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- Hello everyone and welcome to Yoga With Adriene.
I am Adriene and this is Benji and today we have an awesome
at home yoga practice that's gonna help you learn
the foundations of shoulder stand.
So hop into something comfy, grab two blankets or two even
towels if you have them and let's get started.
(gentle music)
Okay, welcome everyone.
Thank you so much for being here.
We're gonna begin seated on your two blankets
or your two towels today.
If you don't have them and you still want to experience this
practice, it's okay but just be really mindful.
If you do have them, let's go ahead an put 'em to use by
sitting up on them now.
Just getting the hips higher than the knees and right away
taking this time for you.
You're amazing for taking this time.
That's really the hardest part, truly.
So start to enjoy yourself.
Start to bring a little awareness to the body
as you sit up nice and tall.
And then start to relax the shoulders as you just start to
settle in and we're gonna ease in.
So even though we have a focus today of breaking down the
foundations of a beginner's shoulder stand we're gonna
create a little practice so that you can feel really good when
you get off the mat because time is valuable and you deserve it.
We're gonna start with a little warm up together and then I'll
break down the pose with the demonstration that you can watch
and then we'll take some time to practice it together.
And the reason for this is we want to be just super mindful
and aware of the neck as we learn and practice shoulder
stand so you don't want to be looking at the video while
you're in the posture.
Same with Bridge Pose which we're also gonna do.
But for now, let's unite, connect,
me and you and all of the beautiful people around the
world taking time to practice in this very moment.
As you're ready, once you're in your nice comfortable seat,
take a nice deep breath in through your nostrils
and then exhale out through the mouth.
And again, inhale in through the nose
and as you exhale through the mouth,
this time really, really relax your shoulders
down, down, down.
And maybe for this last one you close your eyes.
Here we go, big deep breath in.
Oh yeah, exhale, relax the shoulders.
Be open to just dropping into this moment.
Again, hardest part is done.
You're here.
Let's have some fun.
Nice and slow, dropping the chin to the chest.
Nice and slow,
lifting nose to the sky.
Careful not to crunch the back of the neck.
Nice and slow, chin to chest.
And nice and slow carving a line with the nose all the way up.
So continue this loving gesture.
And I say loving because once you reach this highest point
looking up, you don't want to take it so far back
that you're out of control.
So nice and mindful.
And whether you're brand new to yoga practice or you've been
practicing for a long time you just want to
work on your shoulder stand,
or you're a part of the KULA and you do the free video every
Sunday as it comes out live, which is something we've all
been doing, then welcome.
But essentially whatever brought you here see if you can use this
moment to think of integrating the neck
with gestures like this.
So rather than just nodding the head up and down,
what would it look like, feel like to consider this that I'm
actually integrating my neck into every posture?
Whether it's a sweaty 90 minute vinyasa or a foundations of yoga
practice at home with me.
Always integrating the neck.
Alright, and then when you're ready we'll bring the head back
to center, right over the heart and nice and easy you're gonna
drop one ear over one shoulder and then come through center
and over to the other side. Very simple.
And same thing here.
Rather than just going through the motions,
getting warmed up through the neck,
stretching out, see if you can right away peel back another
layer of the onion and think of this gesture as a way,
a warm-up, a focus of integration,
integrating the neck
into the entire shape.
And if you're like,
"I don't really understand what this lady's talking about."
Then you can enjoy the stretch.
You can enjoy this time for yourself and maybe another
moment in your journey you'll
hear that and maybe not.
Integrating the neck.
Something we're really going to be talking about
in the next 30 Days of Yoga.
If you're watching this is in real time
which will be in January.
Oh my gosh, I almost said the name.
Okay, bring it back to center.
Hands are gonna come to the heart, Anjuli Mudra.
Take the deepest breath you've taken all day.
In through the nose.
And this time out through the nose.
Inhale, sit up a little taller.
Exhale, out through the nose.
And one more, you got it, big breath.
Awesome, you're gonna interlace the fingertips now.
Take them behind the head.
Elbows wide.
So we're stretching through the shoulder girdle,
girdle, here.
Use your breath here to start to feel
expansion through the chest.
Something we're really gonna need in that shoulder stand even
when we take our legs over the head,
over the torso.
So the action points here are opening elbows wide.
Lifting sternum up.
Drawing the shoulder blades together and then allowing them
to melt down, down, down even if it's just an awareness.
And then use your breath here to breathe into
all four sides of the torso.
And you're not gonna catch that big,
beautiful, buoyant yogi breath on the first try so just
remember it's a practice, it's a journey.
And if you have tight shoulders it might help
to extend the thumbs here.
Just give yourself a little support.
A little more space.
And you're gonna want to maybe give up,
particularly if you're a little tired so think about lengthening
from your hip creases to your armpit chest
and think about the weight of the legs grounding down
as you lift up through your heart.
So make it active, basically.
(clicks tongue)
Yogi secret.
And then the great thing about after making it active,
drawing the navel in and up is finding the softness, right?
That Sukha, that ease.
If you haven't already, give it one more go trying to find that
big full body breath, filling the lungs with air.
Sweet and then release, let's rain it down side to side and
then just one time to each side.
(chuckles) Benji's very Zenned out today.
Inhale to reach up and over, big side body stretch.
And then bring it back to center.
And other side, up first and then over.
Creating length.
And you're gonna come back to center,
take one more cycle of breath.
Inhale lots of love in.
Exhale, use it to relax the shoulders down.
Great, okay so from here we're gonna come on to the back for a
little Bridge Pose warm-up.
You can use the blankets if you want.
I'm gonna push mine to the side and just save them.
If you have never done a Bridge Pose you can watch this one
first and then pick up on the second and third.
If you know Setu Bandhasana well we can do all three together.
(snaps) Okay.
Oh, also I was not gonna say this but I am nursing a little
soreness in my low back so if you see me moving a little
funny, that's why but I still wanted to do
this pose for you today.
It's a big request and so that's that.
I'm human.
And it's a good thing to kind of just tend to it instead of try
and fake it and you know do that thing.
That's not gonna work for me anymore.
Gotta be mindful, gotta honor what is.
Okay, but this is gonna feel good.
So here we go.
We're gonna walk the, you're gonna come on to your back.
You're gonna walk the heels up in line with your sits bones
and you're gonna reach your fingertips
down towards your heels.
Right away I'm gonna snuggle my shoulder blades
into my heart space.
In and underneath my figurative heart space.
You can think about drawing your shoulder blades
together to touch, to kiss.
Then a little bit of a tendency here is to get up into the pose
before we've set up the foundation.
So if the feet are too wide or a lot of times I'll just see
them a little bit too close, you're gonna want to think about
bringing them in alignment with your hip points.
So not the outer hips but your hip points.
And the truth is the more that I
lead yoga and experience that exchange,
the less exact I think it is.
I think every body is different
so you're gonna use these as guidelines
but also it is important to learn the alignment
and the action so that you can stay safe,
especially with at home yoga.
So hip points are in line with the knees or rather knees are in
line with the hip points.
Ankles are in line with the knees.
Alright, so not here, not here.
You'll walk 'em in.
So I'm on two parallel lines.
I know it seems like I'm obsessing but for beginners it's
like you can't really see down there so have to just keep
saying careful not to go too wide,
careful not to go too narrow.
Then fingertips are gonna actively press into the earth.
And we're gonna press into all four corners of the feet firmly.
Right away you're connected before you
even lift any weight up.
Shoulder blades continue to draw together so you feel
that active opening the chest.
So you're already active before you even lift up.
Then we'll take a deep breath in.
Filling the lungs.
Big chest expansion here.
And then on the exhale you'll use it to re-anchor your
foundation and begin to slowly lift the hip points,
the hip creases up.
Then as you come about halfway you're gonna pause re-assess,
re-connect and maybe draw the shoulder blades together
a little bit more and then we'll continue the journey,
this time really thinking of sending the shins forward.
Shins forward.
Now knees are gonna want to come in here.
Imagine you're holding or squeezing an imaginary block
between the thighs.
You're holding on to your foundation
and you're breathing deep.
Great, then chest is gonna lift to chin.
I might find more space here and then chin to sky.
If I want, I can interlace the fingertips behind
my back for a bind.
I'm active.
I'm thinking about sending my sits bones towards
the backs of my knees.
I'm sending my shins forward.
And once again, chest to chin and chin to sky.
Breathing deep.
Breathing deep.
To come out, I'll take a deep breath in.
Exhale, slowly release, slowly come down.
When you release, take a deep breath in and a long breath out.
So if you're observing you can come now to join me.
If you're ready for round two, maybe you'll take a different
variation this time. I'm gonna teach it.
We're gonna snuggle the shoulder blades in.
This time we're gonna keep the elbows on the ground.
We're gonna take the hands up to the sky
and really activate through the fingertips.
So you're creating a little space for you
to bring the torso through.
So shoulder blades come together,
active in the fingers.
Take a deep breath in.
Exhale to find your foundation.
Inhale in again.
And then exhale to lift the tailbone up.
Press through all four corners of the feet.
Shins forward, shins forward.
Lifting hips up high.
And then my torso comes right in-between my hands.
Elbows are gonna want to come out here.
We're gonna keep 'em snuggling in.
And then if there's a variation here where you want to take your
hands to your rib cage or underneath you, you can.
Otherwise, just stay right here, active in the fingers.
Shoulder blades drawing together.
Remember keep the neck integrated,
neck awareness. Breathing deep.
We're building strength in the legs,
the glutes, the back, the core.
One more breath, inhale.
And then exhale to slowly lower down with control, with control.
Awesome work.
We're gonna do one more variation.
This time with the arms all the way up and overhead.
I'll cue you but if you know Setu Bandhasana you can take
this time to get into any variation you like now.
Here we go. Strong foundation.
Mindful breath, inhale.
Inhale, ground through the feet.
Start with the tail. Think Cat-Cow.
You're gonna really articulate through the lower back first,
then through the mid-back and then upper.
So nice and slow.
This time pause halfway.
You're gonna take a deep breath in
and on the exhale, you'll continue.
This time lifting the fingertips active fingers all the way up
towards the ceiling.
If you feel good there, then you can continue the
journey all the way up and back.
Breathing deep.
Creating space.
Chest to chin, chin to sky.
Lots of space in the neck.
No crunching.
Definitely no pain.
You're pressing into the ball joint of the big toe,
the ball joint of the pinky toe
and the back two corners of the heels.
Take one more breath in.
Maybe lift the hip points a little higher and then exhale.
We start to simultaneously slowly lower the hips down.
Take the fingertips in reverse all the way up.
And then arms all the way down.
Awesome work.
Take the feet as wide as your yoga mat.
Bring the knees together.
Just a little internal rotation.
Take a deep breath in.
Empty it out.
Then keep the feet where they are,
as wide as your yoga mat, and you're gonna take just the
knees, so keep the feet wide so you can get this.
Just the knees over towards the left.
Getting a little bonus hip mobility.
Okay, and then keep the feet as wide as your mat.
Take 'em up to center, knees up to center
and then over to the right.
Fabulous. Come up to center.
Nice and slow and then you can press back up to a seat or come
on to your side if you're nursing a little back thing.
Okay, so now we're gonna take our folded up blankets
to the center of the mat.
And it's a little bit important that you
have a nice clean, edge here at the top.
This is where your head and your neck is gonna go.
Now if you're practicing now and you're like,
"Ah, I don't have blankets."
It's okay, you can still experience this but I want you
to be really, really careful and if you think you might even have
a blanket that might work for this,
pause the video and go grab it because it does make such a
difference for the neck.
And really good for beginners too so you can work to create
space in what feels like the impossible but through regular
practice and this is such a
great life long pose to play with.
It's so good for the body.
It's nice to kind of start with the space.
You just feel a little bit more motivated to keep
coming back to it, right? Because you're not in pain.
And so
take some time to get a nice clean surface here.
Nice clean edge for the neck.
Then nice and slow I'm gonna demo this
so you can watch this at first.
If you already are doing shoulder stand and you just want
to follow along and you can use the sound of my voice and you
don't need to look then you can but I just want to stress one of
the reasons that I've held off on doing this foundations video
is I really want to protect the neck and people's necks and it's
really hard to do these poses if you're looking at the video.
So you can't really turn your neck in a shoulder stand just to
make that very clear. Okay?
So not good.
Okay, so here we go.
I'm gonna come down
gently to my back and I want my shoulders to
hit two to three inches away from the edge of this blanket.
So you don't want to be right on the edge,
you'll see why in a moment.
You want to give yourself two to three inches.
You know you can just do thumbprints or eyeball it.
And that's where my shoulders are gonna land.
If you have a ponytail you might want to take it out.
Want to create a nice smooth ride for yourself.
And then you can just work here actually in the Bridge prep for
a little bit and another way that I like to teach this in the
studio is at the wall.
Just slowly working your way up the wall.
But nice and slow we're gonna start in a Bridge prep,
your Bridge prep.
You're just gonna lift one leg, any old leg,
all the way up and just feel that stretch,
maybe the hamstring's super tight so you're gonna
keep a nice bent knee.
Take a deep breath in.
Maybe that leg starts shaking. No worries.
And then all the way down.
And then opposite leg all the way up.
Feeling that connection to your core.
Starting to open up through the hamstring.
Getting the legs up.
And then down and then one more time on each side.
And if we're at the wall we would just put legs up the wall
for a couple of deep, long breaths.
Just feeling yourself out through the sacrum,
the coccyx, creating body awareness.
Okay and come back down.
And nice and slow you're gonna spread the fingertips,
so nice, bright fingertips.
You're gonna claw the fingertips into the ground and you're gonna
keep your feet on the ground and we're just gonna snuggle the
shoulder blades underneath your heart space once again.
Okay, step by step.
Then from here you're gonna use this connection of fingertips to
earth, just slowly lift your knees up towards the chest.
So you can do it in a mindful breath or
you can do it one at a time.
Because I'm actually nursing low back stuff mine's gonna look a
little bit funky today but I don't want to risk it so
I'm gonna, yeah, there we go.
From here knees are gonna come up to the chest,
hands are gonna come to support.
Don't worry about getting your shoulder blades right underneath
you right at first. Just feel this out.
Feel that big stretch in your low back.
Woo! You're doing great.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Feel your breath
in all four corners of your,
all four sides of your torso.
Great and then you can kind of just get a feel for the blanket
like, "Do I need to be further down?"
"Do I need to be a little bit higher?"
There should be no pain in the neck.
And then from here, you'll slowly,
with core connection roll back down.
I'm not gonna roll because I have a little bit of
a low back thing so I'm gonna do that.
It's embarrassing and I'll come back down.
Okay, so from there we're gonna keep going.
Here we go, deep breath in.
Exhale, claw through the fingertips,
anchor through the core.
Bring the knees up towards the chest.
Now this time we are gonna work to
draw the shoulder blades together.
We've been here before so we don't have to be scared.
We're gonna draw the shoulder blades together,
really together, hands come to the low back.
Now keep breathing.
Maybe with each breath you find that your hands can come a
little bit more on the back
and maybe closer together.
And then I want you to remember my loving note of bringing
energy to the hands.
Bring energy to the hands, bring energy to the fingertips.
You got this.
Great, from here if you need to come out of the pose you can at
any time, slow and with control.
From here if you're ready to go to the next bus stop,
you're gonna take the toes all the way over the head
and begin to work to straighten the legs.
I really don't think the legs will straighten right away.
In which case you can enjoy a bent knee Plow Pose.
So we call this Plow Pose.
Breathing deep.
Chest is lifting up to the chin, chin is lifting up to the sky.
Just lots of awareness. Lots of space.
No pain in my neck.
Big beautiful stretch through the back body.
The whole body.
Deep breaths.
So you're in your Plow Pose, hopefully you're just watching.
In your Plow Pose and from here
you can come back down,
take a break, come back in or from here you can work to get
the shoulders closer together.
You'll anchor navel to spine.
Find that core connection and
you're just gonna lift one leg up.
Don't even worry about it getting straight or overhead.
Just lift one leg up.
Then you'll put it down.
The other leg just as we did before.
Bent knee is okay.
If the hamstrings are super tight,
you want to work to find that connection,
that follow through.
From here after doing one leg and then other you can take a
break or if you're ready you could take one leg up,
find that core connection and then take the other leg up to
join it and you don't have to worry about getting
into that straight line right away.
Just take it step by step.
Then make sure you're breathing, breathing here and you're gonna
try to create the same connection of sit bone to the
back of the knee that you did in Bridge Pose.
And then to come out I'll do just one leg
at a time to the Plow Pose.
Bring the hands to the earth claw through the fingertips and
with control you're just gonna go right back the way you came.
And you can work on a core roll down.
I'm doing a little vary awkward roll down
just to protect my SI.
Then when you get there, pause, don't move.
Feel the flush of energy, of blood.
Nice moment here to pause and feel the effects.
And then to counter pose you'll roll to one side.
You can move the blankets.
We'll come right back down.
We'll extend the legs out long.
You're gonna walk the hands underneath your bum.
And this is a Fish version one.
So you'll just start here.
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze the legs together.
Point the toes.
Press, claw into the earth.
Press hands into the earth and
you'll draw the shoulder blades together.
Breathe deep.
From here you could inhale in, exhale,
claw, connection to the foundation always and from there
you might lift the chest up.
And then send your gaze forward,
up and back integrating the neck.
Fish Pose.
Don't worry about lifting the legs here,
this is just a counter pose so breathe deep here.
With an inhale feel again the chest expansion.
With an exhale draw the navel in and release.
Then from here you can take the knees up towards the chest and
rock around a little bit and find what feels good.
Okie doke.
So we're gonna do that one more time.
I'm gonna talk you through it so you can do it
with the sound of my voice.
Or, of course, you know your home practice is beautiful
because it's yours so you can also pause the video and give it
a try and then re-watch.
So again, this is kind of a clinic style meant to be fun and
to just give you some good old fashioned play time at home so
don't be hard on yourself.
Just enjoy and I can already feel just the benefits of this
posture just sitting here now.
It's such a beautiful posture and a really fun one to do once
you know how to do it mindfully.
So no neck pain, no bruising in the neck, okay?
Alright, so we're gonna set the blankets up
in the middle of the mat.
We're gonna gently come down.
Gingerly if you're Adriene today.
Yes. Cool.
By the way, I'm good.
I'm not injured, I'm just being really mindful 'cause
I have a little, just a tiny little bruise.
And hopefully me being mindful will inspire you.
So when you come down on to your,
to be mindful always.
When you come down to your mat remember to give yourself two to
three inches before the edge.
Before the edge and then walk the heels up,
find your nice foundation for Bridge.
If you're not ready to go into shoulder stand today,
Candle Pose, you can just work on your Bridge here.
You can feel out what it's like to be on the blanket and you can
work on Setu Bandhasana.
So ground through the feet and when you're ready,
you're going lift the hips up high.
Bridge if you're doing Bridge and if not you're gonna claw
through the fingertips and when you're ready draw
the knees up towards the chest.
Pause here. Just get used to this.
Breathing deep.
Just catch your bum, your hips wherever it is.
Again, this is a beginner's exploration so be kind.
Be brave, be mindful and be patient.
Okay, from here, come back down.
Oh wait, I guess I can roll down.
I got it.
And then here we go again when you're ready.
Inhale in, exhale navel draws to the spine.
I press back up.
Hands are gonna come behind.
I'm gonna draw the shoulder blades together,
really together.
From here, maybe I take Plow Pose.
Drawing either the knees by the ears or
toes all the way overhead.
Breathing deep.
And then reconnect to your core.
Hands on the back, you might lift one leg up, just one.
And then lower it and then maybe lift the other leg up.
And lower it.
And then keeping your focus on your breath.
No need to look at the video.
Take your time.
Maybe you'll lift one leg up and then the other.
Breathing deep.
Then slowly coming back to Plow Pose.
Take your time.
And then rolling down.
Fingertips connecting to the earth.
Try to stay connected to your core.
Rolling down nice and slow.
Oh yeah.
Beautiful and then ground your feet and take a moment,
pause, don't move, just feel.
Then you can either roll up from here or slowly roll to one side.
We'll take the blankets away.
We'll come on to the back.
We'll extend the legs out long.
And then we'll bring the hands underneath the bum.
Squeeze the legs together.
Draw the shoulder blades together.
Inhale, puff up through the chest
and you can just stay here working.
Or if you like, Fish Pose.
Strong foundation here.
Grounding through anything
that's touching the floor right now.
And from there that's where you effortlessly lift your chest
and come on to the ground with the head.
Then inhale.
Use an exhale to connect navel to spine.
Slowly release. (sighs)
From here you can hug the knees into the chest and
rock around and gently finding what feels good.
Alright, awesome work.
After you've taken a couple moments to find what feels good
you can press back up to a nice comfortable seat
maybe on your cushion.
Then when you're ready bring the hands together
and sit up nice and tall.
Take a second to close your eyes and just be still.
Honoring your breath, listening to your breath.
Noticing how you feel.
And choosing to always remember
that your practice is about
process and journey.
And there's so much
to be said for that.
Brings so much hope
to ones everyday when we simply remember
to focus on the process, focus on the journey.
Not the endpoint.
Cool. Bring the thumbs up to the third eye.
Take a deep breath in and on an exhale,
we will bow.
Take good care everyone. Namaste.
(gentle music)