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  • Dd the light novel King SAO just get dethroned? And by who?

  • So it's a guys Foxen here! Last week you saw the top 10 selling manga of 2018!

  • Today let's go ahead and do the same but this time for the light novel series and

  • yes this year SAO has fallen. Anyway starting from behind starting at number

  • 10 you have no game no life. Hopefully if you're watching this you've gotten the

  • treat of actually seeing the series plus the movie. If you think about it it's

  • already been what four years since madhouse did the anime. Still this series

  • is going strong so come on mad house season 2 when? Getting into number nine

  • and hey SAO and yes we're actually gonna look at the list from last year a little

  • bit later. I'm actually not too surprised to see SAO fallen down.

  • Technically they didn't have the SAO movie last year although the anime

  • series ended what in 2014? It's been quite a while. Now with SAO Alicization

  • I do expect sales to pick up once again. Next up at number 8 Classroom

  • of the elite. The name may sound familiar it actually got an anime adaptation last

  • year and to be honest I'm not sure why there's this popular. Let me be fair and

  • say that I've only seen the anime version and god that was boring as

  • hell so if you are a fan of this series definitely let me know if the

  • light novels are better. Anyway getting into number 7 Sao progressive so what's

  • this sao is actually twice on this list? So yes this actually might be the reason

  • that sao is not number one. You pretty much have the vote being split. In case

  • you haven't heard of sao progressive i'm sure whether you were a fan of sao or

  • straight out hate it both of these sides definitely would agree that they wanted

  • to see the whole on Aincrad story just Kirito and friends going floor by floor up

  • until the very end. That's pretty much what sao progressive is. Unsurprisingly

  • it is freakin popular. If only Reki sped up releasing these. Let me just mention

  • that if you didn't enjoy the first half of sao

  • i would highly recommend this series. Next up at number six the Ryuo's work is

  • never done. To be honest this might be the only

  • series here that i'm not familiar with. The premise is supposed to be about this

  • super talented shogi player. The top one in the world.

  • he's even got the title of the dragon king. It actually got an anime adaptation

  • this year so who knows if this was really popular or if the anime just

  • really helped the sales. Next up number five that time I got reincarnated

  • as a slime. If you're at all an anime fan I'm sure you've at least heard about

  • this series airing right now. It's gotten of surprisingly popular. Keep in mind

  • that a lot of these sales are coming before the anime adaptations actually

  • started. For me as one of the series I haven't been able to jump into yet it'd

  • be happening it let me know if it is worth watching! Next up at number four

  • this one should sound familiar rezero. For this one really no surprise to see

  • that's on here. I mean the anime was a colossal hit back in 2016 just two years

  • ago. Ever since then rezero has been at the

  • top of the charts. Speaking of which rezero has also been a colossal hit in

  • terms of sales merch sales that is. You see REM everywhere so it's not really a

  • matter of if this is getting a season two but when. A few months ago they did

  • release the rezero ova special my review on that is out by the way and getting

  • into the top three the irregular at magic high school. At this point really

  • no surprise to see this on the list. It's been at the top of the charts for the

  • past few years. If you are a fan of this series is definitely let me know how

  • it's going. I do wonder what's going on with the anime situation for this one.

  • Next up at number two KonaSuba and just like rezero no surprised to see

  • this on the list. If you haven't gotten a chance to get acquainted with Kazuma,

  • darkness, Megumin and the useless aqua definitely treat yourself! Just like for

  • rezero there's no question about whether this is gonna get another season

  • but when unfortunately nothing official has been announced although konoSuba

  • is getting a movie next year. This year konosuba even got a cameo in the rezero ova special.

  • That was pretty nice! Then taking the crown for number one overlord over

  • 800,000 sales. For this one I'm gonna turn into mr. unpopular I've seen this

  • getting so much attention this year which is not a surprise seeing the

  • season two over that was split over the year. Let me just be honest and say that

  • I'm not really sure what the appeal of this series is. I do like the concept a

  • lot actually the anime however, let's just say that I feel that it's lost

  • potential and let me not get started on the freakin CG usage. Either way let me

  • not crap on this series too much it is number one if you are a hardcore

  • fan of the series definitely let me know what the light novels are better. I

  • didn't hear the anime cut out a lot. Either way at the beginning of this I

  • did mention that sao got dethroned although if you do add up the sales of

  • both series pretty much tied. We'll see what happens next year. Let me actually

  • quickly mention something about the top figure it's only at about 800,000

  • compare that to the king of manga one piece being at what 8 million? I do

  • wonder what the reason is for such a huge difference. Are there less readers?

  • or more people buying a digital comparative physical when you're

  • comparing to manga? or there just were options and hence competition when it

  • comes to novels? Anyway switching gears let's compare

  • this to 2017. Last year Sao was king at number one and then you have Konosuba

  • which was pretty much tied with rezero at number three. I do like how the top three

  • are pretty much isekai series. It does look like normal sales pretty much took

  • a hit in sales too just like manga. Not even cracking 1 million this year. The

  • one that really got fortunate seems to be overlord. overlord pretty much

  • doubled its sales which really means that season two that got split over this

  • year definitely helped. For this year looks like your name, ero manga sensei

  • and the evil Tanya dropped off the list. So here's my quick prediction for next

  • year. I definitely expect SAO to be back on top. The light novel for the final

  • arc just went on sale a few days ago. On top of that you have about 40 episodes

  • left for SAO Alicization. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if sales

  • doubled. As for other possible surprises rezero is getting a second special next

  • year focused on Emilia. Keep in mind there's nothing confirmed yet but I

  • actually do expect rezero season 2 to come out next year or at least

  • there's a really good chance of it. For konoSuba the konoSuba movie will come

  • out next year which really just means next year you can see SAO back on number

  • one 99% chance and then rezero and konosuba fighting for the number two and three

  • spot but anyway more important let me hear from you now question of the day

  • were you surprised by any other series on this list? Did you expect overlord to

  • be on number one? And how about the positions for konosuba rezero or SAO?

  • and do you have your own predictions for next year? Anyway go ahead and smash that

  • thumbs up and subscribe! If you're new to the channel you could expect weekly

  • anime videos like this one. If you're watching I'm sure you're a fan of attack

  • on titan go ahead and check out my latest video covering all the mistakes

  • that anime fans make. How many of these are you making? Be sure hit bell

  • notifications and I'll see you guys later!

Dd the light novel King SAO just get dethroned? And by who?


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這部動漫從第一打敗SAO?2018年十大輕小說|狐仙動漫新聞網 (THIS Anime Beat SAO From #1? Top 10 Light Novel 2018 | Foxen Anime News)

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    wei 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日