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Spiders are horrible, eight-legged, bazillion-eyed creatures of human nightmares.
If you like spiders, you've forgotten that they tried to eat Frodo AND Harry Potter.
And yet, scientists insist upon telling us that spiders are just misunderstood.
Here's why you shouldn't kill spiders in your house.
Spiders: Pest control for free.
According to Science Daily, spiders consume between 400 million and 800 million tons of insects every single year.
根據 Science Daily,蜘蛛每年平均會吃掉 4 億至 8 億噸的昆蟲。
They eat flies, earwigs, cockroaches, and those obnoxious moths that leave holes in your sweaters.
But scientists say you shouldn't kill that terrifying eight-legged thing climbing all over your walls as you try to eat breakfast.
"Why on Earth not?" you're probably wondering.
Well, it's because spiders do a great job at controlling pests.
Thanks so much, you helpful, totally horrific thing!
They don't want to hurt you.
Prepare to have your world shattered: Spiders aren't actually all that aggressive with humans.
In fact, they tend to avoid people, so it's unlikely you'll ever meet the majority of spiders that lurk inside your home.
That was intended to be a comforting thought.
We swear.
"Do it!"
Sure, the Sydney Funnel Web spider has been known to attack people… and its fangs are sharp enough to cut through leather.
是沒錯,雪梨漏斗網蜘蛛會攻擊人類 ... 而且牠們的獠牙尖銳到可以刺穿皮革。
But if you don't live in Australia, you almost definitely have nothing to worry about.
We said almost.
Fearing spiders is silly.
In a 2014 Wired article entitled "I promise: spiders are not trying to kill you," entomologist Gwen Pearson suggests our fear of spiders is irrational.
在 2004 年,《連線》雜誌一篇叫做 <我保證:蜘蛛不會想殺你> 的文章中,昆蟲學家 Gwen Pearson 表示,我們對於蜘蛛的恐懼是不理性的。
Your mind tends to exaggerate the size, speed, and intentions of things you're afraid of.
So when you see a tiny spider, your brain might process it as a monstrous, twenty-ton killing machine.
所以當你看到一隻小蜘蛛,你的大腦或許會將它視為一個重達 20 噸重的怪獸殺人機器。
In fact, your fear of spiders is a learned behavior.
You don't fear spiders because we're programmed to fear spiders.
You're afraid of spiders because your parents were terrified of them.
Basically, science is telling you to get over yourself because your fear of spiders is stupid.
Nice attitude, science.
Spiders are clean.
No, really.
Spider webs might get messy, but arachnologists want you to know that spiders themselves are actually quite clean.
In fact, they even groom themselves, since any debris on their legs could cause them to get caught in their own webs.
Which would be embarrassing.
But spider bites can get infected, right?
Well, according to Science Daily, bacterial infections from spider bites are quite uncommon.
根據 Science Daily,起因於蜘蛛咬傷的細菌感染非常少見。
Blame your doctor if your arm needs to be amputated because of that, quote, "spider bite."
A recent study found that, out of 182 patients claiming to have spider bites, only about 4 percent actually did.
最近一項研究發現,在 182 名聲稱被蜘蛛咬了的病患中,只有大約 4% 是真的被咬了。
Most of the other patients had skin infections.
"Be afraid. Be very afraid. Everything about you is changing."
Don't just take them outside.
Before you take that spider outside, totally secure in the knowledge that you're doing Mother Nature a solid... consider this.
在你把那隻蜘蛛拿出去前,先確定你是真的在幫牠一把 ... 想想這點。
There are some species of spider that actually evolved to live inside, and they won't survive in the great outdoors.
Of course, many species positively thrive outside.
“Arania Exumai!”
According to Mother Nature News, about 95 percent of the spiders you find in your house didn't wind up there by accident.
根據大自然新聞網,在家裡出現的蜘蛛中有 95 % 是本來就在那裡的。
They were born and raised in your home, and they've never been outside at all.
In other words, that spider you just scooped up in newspaper and gently released on your porch doesn't have much of a chance at survival.
Now who's the monster?
"Can you check under my bed?"
"You were just having a bad dream."
You're fighting a losing battle.
Now we come to the final reason you shouldn't eradicate the spiders in your house: like a bug caught in a spider's web, you're fighting a losing battle.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the goal is, quote, "pest control, not pest eradication."
Whether you stomp them, spray them, or wash them down the sink… they'll just keep coming back.
不論你是用腳踩踏、用噴霧伺候或是把牠們沖下水槽 ... 牠們就是會一再捲土重來。
But perhaps you'll take comfort in this little fact: You're not alone.
A 2016 survey of 50 homes in North Carolina found that every single one of them contained spiders.
2006 年,一項在北卡羅萊納州針對 50 個住家的調查發現,這些家中每一個都有蜘蛛。
The average home reportedly hosted around 100 different species of arthropod, the group that includes both spiders and insects.
據稱平均每個住家住有 100 種不同的節肢動物,也就是包含了蜘蛛和昆蟲。
Surely all those spiders hiding in every dark corner of your home must be doing something positive, right?
For now, let's listen to the entomologists… until they start telling us we should start letting cockroaches live in our homes, too.
就目前為止,我們暫且聽從昆蟲學家的話 ... 直到哪天他們說應該也讓蟑螂住進我們家時,再另當別論。
"I hope you die!"