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Faith and Religion are one of your paths to victory in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
Faith is the resource used to found and enhance a religion, patronize Great People, purchase buildings and acquire religious units.
信仰值這種資源可用來創立與加強宗教、資助偉人、購買建築,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 以及取得宗教單位
Faith is generated by building a Holy Site, social policies, and through access to natural wonders.
At the start of the game, you'll start earning faith.
Soon, you'll be prompted to found a Pantheon – a starting belief that will lead toward founding a Religion.
A Pantheon belief can provide many different advantages, so pick one that directly benefits your early empire.
萬神殿信仰可帶來多種不同好處,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 記得挑選能在帝國初期讓您直接獲益的那一種
For example, if your city is next to ocean resources, the God of the Sea Pantheon will give bonus production to those worked by fishing boats.
舉例來說,如果您的城市附近有海洋資源,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 海洋之神的萬神殿能為漁船採收的單元格提供生產力加成
Great Prophets are used to found major religions. You can earn Great Prophet points through social policies and by building Holy Sites.
大預言家可用來創立主要宗教,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 您可以透過社會政策或建立聖地來獲取大預言家點數
When founding a Religion, you may pick one Follower Belief that benefits all cites in which your religion is dominant, and one Founder Belief, which primarily benefits your civilization.
創立宗教時,您可以挑選一種信徒信仰,_x000D_這能讓所有以您宗教為主流的城市獲益;_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 另外還可挑選一種創始人信仰,這主要能讓您的文明獲益
You can also choose the ability to build special religious buildings on your Holy Site.
The total number of religions founded are limited so only civilizations that push early for a Prophet will found a religion.
能創立的宗教總數是有限的_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 因此唯有早期努力得到預言家的文明能夠創立宗教
Religion emanates naturally from converted cites, but to really spread you'll need Missionaries and Apostles which you can acquire with Faith.
宗教會在皈依的城市中自然發源,但若要傳播宗教,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 得靠透過信仰值取得的傳教士和使徒
Missionaries are the first religious units you'll get. They have a limited number of charges, which they use to promote their religion near another city.
傳教士是您首先獲得的宗教單位,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 他們可以到其他城市附近傳教,但傳教次數有限
You'll need a Shrine in your Holy Site in order to recruit them with Faith.
Apostles are your most powerful religious units, and require a Temple. Each Apostle gets access to a special set of promotions.
使徒是最強大的宗教單位,但得有寺廟才能招募,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 而每位使徒都有特殊的升級選項
Apostles can also be used to evangelize your beliefs, adding a new ability to the religion.
Have an invading army of Missionaries converting your cites? Have an Apostle launch an inquisition!
有傳教士大舉入侵您的城市並設法讓市民皈依嗎?_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 快點讓使徒發起審訊吧!
Inquisitors are inexpensive units that can remove competing religions from your cities, as well as engage in Theological Conflict with other Missionaries, Apostles, and Inquisitors.
審判官這種單位雖然廉價,卻能移除您城市裡的其他對立宗教,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 並可對其他傳教士、使徒和審判官發動神學戰爭
Theological Conflict is a new feature that changes the theological landscape in broad new ways.
Apostles can attack other religious units to keep them from spreading their religion, and if a unit is defeated it affects every city within 10 tiles, while promoting the opposing religion.
使徒可以攻擊其他宗教單位來防止他們傳教;如果單位被殲滅,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 附近10個單元格範圍內的所有城市將受到影響,_x000D_並會開始傳播對立宗教
Some Apostles can even generate Relics from defeat with the Martyr ability.
Certain wonders also benefit your religion.
Stonehenge, the first Wonder in the game, grants a free Great Prophet and allows you to establish a religion without having a Holy Site.
巨石陣是遊戲裡的首個奇觀,不但能提供一位免費的大預言家,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 還能讓您不必建立聖地就能創立宗教
The Mahabodhi Temple grants 2 free apostles, and the Hagia Sophia gives all religious units an extra spread charge.
摩訶菩提寺會提供兩位免費使徒,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 而聖索菲亞大教堂會讓所有宗教單位多得到一次傳教機會
Mont St. Michel gives all Apostles the Martyr promotion.
A religious victory is achieved when more than half of all cities in the worlds' civilizations follow your religion.
The best way to achieve this is by creating Missionaries and Apostles and sending them to cities and civilizations that didn't start a religion of their own.
達成宗教勝利的最佳方式是創建傳教士與使徒,_x000D_ [Line Break]_x000D_ 並派他們前往尚未自行創立宗教的城市和文明傳教
You can also send Apostles promoted with the Proselytizer ability to convert other nations' Holy Cities.
This will upset their leaders, so be prepared to deal with the diplomatic consequences.
>Go forth and spread your good word in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.