

  • I got sick last night.

  • But alot better now.

  • I expected to really, really, really like Taipei.

  • But I think i set my expectations too high.

  • Not that it was a bad experience.

  • Didn't get to shop as much.

  • Didn't get to eat as much.

  • Didn't get to sightsee as much.

  • It was not bad. It was an okay trip.

  • Just that I expected alot, alot more.

  • Something that I didn't expect at all..

  • ..was that the food didn't really suit our taste buds. Not just mine.

  • I don't know what it is.

  • Sometimes it's too bland.

  • Sometimes it's too oily?

  • Not complaining tho.

  • It's just that we all have different tastes.

  • And also maybe we all got sick.

  • Anyways, I'll just wrap everything up.

  • I didn't even get to wrap up certain days.

  • Because I was just really tired.

  • And..or..maybe I just forgot actually.

  • I'll wrap up the Taiwan vlog now.

  • I'l see you guys in the normal daily vlogs.

  • Bye!

We're now at the MRT station


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A2 初級 美國腔


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    陳英碩 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日