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There are more than 60,000 7-Elevens across the planet.
全球有超過 6 萬家 7-11。
But there is one country where the convenience store chain flopped.
In 2017, the chain of mini markets closed all of its stores there.
2017 年時,7-11 關閉了所有印尼的分店。
Here's why 7-Eleven failed in Indonesia.
以下是 7-11 在印尼難以生存的原因。
Let's go back to 2009 when 7-Eleven got its start in the country.
時間回溯到 2009 年,7-11 剛進軍印尼。
7-Eleven's Indonesian rollout was run by a local operator, PT Modern Internasional.
7-11 在印尼的首次亮相,是由當地企業,PT Modern Internasional 所負責。
Contrary to its American counterpart that capitalized on to-go items and late night munchies, 7-Eleven in Indonesia became a trendy hangout spot for locals.
不同於以外帶及宵夜獲益的美國分店,印尼的 7-11 變成當地人聚會聊天的流行集散地。
It offered traditional 7-Eleven items like slurpees and snacks, but also fresh local food and alcohol.
它不僅提供傳統 7-11 的商品,像是思樂冰和零食,同時也販售新鮮的當地食品、酒精飲料。
7-Eleven was very popular with university students, really the 18 to 25 age range.
7-11 很受大學生歡迎,年齡層分布從 18 到 25 歲不等。
It was a place for them to hang out at all hours of the day, all hours of the night.
7-11 是他們度過白天、夜晚的地方。
Before the alcohol ban that was imposed in 2015, this was a very popular spot to hang out, have a beer after class or after work, have free Wi-Fi, have a bite to eat.
2015 年禁酒令實施之前,7-11 是人群聚集的熱門場所,下課或下班後來喝一杯、免費 Wi-Fi、吃個東西。
As the business took off, Modern soon started to expand within the capital, Jakarta.
商機開始起飛後,Modern 公司迅速在首都雅加達擴展 7-11 分店。
It opened its 21st store by 2010 and it hit 100 locations in 2012.
2010 年前便開了 21 家分店,2012 年時,甚至達到 100 家。
In 2014, the company hit peak sales of around 78 million with 190 stores.
時間來到 2014 年,公司靠著 190 家分店,達到最高銷售額,約 7800 萬。
The future of 7-Eleven in Indonesia seemed promising.
印尼的 7-11 看似前程似錦。
The stores remained crowded, but there was one problem.
People weren't spending money.
Well actually, there are some comment that yes, there is a huge crowd in 7-Eleven, but they might just buy one drink, one friend and sit for three hours.
確實有些人指出,固然 7-11 人潮眾多,但他們可能只買一杯飲料,然後和朋友兩人在店裡坐了三個小時。
The company also attributed its lack of sales to intense competition from existing and new competitors.
By 2016, the number of retail outlets in Indonesia had grown from 12,000 to 40,000 in just under a decade.
2016 年之際,短短十年間,印尼零售商店的數量從 1.2 萬家,成長到 4 萬家。
With mini markets being the sector's fastest growing segment Two of 7-Eleven's biggest competitors were Indonesian convenience stores Indomaret and Alphamart.
作為成長速率最快的便利商店市場 (印尼稱便利商店為 mini market) 7-11 最大的競爭者,是兩家印尼便利商店:Indomaret、Alphamart。
Both chains have a long history in the country and are top players in Indonesia's convenience store market.
7-Eleven had 190 stores in the country but its competitors store count absolutely squashed that.
縱使 7-11 在國內有 190 家分店,然而其對手的分店數量,絕對佔壓倒性的勝利。
As of 2017, there were more than 10,000 Alfamarts and roughly 15,000 Indomarets in Indonesia, giving Alfamart a 38% share of the market and Indomaret 47%.
以 2017 年來看,全國有 1 萬家 Alfamart,以及大約 1.5 萬家 Indomaret,Alfamart 的市場佔有率是 38%,而 Indomaret 是 47%。
That was the year 7-Eleven closed all of its shops.
而這剛好是 7-11 關閉所有分店的一年。
But before that, it held just 0.7% of the market.
但在此之前,7-11 的佔有率僅有 0.7%。
Regulatory issues also posed a major problem for 7-Eleven.
管理問題也是造成 7-11 營運困難的的主要問題之一。
In 2015, Indonesia banned the sale of alcoholic beverages in convenience stores and mini markets.
2015 年時,政府禁止便利商店販售酒精飲料。
After the alcohol ban took effect, 7-Eleven's net sales dropped by nearly 24% over the next year.
禁酒令生效後,7-11 在隔年的銷貨淨額掉了近 24%。
Unlike 7-Eleven, its rivals Indomaret and Alfamart actually reported revenue gains that year.
與 7-11 相反,其對手 Indomaret 和 Alfamart 當年的收益不減反增。
Alfamart and Indomaret were able to withstand the ban because they offered a wider range of products and services.
Alfamart 與 Indomaret 之所以能禁得起禁酒令的考驗,是因為它們提供更多產品與服務選擇。
7-Eleven's geographic reach posed another big problem.
7-11 地理上的觸及率也是另一個嚴重的問題。
The convenience store chain never managed to expand beyond Jakarta and its surrounding cities, but its rivals did.
不像它的競爭對手,7-11 從沒觸及雅加達以外的地區和周邊城市。
They are located in Jakarta whereas other mini markets can expand outside of Jakarta.
7-11 全部分店都聚集在雅加達,但其他便利商店有擴展至其他地區。
One is, I think, the regulations for foreign ownership of or foreign franchise of convenience stores.
Because Indomaret and Alfamart, Alfamart and Indomaret are basically local brands.
因為 Indomaret 和 Alfamart... Alfamart 和 Indomaret 基本上是本土品牌。
So they have less restriction in terms of expansion to other citizen regions.
Modern also cited Indonesia's economic slowdown is a reason for its diminishing revenue.
Modern 公司也指出,印尼經濟成長速度減緩,也是收益遞減的原因之一。
The chain closed down 25 underperforming stores in 2016, to cut down operation losses, and Modern closed the remainder of its 7-Eleven stores in 2017.
2016 年,25 家營運表現不佳的連鎖店也紛紛關閉,以減少營業損失,Modern 公司在 2017 年時,把剩餘的分店也關閉了。
However, a spokesperson from 7-Eleven said Indonesia is an important country for us.
然而,7-11 的發言人表示,印尼對公司來說很重要。
This is not the end for 7-Eleven's business.
這不是 7-11 在印尼的終點。
The company is hoping to find a new partner to renew its efforts and it has good reason to believe the right international partner will make all the difference.
Take Japan.
7-Eleven entered the country in 1974.
7-11 於 1974 年進軍日本後。
They partnered with Japanese chain Ito Yokado, forming York Seven Co. to operate its stores.
和日本連鎖店伊藤洋華堂合夥,成立 York Seven 公司來管理旗下商店。
It was so successful that in 2005, it bought out the company.
事業如此成功,以至於在 2005 年時,這家公司買下了 7-11。
Seven and i Holdings became the global owner of the American chain.
7&I 控股變成美國 7-11 公司的持有者。
Today there are more than 20,000 7-Elevens in Japan.
如今,日本有超過 2 萬家 7-11 的分店。
The US has less than 9,000.
在美國則少於 9 千家。
So seeking a new international partner may be the key to its success.
Indonesian consumers will just have to wait and see.