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Hello, this is Dobby
Some of you may know Dobby
but for those who don't
Dobby is a free house elf
and this is Dobby's Draw Dobby's Life
So, Dobby used to work for all the Malfoys as a slave
They treated Dobby horribly but Dobby still behaved
See that is how things were
back when the Dark Lord had his reign
But thing would change the day a babe
became the Dark Lord's bane
Well nothing changed for Dobby
since his master were so mean
They beat poor Dobby even though
the house was shiny clean
There was no way to leave because
well everybody knows
The only way an elf can go
is when it's given clothes
Then one day Dobby heard about
a very evil plan
A plot to bring the Dark Lord back
to school, where he began
So Dobby went to warn
young Harry Potter not to go
but Harry Potter left home
and returned with quite a show
Still Dobby tried to get young
Harry Potter far away
Sure, maybe Dobby's methods were
a little not okay
But in the end the boy who lived
would once more win the day
Then Harry Potter changed poor
Dobby's life in every way
Now when Harry Potter gave the diary
back to Dobby's master, Dobby's master
threw the diary back to Dobby, his disaster
See when Dobby opened up the diary
Dobby was in shock
Because inside the diary Dobby found
a single, smelly sock!
Master had presented Dobby with clothes!
Now Dobby was a free house elf
and Dobby loved his friends
Dobby fought for what was right
together till the end
Now Dobby had a hard time
finding work that would be paid
most wizard still expected Dobby
free and well, enslaved
But then Professor Dumbledore
let Dobby be employed
Now Dobby'd be with friends
which made free Dobby overjoyed!
Of course the other house elves thought
that Dobby was a shame
They felt that being paid for work
was bad, but hey, they're lame
But soon things got more dangerous
at Hogwarts for us all
The Dark Lord had returned and all
his servants heard his call
Now in Harry Potter's fifth year Dobby helped
him find a room to teach his friends how to
protect themselves from sure upcoming doom
But when the evil Umbridge found out
Dobby warned them just too late
But Dobby always was a loyal friend
no matter Dobby's fate
Now Dobby was a free house elf
and Dobby loved his friends
Dobby fought for what was right
Together till the end
Then Harry Potter needed Dobby's help
To spy on Draco Malfoy
who was messing with bad stuff
And sure enough the school was soon
attacked in quite a brawl
We lost Professor Dumbledore
the greatest of them all
The fight went on and Harry Potter
left the school for good
And Dobby swore to help
in any way that Dobby could
When Harry Potter and his friends
were captured and in need
brave Dobby came to rescue them
and Dobby did, indeed
But when Dobby tried disapparating
Bellatrix Lestrange threw out her dagger
and then Dobby felt a feeling cold and strange
but Dobby'd made it, they were safe now
Dobby's friends were all around
And Dobby died a free elf, knowing
Dobby's friends were safe and sound
Now Dobby was a free house elf
and Dobby loved his friends
Yes, Dobby fought for what was right
together, till the end