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00:00:08,180 --> 00:00:12,900 Right, Today we are going to talk about the basics structure of eye ball
00:00:13,980 --> 00:00:16,780 Will Start with is very very concept as if ,
We don't know anything eye ball eccept
that you know eyeballs are on the
sockets of the orbits
let's take a moving eyeball
from the orbit
and put it here...
after it every
part of the eyeball
one by one, right?
first we'll talk about the general concept
and then
every part of the eyeball we will discuss into detail
if I put an eyeball here
first of all we wiil discuss
is the outher layer
one of the way, one of the best ways
to study the eyeball is
that we must know
what are the walls of eyeball
and what are the structures inside it
it's so simple
what are the walls of the eyeball
and what are the structures inside
so first we'll start studying the walls of the eyeball.
Then we talk about the eyeball, it does three layers. It does three complement
The outer most layer, the outer most layer of the eyebrow