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  • ♪ (upbeat theme music) ♪


  • - (FBE) Today, we've got a challenge for you.

    - (Fine Brothers Entertainment) 今天有個挑戰要給你們

  • We're gonna show you a picture of a celebrity


  • and the first person who guesses their name correctly gets a point.


  • - All right. This should be fun.

    - 好。應該會很好玩

  • - I'm terrible with names-- and faces.

    - 我很不會記名字... 和認臉

  • - Okay. - Ooh, I'm very good at this.

    - 好 - 哦,這我超會的

  • - I will be horrible at this!

    - 我會表現得超爛!

  • - Am I allowed to say, "Oh, they're that one from that one movie that I liked."

    - 我可以說「哦,這個人就是我喜歡的那部電影裡面的那個演員。」嗎?

  • - (FBE) Nope. - Nope?

    - (FBE) 不行 - 不行哦?

  • - (FBE) However, we'll only be revealing their picture to you

    - (FBE) 不過,我們揭露照片的方式是

  • one small square at a time.


  • If you guess wrong at any point, your opponent gets a chance to answer.


  • - Ah. - Yes, all right.

    - 啊 - 好

  • - A little twist there.

    - 一個突然的轉折

  • - I have zero confidence in any of this.

    - 我對這個挑戰完全沒有信心

  • - I'm going to win. - I'll probably win.

    - 我會贏 - 我可能會贏

  • - No, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna win. - We'll see about that.

    - 不,不好意思,但是我會贏 - 我們等著瞧吧

  • - (FBE) Here's your first celeb.

    - (FBE) 這是第一個明星

  • We'll start by revealing one part of the photo.


  • - It's a boy. - Yeah, it definitely is a man.

    - 是男的 - 對,肯定是個男的

  • I don't know who it is yet.


  • - Ooh, he's got a beard.

    - 哦,他有鬍子

  • - (chuckling) - It could be me.

    - (咯咯地笑) - 也可能是我

  • - Don't you start with this. - I'm gonna say Tom Cruise.

    - 你想都別想 - 我猜湯姆·克魯斯

  • (buzzer)


  • - I have no idea.

    - 我沒頭緒

  • - Um... - Oh my goodness.

    - 嗯... - 天呀

  • - Can I answer?

    - 我可以回答嗎?

  • Captain America? Uh, Chris Evans?

    - 美國隊長?克里斯·伊凡?

  • (ding) - (FBE) That's correct!

    (叮) - (FBE) 答對了!

  • - No! Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me?

    - 不!天啊!你在跟我開玩笑嗎?

  • - Chris Evans.

    - 克里斯·伊凡

  • (ding) Yay!

    (叮) 讚!

  • - Oh my god. I'm so gonna lose this.

    - 我的天啊,我肯定會輸得很慘

  • - I recognise Captain America anywhere.

    - 我到哪都認得出美國隊長

  • - Chris Evans.

    - 克里斯·伊凡

  • - Damn! - (laughing)

    - 可惡欸! - (大笑)

  • - That was a good one. I almost said Jake Gyllenhaal.

    - 猜得很好欸。我本來差點要說傑克·葛倫霍

  • - I think that's Chris Evans.

    - 我想這應該是克里斯·伊凡

  • It's that strong jawline, you know?

    - 因為那個強烈的下巴輪廓

  • It's a very Captain America jawline.


  • - But he's not the best Chris.

    - 但他不是最棒的克里斯

  • The best Chris is clearly Chris Hemsworth.


  • - I'm on board with that. Hemsworth is the man.

    - 我也同意這點。漢斯沃是個真男人

  • - (FBE) Here's the next part of the photo.

    - (FBE) 這是下一部分

  • - I've never noticed a man's ears before.

    - 我以前從沒注意過任何一個男人的耳朵

  • - Ooh! Chris Evans. (ding)

    - 哦!克里斯·伊凡 (叮)

  • (thumps table) - Jesus Christ!

    (敲桌) - 我的媽啊!

  • - Captain America!

    - 美國隊長!

  • - Is it that Captain America boy?

    - 是那個美國隊長小子嗎?

  • - If I put another square, you think you could figure his name out?

    - 如果再多一部分的照片,妳覺得妳能想出他的名字嗎?

  • - No, I just straight-up don't know his name.

    - 不能,我是真的不知道他的名字

  • - Is it Chris Evans?

    - 克里斯·伊凡嗎?

  • It's the Captain America guy. - Captain America boy!

    是那個美國隊長小子 - 美國隊長小子!

  • - There's something about the smile.

    - 那個笑容透露出了什麼

  • I can't believe I knew it, but I did.


  • - (FBE) Here's your next celeb.

    - (FBE) 這是下一個明星

  • - Ooh. - Oh.

    - 哦 - 哦

  • Don't know what that is.


  • - Is that--? - What is that?

    - 那是...? - 那是什麼?

  • - Is that a jersey?

    - 那是球衣嗎?

  • - It's probably an athlete.

    - 這可能是個運動員

  • - I'm guessing basketball...?

    - 我猜是籃球...?

  • - I would guess that's probably not right.

    - 我來猜看看,但應該是錯的

  • Is it Zac Efron?


  • In High School Musical? (buzzer)

    在歌舞青春裡的樣子? (叭!)

  • - Michael Jordan? (ding)

    - 麥可·喬丹? (叮)

  • - Ho-ho!

    - 爽啦!

  • - What? - Michael Jordan.

    - 啥? - 麥可·喬丹

  • - (sadly) Oh, sh-- I coulda got that.

    - (難過) 哦,我本來可以猜中的

  • - Is that part of their shirt?

    - 那是他衣服的一部分嗎?

  • - Well, I think that's the giveaway.

    - 我認為那是個破綻

  • I want to take a guess.


  • Is it Michael Jordan?


  • - How did you know that from the corner of his shirt?

    - 你怎麼能藉由衣服的一小角就看出來?

  • - All right, so it's the color of it-- it's the red and the black and the white,

    - 好,是因為那衣服的顏色,它是紅色配黑色和白色

  • and it's an old photo.


  • - Michael Jordan. (ding)

    - 麥可·喬丹 (叮)

  • - Oh, goddamn it. - (victoriously) YES!

    - 哦,可惡啊 - (勝利) 好欸!

  • I had a full life-sized cardboard cutout of Michael Jordan when I was a kid.


  • - (FBE) Here's the next part of the photo.

    - (FBE) 這是下一部分的照片

  • - Oh, I-- I think I know now.

    - 哦,我覺得我知道了

  • Is that Michael Jordan?


  • - Bald head, that's all we got.

    - 光頭,我們只知道這個線索

  • - It's like a really low res picture.

    - 感覺是張解析度很低的照片

  • Like, I can't see what's going on here.


  • - Let's see more.

    - 我們再多看一部分的照片吧

  • - Oh, I have a guess.

    - 哦,我來猜一個

  • Is it Kobe Bryant?


  • (buzzer) Dang it!

    (叭!) 可惡啊!

  • - Michael Jordan?

    - 麥可·喬丹?

  • The red jersey gave it away. Red jersey, Chicago Bulls.


  • - Mmm. - Yeah.

    - 嗯 - 對

  • - Sports are not my thing whatsoever.

    - 運動完全不是我的領域

  • - I knew it was a Bull, but I thought that--

    - 我知道是芝加哥公牛,但我以為...

  • - What kind of face is that?

    - 那是什麼表情啊?

  • - I thought they would trick us with Scottie Pippen.

    - 我以為他們會故意用史考提·皮朋

  • - (FBE) Here's your next celeb.

    - (FBE) 這是下一個明星

  • - Go ahead. I have no idea. - No, I don't know yet. (laughing)

    - 說吧,我完全沒頭緒 - 我也還不知道啊 (大笑)

  • I don't know yet.

    - 我還沒頭緒

  • - No, I don't think I can nail it in just one.

    - 不,只有這一小塊的話我不覺得我能猜到

  • - Yeah, I have no idea who that could be.

    - 對啊,我也不知道這會是誰

  • - Lenny Kravitz? (buzzer)

    - 藍尼·克羅維茲? (叭!)

  • - Aziz Ansari. (ding)

    - 阿茲·安薩里 (叮)

  • - What?!

    - 什麼?!

  • - Is it Aziz Ansari?

    - 阿茲·安薩里嗎?

  • I just watched his stand up special last night.


  • - That's definitely someone's lip.

    - 這肯定是某個人的嘴唇

  • - I think I know who this is too, actually.

    - 其實我覺得我也知道這個是誰欸

  • That's Aziz Ansari.


  • I think it was the awkward mouth shape,


  • 'cause he's kind of that-- that's his bit, is he's awkward.

    因為他有點... 顯得尷尬是他的搞笑段子

  • - (humming) - (also humming)

    - (悶哼聲) - (悶哼聲)

  • - I don't know his last name.

    - 我不知道他姓什麼

  • Aziz. I just know Aziz.


  • - Wait! - He's funny as hell.

    - 等等! - 他超級搞笑

  • - Is it my turn now?

    - 輪到我了嗎?

  • Aziz Ansari. (ding)

    阿茲·安薩里 (叮)

  • Yay! - Nice.

    好耶! - 不錯哦

  • - Okay, good, thank you. (laughing)

    - 太好了,謝謝 (大笑)

  • - Aziz Ansari? (ding)

    - 阿茲·安薩里? (叮)

  • (laughing) - Damn!

    (大笑) - 哇賽!

  • - A beautiful, beautiful man.

    - 一個很棒很棒的男人

  • - Oh. Is this, uh, Aziz Ansari?

    - 哦,是阿茲·安薩里嗎?

  • (ding)


  • Yeah! - I was gonna say that.

    好欸! - 我本來也要說這個的

  • - I got a point.

    - 我得到一分了

  • - I would have needed quite a few more squares, I think, so...

    - 我想我本來應該還要再多好幾塊才猜得出來

  • - I'm just weirded out that

    - 我是有點嚇到我竟然能

  • I can get people by just beard squares.


  • - I did not think I would be doing well,

    - 我並沒有想到我能表現得這麼好

  • but you're picking celebrities that I'm like,


  • "Oh, I actually kinda know who that is."


  • - (FBE) Here's your next celeb.

    - (FBE) 這是下一個明星

  • - Oh. Hmm. - Just looks like a classic.

    - 哦,嗯 - 看來是個經典人物

  • - Yeah.

    - 對

  • - I'm gonna wait for the next picture.

    - 我要等下一部分的照片再猜

  • It could be one of two people.


  • - Uh, Humphrey Bogart. (buzzer)

    - 亨弗萊·鮑嘉 (叭!)

  • - Uh, Cary Grant. (buzzer)

    - 卡萊·葛倫 (叭!)

  • - That's an older celeb.

    - 這是個老明星

  • - Is this Elvis Presley? (buzzer)

    - 是艾維斯·普里斯萊 (貓王) 嗎? (叭!)

  • - Oh sh-- uh, uh, um, um...

    - 哦,嗯... 嗯... 嗯......

  • - Johnny Cash? (buzzer)

    - 強尼·凱許? (叭!)

  • - Frank Sinatra? (ding)

    - 法蘭克·辛納屈? (叮)

  • - Aw, damn it! - YES!

    - 哦!可惡! - 讚啦!

  • - It's Frank Sinatra.

    - 是法蘭克·辛納屈

  • I love old Hollywood.


  • I have spent probably years of my life


  • listening and watching Frank Sinatra.


  • - I can think of a person, but I can't think of who it is.

    - 我可以想到某個人,但沒辦法想出那是誰

  • - Ah, one more.

    - 再多給一點線索

  • - (FBE) Here's a bit more!

    - (FBE) 再給你們多一部分的照片

  • - Oh, oh. (snapping fingers)

    - 哦,哦 (彈指)

  • (groaning) - Jimmy Stewart.

    (低吼) - 詹姆斯·史都華

  • - Sean Connery. (buzzer)

    - 史恩·康納萊 (叭!)

  • - Is this John Wayne? (buzzer)

    - 是約翰·韋恩嗎? (叭!)

  • Dang it!


  • - Yeah, that would've been my guess too.

    - 我也很有可能跟你猜一樣的

  • - John Wayne.

    - 約翰·韋恩

  • It's not. (buzzer)

    應該不是 (叭!)

  • - Jimmy Stewart? (buzzer)

    - 詹姆斯·史都華? (叭!)

  • - That's Frank Sinatra.

    - 這是法蘭克·辛納屈

  • It was the fedora that gave it away.


  • I was like, "It could have been Dean Martin."


  • - What is that? The top of the hat?

    - 什麼啊?帽子的頂端嗎?

  • - There's more hat. - Yep.

    - 更多的帽子而已 - 對啊

  • - There it is.

    - 就這樣

  • - Ah, really-- - (sudden gasp)

    - 哦,別這樣 - (突然倒抽一口氣)

  • - I can see the guy's face, but I don't know his name.

    - 我認得這個男子的臉,但我不知道他的名字

  • - Do you wanna take a shot? - No!

    - 妳想猜看看嗎? - 不要!

  • - Bing Crosby? (buzzer)

    - 平·克勞斯貝? (叭!)

  • - Frank Sinatra. (ding)

    - 法蘭克·辛納屈 (叮)

  • Yes. - (pounding table)

    好欸 - (敲桌)

  • - You didn't show his eyes, ol' blue eyes.

    - 你沒有秀出他的眼睛,經典的藍眼睛

  • - Yeah.

    - 對啊

  • - At this point, anyone who actually knew who this was

    - 此時,任何真的知道這個是誰的人

  • would be able to guess. - Yeah.

    都有辦法猜出來了 - 沒錯

  • - Even if you reveal the whole picture, I don't think we'll know.

    - 即使你把整張照片都秀出來,我也不覺得我們會知道

  • - Yeah, I'm not gonna know this one.

    - 對啊,我不會知道這是誰

  • - Frank Sinatra!

    - 法蘭克·辛納屈!

  • Oh my god! - (groaning) Nice job.

    天啊! - (呻吟) 好樣的

  • - Oh. - Nice job.

    - 哦~ - 做得好

  • - (FBE) Here's a little bit more.

    - (FBE) 再讓你們看另一部分

  • - What's his name?! - Yeah.

    - 他叫什麼?! - 對

  • - This is-- we should know this. - Yeah.

    - 我們應該要知道他的 - 對啊

  • - We really should know who this is.

    - 我們真的應該要知道他是誰

  • We can't get a hint, can we?


  • I don't know. - Yeah, I have no clue.

    我不知道是誰 - 我也沒有頭緒

  • (drumming table) I don't know!

    (敲桌) 我不知道

  • - (FBE) All right, do you know who this is?

    - (FBE) 好吧,你們想知道他是誰嗎?

  • - Yeah, great. (both laugh)

    - 好 (兩人一起笑)

  • - That's-- that's a guy.

    - 那是... 那是個男人

  • - I've definitely seen this picture before,

    - 我以前絕對看過這張照片

  • but I just don't-- I can't put the name to the face.

    但我... 我沒辦法把名字跟臉對在一起

  • - (FBE) This is Frank Sinatra.

    - (FBE) 這是法蘭克·辛納屈

  • (both groan)


  • -wow - My gosh, wow. Yeah, that's pretty embarrassing.

    - 哇賽 - 天啊,哇,好哦,這真是超丟臉的

  • - I do know who he is.

    - 我的確知道他是誰

  • I wouldn't have been able to guess by his picture though.


  • - Oh my god. - Dude, it all comes down to this.

    - 天啊 - 竟然到了這個地步

  • - All right.

    - 好

  • - I've never been tied in one of these challenges before.

    - 我以前從來沒有在任何一個挑戰中平手過

  • I've always dominated, so I'm just super nervous.


  • - Get ready to be beat.

    - 準備好被打爆吧

  • - (FBE) Here's your last celebrity!

    - (FBE) 這是最後一位明星!

  • - Did we both do that head cock at the same time?

    - 我們剛是同時歪頭嗎?

  • - We did!

    - 對!

  • - That's a female.

    - 這是個女性

  • I can't tell who that is though.


  • - Oh no, you got this. - No, I don't.

    - 哦不,你贏定了 - 不,我不認為

  • I need a little bit more.


  • I don't know who that is. It's just black hair.


  • (both hum)


  • - Kim Kardashian. (buzzer)

    - 金·卡戴珊 (叭!)

  • - Okay.

    - 好

  • - Kimora Lee Simmons? (buzzer)

    - 基莫拉・李・西蒙斯? (叭!)

  • - Kim Kardashian? (buzzer)

    - 金·卡戴珊? (叭!)

  • - Megan Fox. (buzzer)

    - 梅根·福克斯 (叭!)

  • - I have no guess for this.

    - 我還沒辦法猜

  • - It's hard to tell from just the cheek.

    - 很難光是從臉頰就看出是誰

  • Like, that's the most indistinguishable section of a person, I think, is the cheek. You know?


  • - It's a person with a face.

    - 這是一個有臉的人

  • - Yeah, mmm. - And dark hair.

    - 對 - 然後有深色頭髮

  • - I need another one.

    - 我需要再一部分的照片

  • - Some jewelry. - Dang, gurl!

    - 有珠寶 - 不錯哦,女孩!

  • - Okay, bling. - It's a nice necklace.

    - 閃閃發光 - 那是條不錯的項鍊

  • She's not "neckless."


  • Oh, that was a bad pun.

    哦天啊,好爛的雙關 (necklace 和 neckless 發音相似)

  • - (laughing)

    - (大笑)

  • - Um, uh, Olivia Munn? (buzzer)

    - 奧莉薇亞·孟恩? (叭!)

  • - Salma Hayek? (buzzer)

    - 莎瑪·海耶克? (叭!)

  • - Megan Fox. - (laughing)

    - 梅根·福克斯 - (大笑)

  • (buzzer)


  • - Uh, Megan Fox. (buzzer)

    - 梅根·福克斯 (叭!)

  • - Rihanna? (ding)

    - 蕾哈娜? (叮)

  • - Wow!

    - 哇!

  • - Wait, it's like... - I should know this.

    - 等等,這好像... - 我應該要知道的

  • - Rihanna? (ding)

    - 蕾哈娜? (叮)

  • Ooh! - Nice!

    哦! - 厲害欸!

  • - I think I've seen her before,

    - 我覺得我看過她

  • but I couldn't tell you what her name is.


  • - Is this Rihanna?

    - 是蕾哈娜嗎?

  • It was the overly manicured eyebrows.


  • I was like, "Yeah, that's Rihanna."


  • - Oh, I think-- is this Rihanna?

    - 哦,我覺得,這是蕾哈娜吧?

  • Yeah!


  • - Rihanna. (ding)

    - 蕾哈娜 (叮)

  • - Damn it!

    - 可惡啊!

  • - How's that lemonade taste? - That's Beyoncé.

    - 檸檬水好喝嗎 (輸的滋味如何)? - 那是碧昂絲好嗎 (lemonade 是碧昂絲的專輯名稱不是蕾哈娜的)

  • - Zoe Saldana? (buzzer)

    - 柔伊·莎達娜? (叭!)

  • - Zendaya? (buzzer)

    - 辛蒂亞? (叭!)

  • - A young Jada Pinkett Smith? - (giggling)

    - 年輕的潔達·蘋姬·史密斯? - (咯咯地笑)

  • - Uh, Rihanna. (ding)

    - 蕾哈娜 (叮)

  • - (groans)

    - (低哼)

  • - I was the AP(associate producer) on the Rihanna "Work" video,

    - 我是蕾哈娜「加把勁」音樂錄影帶的助理製作人

  • so I just got to stare at Rihanna a lot.


  • Though that video doesn't show much of her face.


  • - Andrea, you won! - Oh my gosh.

    - 安德莉亞,妳贏了! - 我的天

  • - Congratulations. - My son'll be so proud.

    - 恭喜妳 - 我兒子會非常驕傲

  • (clapping)


  • - Claps for me. Yep, clap, Kyle.

    - 為我自己鼓掌。凱爾,拍手啊

  • - This victory means more to me than any other victory

    - 跟其他次的勝利比起來,這次的勝利對我來說更有意義

  • because it came down to the wire. - It did.

    因為我們竟然到最後一刻才分出勝負 - 的確

  • - Yay! - Woo-hoo.

    - 開心! - 嗚呼

  • I'm excited I got two!


  • - It's almost weird how quickly we can recognize someone

    - 這其實滿詭異的,我們竟然能透過臉的一部分

  • from just a section of their face.


  • - I feel bad. - (laughing)

    - 我覺得有點抱歉 - (大笑)

  • - I had no intention of completely dominating.

    - 我沒有想要完全領先的意思

  • - You don't look that sorry. - I'm really sorry!

    - 你看起來並沒有抱歉 - 我是真的覺得很抱歉!

  • - (FBE) You guys tied!

    - (FBE) 你們平手欸!

  • - That's fine. You know, I'm okay.

    - 沒關係,還行

  • I wish there was a tie-breaker-- - Rock, Paper, Scissors!

    真希望有個決勝局... - 來剪刀石頭布!

  • Right now. - All right, let's do it.

    現在一決勝負 - 好,來吧!

  • - Rock, paper, scissors!

    - 剪刀,石頭,布!

  • - Oh! - AAH! The winner!

    - 哦! - 啊!我是贏家!

  • You saw it here first!


  • - Thanks for watching Guess That Celebrity on the React channel.

    - 謝謝收看本頻道的「明星猜一猜」

  • - Thank you guys so much for letting me have the best job in the world.

    - 非常感謝你們讓我擁有世界上最棒的工作

  • - Don't forget to subscribe for new shows every week.

    - 別忘了訂閱,這樣才能看到每週的新影片

  • - What celebs should we guess next?

    - 我們下次應該要猜哪些明星呢?

  • Let us know in the comments.


  • - Bye, guys. Jordan!

    - 各位掰掰,喬丹!

  • ♪ (upbeat theme music) ♪


♪ (upbeat theme music) ♪



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