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Hey. How're you doing? Sleepy?
I found this bakery recently, it's really good
Yeah, it's good!
This is the best baguette I've ever found so far.
It's not for you, Poki.
Hi Nagi! These aren't for you guys.
Hey, hey, hey. Give me some space.
Haku! Okay. You can stay there, okay.
Now, I beat the eggs - and some sugar syrup.
[Jun:] Hai! Dekita yo. (OK, it's done.) [Rachel:] Arigatou! (Thanks!)
[Jun:] Sorry I don't have the, uh. The whipped cream, today. But I hope it tastes okay.
[Rachel:] I'm sure it's amazing.
French toast!
Seriously the most important thing is get the good bread. That's all you have to do. This bread we found is really good.
From this bakery in Gifu prefecture. It's really good! [To Rachel:] Right? Wasn't it good, the last time I made it?
[Rachel:] It was amazing.
[Jun:] Yeah, well - douzo! (Please take some.) [Rachel:] Thank you so much!
He's falling asleep now because he ate food
[Jun:] Both of the stools are occupied by cats. We're gonna- [Rachel, speaking over:] Who wants to move?
[Rachel:] Who's gonna move?
[Rachel:] Can I bother you guys? Can I bother one of you into moving?
[Rachel:]Come on, someone's gotta make a decision.
[Jun:] Who's more patient? [Rachel:] Okay, here.. I'm just gonna- Poki, 'cuz you have the not-squeaky chair. I'm sorry. You have the chair I want.
Hey, I'm filming you have to eat nicely.
[Rachel:] Oh- I can't. [Jun:] No, with your leg. [Rachel:] I can't sit like I always do.
[Jun:] Oh my god. [Rachel:] I can't sit like Gollum?
You're like Detective L from Death Note
Except you're not solving any cases [Rachel, muffled:] It's not- it's just breakfast, I just want to be comfortable!
Now stock of Rachel has dropped so much
[Rachel, laughing:] It's really comfy though!
[Rachel:] Very very good. [Jun:] Nice. [Rachel:] Thank you. I'm so happy.
[Jun:] It's a really good bread, isn't it? [Rachel:] Yeah, it's delicious.
.[Jun:] It's this bread - bakery.
See ya. Bye~!