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  • Intermittent fasting has become

  • growingly popular over the past couple

  • of years there's been countless studies

  • popping up left and right supporting the

  • idea that this lifestyle change may be

  • one of the most beneficial eating habits

  • out there and that's why in this video

  • we're going to cover for things one what

  • is intermittent fasting to how does it

  • work three one of the benefits of it

  • along with studies to back this up and

  • for how to properly do it if you like to

  • skip ahead i will add timestamps in the

  • description box below so let's begin

  • what is intermittent fasting the first

  • thing i want to clarify is that it's not

  • a diet we're not going to talk about

  • what types of food you should eat or

  • what you should avoid intermittent

  • fasting is an eating pattern it's all

  • about controlling the times you do

  • decide to eat we live in a culture that

  • sort of glorifies breakfast from a very

  • young age retard a healthy breakfast

  • keeps you energized throughout the day

  • funny enough this campaign was largely

  • pushed out by cereal companies as a way

  • to market their product intermittent

  • fasting actually condones this habit in

  • fact it suggests that you skip breakfast

  • altogether by skipping certain meals

  • you're able to keep your body in a

  • fasted state for a longer period of time

  • and this is where all the benefits come

  • from so how does intermittent fasting

  • work well to begin your body is always

  • in either a fasted state or a feasting

  • state right after you eat it takes your

  • body a couple of hours anywhere from

  • eight to twelve to completely process

  • the food during this state your body

  • breaks down the food absorbs the

  • nutrients and obtains the majority of

  • the energy for activities from the fuel

  • provided by this food this means that

  • the majority of the calories that you

  • burn during a feasting state will be

  • from the food you just consumed as

  • opposed to the fat already stored in

  • your body eight to 12 hours after your

  • last meal you enter a fasted State for

  • many of us this is out of the norm

  • because the moment we wake up we tend to

  • make ourselves breakfast however for

  • hundreds of thousands of years

  • functioning in a fasted state was

  • considered normal for both humans as

  • well as many other animals during this

  • state our bodies will reach into our sad

  • storages and burn fat as fuel there are

  • also numerous other benefits that come

  • along with this state intermittent

  • fasting is all about allowing our bodies

  • to enter this fasted state on a regular

  • basis so that we can claim these

  • benefits so what are the benefits of

  • instruments

  • thing and of course with studies to back

  • up these claims number one is weight

  • loss when our bodies consume food we

  • produce insulin the more sensitive your

  • body is to insulin the more likely your

  • body will use that food as fuel instead

  • of storing it as fat a study conducted

  • by a meals hallberg found that our

  • bodies are most sensitive to insulin

  • following a period of fasting this means

  • that by fasting and then eating in a

  • controlled time period we prevent our

  • body from putting on more fat than if we

  • just ate throughout the day another

  • reason why intimates in fasting helps

  • people lose weight is because it's

  • naturally calorie restricting a lot of

  • skeptics out there like the reason that

  • oh if you skip breakfast you're more

  • likely to binge eat when you are allowed

  • to eat well studies have actually found

  • that this is not the case by removing

  • the amount of meals you have throughout

  • the day people on average tend to eat

  • twenty-eight percent less calories

  • number two is that it promotes muscle

  • growth while losing weight a common

  • problem a lot of people have when

  • they're on a diet is muscle loss it

  • seems as if when you eat at a calorie

  • deficit which means less than the normal

  • amount of calories your body needs to

  • function our bodies start breaking down

  • muscle as well this is not the case for

  • intermittent fasting in fact a study

  • conducted by the University of British

  • Columbia found that intermittent fasting

  • actually promotes muscle growth so that

  • means you get to lose fat while gaining

  • more muscles number three is that it

  • allows you to live longer when you take

  • a mouse and you reduce the amount of

  • calories it consumes by thirty percent

  • it has been found over and over that

  • that mouse will live thirty percent

  • longer and this phenomenon has been

  • tested on hundreds of different animals

  • and organisms with the exact same

  • results the only animal we've yet to

  • test us on is humans but many scientists

  • they'll believe that our bodies will

  • follow the same rule by restricting your

  • calories you will likely live longer

  • intermittent fasting naturally

  • restriction or calories number four it

  • increases the amount of human growth

  • hormones in your body the amount of HTH

  • or human growth hormone in your body

  • skyrockets during a fast one study found

  • that by fasting for just 24 hours your

  • HTH is increased by a whopping one

  • thousand three hundred and sixty percent

  • in males and four hundred seventy

  • percent in females well what are the

  • benefits of higher levels of HGH well

  • there's a ton so I'm just going to list

  • them all out healthier immune system

  • improved skin health

  • better sleep enhanced cognitive function

  • quicker healing improve heart health

  • lowered fat mass optimize lean muscle

  • mass and higher exercise capacity it's

  • an all-around indicator of better health

  • and intermittent fasting allows you to

  • reach these levels number five is that

  • it protects you against disease there's

  • a bunch of studies that have found that

  • intermittent fasting protects you

  • against various forms of disease a study

  • run by a crystal Verity found that it

  • protected you against heart disease type

  • 2 diabetes and cancer another study

  • conducted by a professor Halid gaba

  • found that it protects against

  • alzheimer's disease so by now you're

  • probably wondering Wow intermittent

  • fasting seems great I want to try it so

  • how exactly does one start well the

  • great news is that all you have to do is

  • sit down and decide when you're feeding

  • periods will be now there are different

  • variations of intermittent fasting some

  • people do the 16-8 there's the 18 for

  • there's the 52 some even fast for entire

  • days at a time for the purposes of this

  • video we're going to speak about the

  • most commonly accepted form of

  • intermittent fasting the 16-8 basically

  • what that means is that you are not

  • allowed to eat for a 16 hour period but

  • then you are allowed to eat whatever you

  • want during the eight hour period so

  • let's say that you want your feeding

  • period to start at noon so you're

  • allowed to eat from 12 noon to eight pm

  • then for the next 16 hours from 8pm to

  • 12 noon you have to fast this means that

  • you cannot eat anything but you are

  • allowed to drink water or tea or even

  • coffee as long as you don't add sugar or

  • milk you can pick and choose when you're

  • feeding period starts but it's easiest

  • to have your fast during the time period

  • where you sleep because that's

  • essentially eight hours where you don't

  • have to worry about feeling hungry what

  • you'll also find is that by sticking to

  • this eating regimen you quickly feel

  • less hungry during the fasting period

  • our bodies seem to adapt rather quickly

  • if you want to work out most people

  • recommend working out right before your

  • feasting window opens so that the moment

  • you finish working out you can eat food

  • which helps your muscles recover besides

  • that that's really all there is to it

  • for me personally I love the cognitive

  • benefits that come along with

  • intermittent fasting it allows me to

  • focus for hours on work that I need to

  • do and that's why I highly recommend all

  • of you guys to at least try this eating

  • habit out this episode was sponsored and

  • brought to you by blue apron blue apron

  • allows you to create delicious chef

  • design recipes at the convenience of

  • your home all of the ingredients

  • farm-fresh and are delivered right to

  • your doorstep in the exact proportions

  • that means no trips to the grocery store

  • and no waste from unused ingredients

  • they offer a wide selection of recipes

  • to choose from and are always adding new

  • dishes to their menus each week for

  • those of you concerned about the quality

  • of your food blue apron offers only the

  • highest of quality ingredients the

  • ingredients are also sourced from local

  • suppliers which means you'll be helping

  • out your community they offer two types

  • of plans the two-person plan and the

  • family plan we decided to opt for the

  • two-person plan which includes three

  • separate meals each with two servings

  • each meal comes with a recipe and check

  • off list that will guide you

  • step-by-step throughout the cooking

  • process so that your final product comes

  • out delicious and just like a chef would

  • have prepared blue apron is running a

  • special promotion today on this channel

  • the first thirsty viewers will get three

  • meals off of the next blue apron order

  • for absolutely free the link is in the

  • description box below so move swiftly

  • guys stay tuned

Intermittent fasting has become


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B2 中高級 美國腔

間歇性斷食--初學者指南 (Intermittent Fasting - A Beginner's Guide)

  • 25 2
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日