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It doesn't matter how diligent we are of keeping track of what's in the fridge, we've all been there.
There are always those few mystery bottles of condiments tucked away in the back, the ones you forget about until you're rummaging through for something else.
Should you keep them, or pitch them?
While there's a huge disagreement over whether an opened bottle of ketchup should be kept on the shelf or in the fridge, the answer according to Heinz is that it's the fridge, all the way.
雖然大家都在爭論到底開過的番茄醬應該擺冰箱還是櫃子裡,但是根據 Heinz 公司,正確的答案應該是冰箱,只有冰箱。
The acidity technically makes it shelf-stable, but once you open it, it can impact the balance of what's inside.
For comparison, your refrigerated bottle will be good for between nine to 12 months while that same bottle will only last about a month in the pantry.
相較之下,放在冰箱中的番茄醬可以保存 9~12 個月,但同樣一瓶番茄醬在儲藏櫃裡大約只能擺上 1 個月。
What about ketchup-based cocktail sauce?
That's not going to last quite as long, but should be good for between six and nine months.
它的保存期限就不如番茄醬了,但大約也可以保存 6~9 個月。
In other words, use the bottle you opened for New Year's Eve by June, and you're fine.
換句話說,只要在 6 月前吃完你在跨年夜所開的雞尾酒醬就沒問題了。
According to French's, it's not technically necessary to refrigerate your regular mustard, but they say popping it in the fridge will help it hold flavor.
根據 French's 一般的黃芥末是不需要放進冰箱的,但他們表示,放進冰箱裡有助於醬料風味的保存。
Horseradish-based mustards and Dijon should definitely be kept in the fridge, because while there's nothing in either that will spoil, they will lose flavor if they're not kept cold.
Mustard in a glass jar will last longer than the stuff in the squeeze bottle, but the general rule is that mustard will still be good for two to three months beyond the "Best By" date, which they stress isn't the same as an expiration date.
在玻璃罐裡的芥末,保存期限會比放在塑膠瓶裡長,但通常在超過「最佳賞味期限」的2~3 個月內,都是還能食用的,他們特別強調「最佳賞味期限」是不同於「保存期限的」。
You might not have to throw this one away after all.
"But you've mistakenly wandered off with my Grey Poupon!"
「但你不小心帶著我的 Grey Poupon 跑了!」
"The scoundrel!"
While Worcestershire sauce has been a staple in kitchens for decades and while it's always been fine just sitting on the shelf, our homes are generally warmer than they were a hundred years ago.
That means you're prolonging the life of the product by keeping it refrigerated, and it can last up to three years.
While we're talking about long-lasting condiments, let's talk about soy sauce.
Like Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce is fermented and that helps make it last longer, but proper refrigeration makes a huge difference here, too.
At room temperature, your bottle will last about six months.
在室溫下,它能保存大約 6 個月。
In the fridge, it'll be good for around two years.
Chiles and vinegar are main ingredients in many hot sauces, and these preserving agents help make them last.
As long as you properly refrigerate your sauce, an opened bottle could be good for up to three years… but, there's a "but."
Dr. Doug Archer from the University of Florida says you shouldn't keep that open bottle in the fridge for more than a year.
來自 University of Florida 的 Dr. Doug Archer 表示你不應該將已開封過的辣醬放在冰箱超過一年。
That's because of hot sauce's tendency to develop flecks of mold that can react with the ingredients to start producing gases that will eventually, if forgotten about for long enough, burst the container they're in.
No condiment is as polarizing as mayonnaise, and since there's probably at least one person in your house that doesn't like it, it might sit on the door of the fridge for a long, long time.
How long should it stay there?
Not long, because a jar of mayo is only good for about two months.
In other words, finish that jar of mayo you opened for your summertime cookouts by the time school is in full swing.
The same goes for mayo- and cream-based dressings.
They're good for a maximum of two months, but you're better off using it within a month.
If it's a vinaigrette dressing, you have a little more time, because those open bottles tend to be good for about three months in the fridge.
Since a lot of standard Barbecue sauce ingredients, like salt and vinegar, act as preservatives, it'll last longer than you might think.
Just be sure to keep your sauce in the fridge, all the time, which means not letting it sit out, say, alongside the grill while you're cooking.
That's going to shorten the life of the sauce immensely.
That said, let's assume you've kept it in the fridge most of the time it's been open.
There's still a huge variance here because there's so many different types of barbecue sauce.
Sweet Baby Ray's says an open bottle of their sauce won't be good past the 4-month mark, but some other sauces can last up to a year in the fridge.
Sweet Baby Ray's 表示他們的醬在開封四個月後就不新鮮了,但有些其它的醬料在冰箱裡可以保存近一年。
Ultimately, use your judgement and throw away anything that looks dark or moldy.
最終,用你的判斷力,把任何看起來發黑或是發霉的東西都丟掉吧 !
If you've ever ordered takeout or stopped at a fast food joint, you probably have a collection of those little packets of condiments.
But, do they go bad?
Here's the scoop.
Ketchup packets are good for around seven months, while mayo (regular and fat-free), tartar sauce, horseradish, and Tabasco packets are good for eight months.
番茄醬包可以擺上 7 個月,而其他像是美乃滋 (一般和零脂肪)、塔塔醬、山葵醬和 Tabasco 的醬包則可以保存 8 個月。
Then, you've got relish, barbecue sauce, mustard, steak sauce, and cocktail sauce packets, which will last around nine months.
還有洋蔥醬、烤肉醬、黃芥末、牛排醬跟雞尾酒醬包,大約可以保存 9 個月左右。
And here's the weird thing.
While mild taco sauce packets will last up to nine months, the same hot taco sauce is only going to be good for around four.
雖然淡的塔可醬包可以保存 9 個月,淡同款的辣味塔可醬卻只能保存 4 個月左右。
Now you know!