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  • This is 'GASP'. It is number six on the list of worst games.

  • [Radio com] "They'll be showing five unknown..." [Rev] Why am I walking like this?

  • [Radio com] "You only get one chance to choose..." [Rev] Warning?

  • [Rev] Oh! Shit! [Radio com] "Because I don't think the oxygen will hold out long..."

  • Umm, the meteors are just aiming for me. They, they could not be aiming for me...

  • ...any better if they were trying.

  • I have a feeling that they actually are programmed to go straight TOWARDS you...

  • ...because I've been hit by, like, five already.

  • And we've barely been playing this game.

  • [Rev's commentary is sped-up]

  • Okay, is this a health pack?

  • So...

  • Wh-what now? I'm here.

  • This is clearly whate- oh!

  • How do I do anything to this?

  • Number five is infamous.

  • Number five, I understand why it's on this list and I've never even played it.

  • It's 'Day One: Garry's Incident'

  • He's just... letting this happen, he's letting me escape, he's not gonna stab me or anything.

  • [Garry] "I'm outta here, guys!" [knife thuds against altar]

  • [pain noises]

  • Wow. [death yell]

  • [Garry] "What's goin' on in here?"

  • I mean, that's a way to start a game.

  • [Garry] "Hmm, oh yeah. Now we're talkin'!"

  • Eh, s'not cool enough to really justifying, "now we're talking."

  • [rumbling] [stone breaking]

  • [Garry] "I should get outta here." [Rev] How do I know that that happened?

  • [Garry] "So that's what you want!"

  • [Garry] "What is it with you guys?" [Rev] What the fuck was that animation?

  • Get back here. Wh-

  • Oh?

  • [gunshot] [death yell]

  • Good! Good!

  • Just T-pose at me!

  • [gunfire]

  • [death yell]

  • You know, when I get shot in the face, I just sort of swat it off like a fly(!)

  • I'm, I'm startin' to see why this game was, uh... panned.

  • Startin' to get it.

  • [gunshot]

  • Just go along your way. Don't mind the gunshot or the bullet wound.

  • Just keep walkin'.

  • [gunshot] [yells in pain]

  • [gunshot]

  • Good try. Try again!

  • [gunshot]

  • [gunshot] [death yell]

  • It's convenient that my enemy is almost completely and utterly deaf.

  • Ummm, that does make it really easy for me to sneak up on them.

  • It's also convenient that they don't know what the fuck they're doing with themselves.

  • So, number four... on the list.

  • Here's 'Uriel's Chasm'. I don't get who- who is interested in this game?

  • Wh-what... what kind of person would find value in this game?

  • Did I get enough faith?

  • No, I died.

  • Oh no. Okay. I'm gonna tell you guys right now, I don't care enough to finish this game

  • This game is called 'StarForge', it's number three on the list.

  • Why do I look crusty?

  • [mechanical thump]

  • Oh?

  • Mean it, it controls like a pile of hot garbage, I'm not gonna lie.

  • [mechanical thump]

  • Oh my god. What the fuck is happening with my legs there? Hold on.

  • Can I get them jammed in there weird? Aw, yeah!

  • What is going on with my legs? Doing something very special with my legs.

  • [mechanical thumps]

  • Mean, it's so far up that we-

  • Oh, oh! Oh god!

  • [thudding]

  • Oh, fuck.

  • [more thudding]

  • [thudding intensifies]

  • Well, I'm here now.

  • Oh god.

  • [mechanical thump] Just... kill myself... with dirt.

  • Wonder if I can push myself outside the world by...

  • Yep, that's natural for my leg to do.

  • I'm now in the dirt.

  • Oh, there we go! Now I'm outside the world.

  • Uh, so to do this, by the way, if you ever do decide to play this game for some fucking reason...

  • ...ah, what you need to do is you dig a hole and then you fill it back in...

  • ...while you're standing in it while moving away... from where you're placing...

  • ...'cause it doesn't want you to place in yourself, but it also doesn't give a fuck where you are most of the time.

  • [roaring]

  • I like when I get flung up in the air by this thing. That's pretty cool.

  • Do a little cartwheel...

  • [car locking sound-effect] A'right.

  • [out-of-tune electric guitar plays faintly]

  • Hmm...

  • [Rev inhales loudly] Hoophhh... O-kay.

  • Oh my god. It's like driving on slippery dicks.

  • "How does one drive... on a dick." Mean... look...

  • It takes a lot of, urm, dicks... to drive on them. 'Cause, I mean, a dick is only, like, you know... what?

  • It's not even a square foot, right, 'cause a square foot when- why I, like...

  • It's... at least a foot in every direction and it's not.

  • We know that, we know dicks are not a foot in every direction...

  • Unless you have a dick like mine...

  • ...which I'm not gonna let you drive over my dick with a bus, just sayin'.

  • [airplane engine whirs]

  • Okay, well, this game kinda sucks. I understand why it's on number two.

  • 'FlatOut 3'. Worst rated game on Steam... right now.

  • Why? I don't know.

  • This is number one. [awful industrial rock music plays]

  • The... worst game on... Steam.

  • "Select your character..."

  • "Justin Case..." Ohh... don't do this.

  • What year did this game come out? Uhh, let's see, this game came out in 2011.

  • Okay. Wanna throw it out there, get you guys in the mindset of...

  • ...her face looking like that in the same year that... 'Dark Souls' came out.

  • "Zario the Mechanic..."

  • "Zario is a likable, chubby Italian."

  • # DO THE MARIO! Swing your arms from side to side... #

  • "Race." Let's just do a race.

  • In Detroit? Well, now we're talking about hellscapes(!)

  • Wonder if anyone speedruns this game?

  • I've been watchin' a lot of AGDQ. Or SGD-

  • Di-did my computer crash?

  • Oh?

  • Did I crash? Am I still live?

  • Hello? Yeah! Ummm, the game just crashed.

  • What a wonderful fucking game(!)

  • For the price of $58, you can get the worst six games on Steam.

This is 'GASP'. It is number six on the list of worst games.


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A2 初級 美國腔

Steam上最糟糕的6款遊戲--Rev [Vinesauce] 。 (The Worst 6 Games On Steam - Rev [Vinesauce])

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    wei 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日