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  • Morning!

  • Morning

  • Hey. How're you doing? Sleepy?

  • I found this bakery recently, it's really good

  • Yeah, it's good!

  • This is the best baguette I've ever found so far.

  • It's not for you, Poki.

  • Hi Nagi! These aren't for you guys.

  • Hey, hey, hey. Give me some space.

  • Haku! Okay. You can stay there, okay.

  • Now, I beat the eggs - and some sugar syrup.

  • [Jun:] Hai! Dekita yo. (OK, it's done.) [Rachel:] Arigatou! (Thanks!)

  • [Jun:] Sorry I don't have the, uh. The whipped cream, today. But I hope it tastes okay.

  • [Rachel:] I'm sure it's amazing.

  • French toast!

  • Seriously the most important thing is get the good bread. That's all you have to do. This bread we found is really good.

  • From this bakery in Gifu prefecture. It's really good! [To Rachel:] Right? Wasn't it good, the last time I made it?

  • [Rachel:] It was amazing.

  • [Jun:] Yeah, well - douzo! (Please take some.) [Rachel:] Thank you so much!

  • He's falling asleep now because he ate food

  • [Jun:] Both of the stools are occupied by cats. We're gonna- [Rachel, speaking over:] Who wants to move?

  • [Rachel:] Who's gonna move?

  • [Rachel:] Can I bother you guys? Can I bother one of you into moving?

  • [Rachel:]Come on, someone's gotta make a decision.

  • [Jun:] Who's more patient? [Rachel:] Okay, here.. I'm just gonna- Poki, 'cuz you have the not-squeaky chair. I'm sorry. You have the chair I want.

  • Hey, I'm filming you have to eat nicely.

  • [Rachel:] Oh- I can't. [Jun:] No, with your leg. [Rachel:] I can't sit like I always do.

  • [Jun:] Oh my god. [Rachel:] I can't sit like Gollum?

  • You're like Detective L from Death Note

  • Except you're not solving any cases [Rachel, muffled:] It's not- it's just breakfast, I just want to be comfortable!

  • Now stock of Rachel has dropped so much

  • [Rachel, laughing:] It's really comfy though!

  • [Rachel:] Very very good. [Jun:] Nice. [Rachel:] Thank you. I'm so happy.

  • [Jun:] It's a really good bread, isn't it? [Rachel:] Yeah, it's delicious.

  • .[Jun:] It's this bread - bakery.

  • See ya. Bye~!



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A2 初級 美國腔

法式吐司 (French Toast)

  • 74 7
    all9411271 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日