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Genghis Khan leads Mongolia in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.
在《席德·梅爾的文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡, 由成吉思汗擔任蒙古領袖
He united the Mongolian steppe and invaded Eurasia
to create the largest contiguous empire in history.
儘管征服了許多人民,但他對宗教與文化卻採取寬容態度, 並且一統絲上的各地區
Although he conquered many people, he also tolerated their religions and cultures
and is credited for unifying the Silk Road.
啟用一條貿易路線後便會在目的地城市中建立貿易站, 並會提升你在該城統治者眼中的外交能見度等級
Mongolia's unique ability is called “Örtöö.”
Starting a Trade route immediately creates a trading post in the destination city,
which also increases your level of diplomatic visibility with its owner.
Mongolian units also gain combat strength against their opponents for each level of this Visibility.
Mongolia's unique building is the Ordu, which replaces the Stable.
這種遠程騎兵單位能用超遠射程掃蕩對手, 並能讓編隊中的任何單位享有與其相同的移動速度
All cavalry class units trained in a city with this building receive extra movement.
Their unique unit is the Keshig.
這種能力可讓你的所有騎兵單位變得更強, 並讓你有機會俘虜被擊敗的敵方騎兵單位來壯大己方軍力
This ranged cavalry class unit is excellent at outranging enemy forces,
蒙古文明是馬背上的戰爭機器, 因此最好盡早研發「騎馬」與「馬鐙」科技,同時確保馬匹來源
and allows any unit in formation with it to share its movement speed.
Genghis's unique ability is “Mongol Horde.”
這些有助於壯大你的軍隊, 並讓你在攻佔設有貿易站的敵方城市時佔上風
All of your cavalry class units are stronger,
and have a chance to capture defeated cavalry class units to further bolster your army.
在《席德·梅爾的文明帝國VI 迭起興衰》裡,您會如何領導蒙古?
Mongolia is a horse-powered war machine, so be sure to aim for Horseback Riding
and Stirrups technologies as well as a source of horses as soon as possible.
Remember to establish trade routes with your neighbors.
It will help fund your troops and give you an advantage
when taking enemy cities with a trading post.
Can you forge an empire to trample your enemies?
How will you lead Mongolia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall?