字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Tired of being rescued 'cause it's just a gilded cage 00:00:02,745 --> 00:00:03,655 I must make amends for all the mess my elders made 00:00:03,655 --> 00:00:04,655 I was born to lead you all away from your crusade 00:00:06,005 --> 00:00:07,705 Nations held in anguish had me boiling with a rage 00:00:08,445 --> 00:00:11,265 Ordinary life eluded me 00:00:15,515 --> 00:00:18,435 For my duty you are losing me 00:00:19,480 --> 00:00:20,740 You are one of my few weaknesses 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:28,320 身困華而不實的牢籠,早已令我身心疲倦,對於他人的救助僅是視若無睹 But this girl has deep allegiances 先人們犯下的總總錯誤,使我不得不親自導回正軌 In the mean time the shields are down 我誕生於此的原因,僅僅是為了將你遠離一切虛偽的崇高理想 I'm in a spacial place 哪怕,陷入水深火熱的家園使我遷怒於這世界 Survivor 平靜的生活,正暗示著 Can you see my frozen dream? 為擔起重任,我只得漸漸離你而去 My frozen dream, can never be 深刻理解到你對我多麼重要,使我更加懦弱、退縮 It is a paradox, you see 但你仍不懈地真心鼓勵我前行 Such a frozen dream 無形之中,我的一切迷惘也漸漸潰堤 Such a frozen dream can never be 因為有你,我才能夠—— Never be 得以倖存 Waited for a century, it's only gotten worse 你能否看見?我那封塵已久的夢想? People want to stop me when I try to lift the curse 那如天方夜譚般、遙不可及的理想? We are isolated and in close proximity 聽起來彷彿悖論般多麼矛盾不堪 Sisters and our brothers living in this galaxy 但即使,這樣的夢想艱難險阻 Ordinary life eluded me 即使,這樣的夢想難償所願 Was it worth it just for saving me? 我也永不放棄 You are one of my few weaknesses 時間更迭、轉瞬流逝,人們的對立卻越演越烈 But this girl has deep allegiances 當我試圖減輕一切苦痛,卻遭人制止 In the meantime the shields are down 同為這世界一份子的人們啊 I'm in a spacial place 為何彼此如此親近,卻又帶有衝突的隔閡? Survivor 平庸的生活,正叩問著 Can you see? 試圖導正一切,究竟是否值得? My frozen dream 擾人思緒的種種想法,使我更加懦弱、退縮 My frozen dream can never be 但你仍不懈地真心鼓勵我前行 It is a paradox you see 漸漸發現,我的一切迷惘也逐一潰堤 Such a frozen dream 只因為是你,我才能夠—— Such a frozen dream can never pass 繼續向前邁進 This event horizon 你能否看見? We've such a golden dream 我那早已放棄的夢想? Such a golden dream can never last 那永不可能達成的、孩童般的理想 My burden lifted 那時看來,是多麼荒謬的悖論 I am free 但即使,這樣的夢想難以實現 Such a foolish dream 即使,這樣的夢想可能無法越過—— Such a foolish dream can never be 那毫無光明的視界,我也...... Breaks my mind just tryin' to see 我們現在有了,多麼美好的理想? Is there hope anywhere? 僅存於此的璀燦理想 Is there love here anywhere? 沉重的負擔漸輕 Can you hear my rusted heart? 終得重見天日 For you it just might fall apart 現在看,那是多麼單純的理想 My hope is broken 那是看似多麼遙不可及的純真理想 Can you see? Such a golden dream? 光是憶起就如此耀眼 Such a frozen dream can never pass 現在,是否還存有那樣的祈望? This event horizon 現在,是否還存有,那樣的熱忱? We've such a golden dream 你能否憶起,我那銹蝕的心曾發出的號哭? Such a golden dream can never last 就你聽起,恐怕彷彿分崩離析般地向四處哭號 My burden lifted 我曾毫無一絲希望 I am free 但你能否看見?那璀燦閃耀的理想? Such a foolish dream 那曾遙不可及的理想,也早已—— Such a foolish dream can never be 展露新視界 Breaks my mind just tryin' to see 我們現有著,多麼美好的理想? Is there hope anywhere? 僅存於此的璀燦理想 Is there love here anywhere? 沉重的負擔漸輕 Is there faith anywhere? 終得重見天日 Just a crumb here anywhere? 現在看,那是多麼單純的理想