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  • Saladin leads Arabia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.


  • From his promising start as a young scholar, Saladin rose to become a legendary commander whose talents and wisdom won praise from his friends and enemies alike.

    薩拉丁原本是前途看好的年輕學者,後來卻成了傳奇指揮官, 且無論是敵是友都讚賞他的聰明才智。

  • Arabia's special ability is calledThe Last Prophet.”


  • When the next-to-last Great Prophet is claimed, Arabia automatically receives the last one, if they haven't already received their prophet.

    當有人得到倒數第二位「大預言家」時, 尚未取得預言家的阿拉伯會自動獲得最後一位大預言家。

  • This guarantees Arabia the ability to found a religion.


  • Arabia has always been famous for its horses, and their unique unit is the Mamluk.


  • This knight replacement heals at the end of every turn, even if it moved or attacked.

    取代騎士的「馬穆魯克」在每回合結束時能夠治療自己, 就算移動過或被攻擊過也一樣。

  • Arabia's unique building is the Madrassa.


  • It generates more science than the University, and it provides faith based on the Campus' adjacency bonus.

    這種學校產生的科學值比大學還多, 而且會基於學院的鄰接加成提供信仰值。

  • Saladin's ability isRighteousness of the Faith” – which happens to be how you translate the wordSaladin.”

    薩拉丁的能力是「正義的信仰」, 正好就是「薩拉丁」在阿拉伯文中的實際意思。

  • The worship building for Arabia's religion costs very little faith to build, and produces bonus science, faith, and culture.

    阿拉伯宗教的祭祀建築物只要極少的信仰值即可建造, 並能產生額外的科學值、信仰值和文化值。

  • Arabia can take advantage of the benefits of founding a religion, without having to worry about racing for a Great Prophet.

    阿拉伯可以利用創建宗教帶來的好處, 而且不用費心與人爭奪「大預言家」。

  • You'll want to have a Holy Site in many cities to take advantage of Saladin's ability as well.


  • Science and Religion blend in Arabia, and this civ is ideally suited for either kind of victory.


  • Will people praise you through the ages?


  • How will you lead Arabia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI?


Saladin leads Arabia in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.



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