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Catherine de Medici leads the French Civ in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
She was the most powerful European queen of the 16th Century.
She was skilled in statecraft, diplomacy, and especially espionage.
Her efforts to secure the crown for her family laid the groundwork
for a strong central French state.
法國的特殊能力是「壯遊」,讓法國在建造遊戲中期奇觀時 能獲得加乘,並替他們建造所有奇觀帶來額外的觀光。
France's special ability – Grand Tour – gives them a bonus when constructing
mid-game Wonders and extra Tourism from all the Wonders they construct.
他們在首都所在的大陸上發起戰鬥可獲得加乘,而且殺敵 能帶來「上將」點數。
The Garde Imperiale are the French unique unit.
They get a bonus for fighting on the starting capital's home continent,
這種設施必須緊鄰河流建造,能提供文化,若蓋在奇觀 附近還有特殊加乘。
and Great General points from kills.
France also gets the Chateau as a unique tile improvement.
利用她的宮廷女侍網絡(凱薩琳的飛行中隊),她可以從 遇見的所有文明那裡取得額外的外交情報。
It must be built adjacent to a river, and provides culture with special
bonuses for being near Wonders.
But what Catherine specializes in is espionage.
埃及和中國在遊戲初期建造奇觀或許佔有優勢,但到了 遊戲中期,法國能在奇觀競賽中輕鬆地迎頭趕上。
By using her network of ladies-in-waiting (Catherine's Flying Squadron),
當他們取得獨特能力和設施後,他們可以在市政學科技樹上加快研發腳步, 並且建立起強大的「工業時代」軍隊,或是採取文化勝利手段。
she gets extra diplomatic information from every Civ she meets.
無輪您打算採取戰爭或和平手段,法國都能充分地掌握 世界動態情報,這得歸功於他們出色的諜報能力。
Once you research Castles, she'll receive an extra spy.
France is a good choice for the culture-focused player.
Egypt and China might focus on building early-game Wonders,
but in midgame France can easily catch up in the Wonder race.
Once their unique abilities and improvements are in play, they can
quickly race up the Civics tree and establish a strong Industrial Era army,
or go for a Cultural Victory.
Regardless of whether you go for war or peace, France will stay well-informed
about what's going in the world, thanks to their excellent espionage.
Are you ready to show the world the glory of La Belle France?
How will you lead the French in Sid Meier's Civilization VI?