字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (upbeat jazz music) 00:00:05,312 --> 00:00:06,783 嗨 大家好 我是珍 - Hey everyone, it's your girl Jenn 今天的影片是關於如何擺出拍照姿勢 and today's video is about posing for photos. 我知道有時候有點尷尬和困難 I know it can feel pretty awkward and daunting 在拍照得時候 getting your picture taken, 但是拍照不用總是感覺這樣的 but it doesn't always have to feel that way. 這就是為什麼我整理了十個我的必擺照相的姿勢小撇步 This is why I've whipped up ten of my go-to poses 這些小撇步可以幫助你在相機面前 so it just makes life easier in front of the camera, 還有如果你喜歡相關的影片 and if you enjoy videos like this, 不要忘了按下面的訂閱哦 make sure you're subscribed, the button is down below, 一起加入這個大家庭! so join the family! 好, 廢話不多說 All right, so without further ado, 我們來看看這些姿勢吧 let's get on with the poses. 我第一個姿勢是叫靠著 So my first pose is called The Lean, 這一個姿勢非常簡單 and this one is super easy. 你所需要做的事情就是找一個牆壁然後靠著 All you've got to do is find a wall and lean on it. 你也可以側面靠著牆 You can lean on it sideways for something more 然後放輕鬆, 或是你可以整個背部都靠著 laid back and chill, or you can lean on it just directly 這就比較簡單明瞭 for something that's more straightforward. 但我的一個專業小撇步是拱起你的腰 But my little pro tip is to kind of arch your back 然後把屁股翹起來一點 and pop your butt out a little bit 讓你的屁股靠在牆上 and have that resting on the wall. 從側面看起來很奇怪 It looks really weird from the side, 可是從正面看起來比較瘦比較好看 but directly it just slims you down and makes you look good. 第二個姿勢叫做交叉 Pose number two is called The Crossing, 就是把你的腿交叉擺放 and this is when you have your legs crossed. 我注意到當我的腿是交叉的 I find that when my legs are crossed, 這個姿勢讓我看起來比較活 the pose looks a lot more dynamic as opposed to just 跟如果兩個腿是直直的站著比起來 having my legs just parallel next to each other. 我覺得直直地站著感覺比較死板 I feel like the pose looks a little flat that way, 不過當你交叉你的腿, 我覺得有拉長 but when you've got it crossed, I feel like it elongates 視覺上有拉長你的比例的效果 your figure and it's just more flattering to your body. 如果我沒有穿高跟鞋, 我會墊起腳尖 If I'm not wearing heels, I always make sure to tiptoe. 這小小的兩吋高可以幫助很大 Those two extra inches goes a long way, 當你在墊腳的時候, 你的小腿會出力 and when you are tiptoeing, you're flexing your legs 所以小腿會看起來比較瘦跟拉長你的身體比例 so it looks leaner and elongates your body. 下一個姿勢是叫大步向前走 The next pose is called The Strut, 這個姿勢很像之前提到的 and this is pretty much like the previous pose, 不過是真的在走路 but you're actually walking. 所以不像只有交叉你的腿 So instead of just having one leg other the other, 你其實也再給你自己在原地踏步一兩個小步伐 you're actually gonna give yourself a little one-two step. 我發現你如果真的開始在走路 I find that when you try and physically walk, 對攝影的人來說是有點難捕捉到的 it's hard for the photographer to capture that moment, 所以我就做有點搖擺的動作 so I do a little rocking motion, 然後試著捕捉那個瞬間 to try and capture that shot. 在拍攝的現實中看起來有點蠢, 不過我發誓 It looks really dumb in real life, but I swear 當你看到照片的成果時, 是非常值得的 when you get the photo, it's totally gonna be worth it. 我覺得這個姿勢最難的一點是 I find that the most difficult part about The Strut 我不知道為什麼我走路的時候都會眨眼睛 for some reason is I always blink when I walk. 我不曉得為什麼, 不過試著張開你的眼睛 I don't know why, but just try and keep your eyes open, 或是如果沒辦法看鏡頭的話 or if the eye contact's not happening, 就看著前方吧 feel free to just stare forwards 這樣也比較自然坦率的感覺 for something that's a little bit more candid. 再來第四個姿勢叫害羞的手臂 So pose number four is called The Coy Arms, 我之所以會命名這個姿勢為此是因為當我在做這個姿勢時 and I decided to name it this because when I do this pose, 這看起來有點像你是一個害羞的 it kind of looks like you're a little coy, 像是你有小秘密 like you've got a little secret, 但這是當你把手放在 but this is when you have one hand and you place it 你的手肘, 你的前臂或是你的手腕 on your elbow, your forearm, or even your wrist. 甚至你的肩膀, 看你當時的心情 Even the shoulder, I mean depending on the mood 當你你在拍不同種類 that you're going for or the variety of shots 你想要的感覺時, 基本上就移動你的手 you want to take, just basically move your hand 交叉放在你另一邊的手臂上 all across the opposite arm. 一個小小的專業撇步是我喜歡把我一邊的肩膀凸出來 One little pro tip is like to pop up my shoulder, 所以看起來有修長手臂的效果 just to give it a little bit more of an elongated arm, 因為這個看起來從這裡開始 because it looks like it starts from here 而不是這裡 as opposed to here. 下一個姿勢叫隨性的手 So the next pose is called The Candid Hands, 這個姿勢主要就是讓你的手有事情做 and this is essentially just keeping your hands busy. 其中我有一個最愛是把頭髮撥耳後 One of my favorites is just a little ear tuck, 像是你在整裡你自己 like you're just kind of adjusting yourself, 有點不知所措的感覺 kind of caught off-guard a little bit. 或是整理妳耳朵後面的頭髮 Just kind of fix your hair behind your ear even, 有點撥你的頭髮 kind of flip your hair over, 讓你的手有在動然後你的手忙碌的感覺 keeping your arms moving and your hands busy, 我覺得這個姿勢轉印的很好 I feel like that always translates really well 在相機前 in front of the camera. 如果你的服裝有口袋的話 If you're wearing an outfit that has pockets, 一定要用它們因為你可以把手放在 definitely use them because you can just throw your hands 你的口袋裡面然後你就不用擔心手要擺哪裡了 in your pockets and you don't have to worry about posing 就像看起來你的手在取暖 them, it just looks like you're keeping your hands warm. 褲子的口袋也是一樣的 The same thing goes with pants pockets. 如果你的褲子是有口袋的 If you have a pocket in your bottom, 就把手放在你的口袋裡 definitely just throw that hand in, 讓它看起來你在找什麼東西 make it look like you're reaching something out of there, 如果你沒有口袋但是你有 and if you don't have any pockets but you got some 皮帶環的話, 也可以用你的大拇指扣住皮帶環 belt loops, those work too, just throw your thumbs in. 有點看起來像女牛仔但是我覺得看起來也滿酷的 Kinda looks a little cowgirly but I think it looks cool too. 如果你還是不知道你的手該擺哪裡的話 If you still can't figure out what to do with your hands, 就拿個東西吧 just throw in a prop. 我的最愛是拿著飲料 My favorite one is definitely a drink in your hand, 像是星巴克飲料或是杯子, 或是一杯咖啡 maybe a Starbucks cup or a mug, a cup of coffee. 這樣就讓你的手有事情做了 It just keeps your hands busy, 你也可以兩手拿著杯子, 吸幾口飲料 you can throw both hands on them, take a little sippy sip. 這樣可以讓你的照片比較有互動感 It's just about interacting with something in your photo 跟直直地站著是相反的 as opposed to just standing there blankly. 下一個我們有坐著凝視 Next up we've got the Sit & Stare. 我其中之一最愛照相的地方 One of my favorite places to take photos 是階梯因為我很愛呈現出來放鬆的感覺 are staircases because I just love how relaxed they look. 非常街頭的風格 It's very street style. 我有一個撇步是總是將你的腳 One tip I have is to always keep your feet 放在不同的階梯上 on different stairs or different steps, 因為這會讓你的照片看起來有更多層次 because it gives the photo more layers, 也可以修長你的身體比例 and it give a chance to elongate your body, 雖然你是坐著 even though you're sitting down. 這就看起來像你在放鬆 It just looks like you're chilling, 或是你有非常忙碌的一天 or you've had just a really long day, 然後你需要在階梯上坐下來 and you just had to sit down on some stairs 喘口氣 and take a breather. 第九個姿勢叫做往後看 Pose number nine is called The Look Back At It, 這是當你的身體是背對相機的 and this is when your body is facing away from the camera, 但是你的臉是面向相機的 but your face is facing towards the camera, 所以看起來像是被呼叫 so it looks like you've just been summoned. 像是"你叫我嗎?“類似的 Like "oh, you called for me?" type of thing. 這個姿勢需要你配合好 This one definitely requires some synchronizing 跟你的攝影師, 所以也許你可以請他們 with your photographer, so maybe have them 在他們照相前倒數 count down when they're going to take the photo, 然後你可以移動你的頭 so you can move your head. 我的目標是有一點頭髮飄逸的感覺 The goal is to have a little bit of move in your hair, 不過有時候是有點難捕捉的 but sometimes it's just really hard to get the shot, 所以我就只好往這個方向看 so I'll just literally just look back this way, 然後就照這個姿勢 and just get the shot that way. 當這全部的姿勢都沒有用然後你不知道該怎麼辦 When all else fails and you don't know what to do, 就比個YA手勢吧 just pop the peace sign. 這個簡單的姿勢任何人都可以做 This is an easy pose that anyone can do. 你可以擺在靠近臉旁邊 You can have it directly next to you, 往上擺, 或是擺在別人上面 close to your face, above, on somebody. 我的意思是, 任何事都可以配YA手勢 I mean, anything goes with the peace sign, 我不知道, 我總是覺得很可愛 it's just, I don't know, I always think it's cute. 這個是我總是這樣做的 This is one of my go-tos when 當我不知道該如何是好 I really don't know what to do. 我覺得這是很活潑可愛的 I feel like it's really light-hearted, cute, 而且這個手勢傳播好的訊息, 和平 and it promotes a good message, peace. 好吧大家, 以上是十個照相的姿勢 All right guys, so those were ten poses that you can 你可以試試看你下一個IG貼文 try for your next Instagram post, 或是任何你想要的照片裡 or just any photo you want to in general. 我不是專業的模特兒 I am definitely not a professional model, 我也知道有很多其他的照相姿勢你可以做 and I know that there are so many other poses 但是老實說這十個姿勢 that you can do, but honestly these ten are the ones 是我總是會使用的 that I just kinda gravitate toward most 因為這時個姿勢做起來很舒服和簡單的 because they're comfortable and easy to do. 如果你後來有試試看這些姿勢 If you end up trying any of these, 不要忘了在IG上標籤我還有寫下來 make sure you tag me on Instagram and write down 在你的貼文裡面你做了哪個姿勢 the pose that you used in the caption, 我很期待看到你們試了什麼 I would love to see what you guys come up with. 最重要得是好玩跟捕捉那個瞬間 It's all about having fun and capturing the moment. 如果你們喜歡這個影片 If you guys enjoyed this video, 不要忘了按Like make sure you hit the like button 所以我知道你們喜歡這類型的影片 so it'll encourage me to film more of these videos for you. 我想我下一個拍照教學相關的影片 I think for my next photo-taking series video, it might 可能會是哪些不同的地點是好照相的地方 be different locations you can take a good photo at. 我想我會分成 I think I would divide it, I mean, 像是在洛杉磯本身就有很多不同的景點 even Los Angeles itself has so many different backdrops, 希望你們喜歡這個影片 but yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, 非常謝謝你的收看, 再見!(親) and thank you so much for watching, bye! (kisses) (upbeat jazz music)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 姿勢 交叉 撇步 口袋 拉長 比較 如何擺姿勢的照片|10個簡單的Instagram姿勢|衣戀網 (How To Pose For Photos | 10 Easy Poses For Instagram | clothesencounters) 2762 193 安妮 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字