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Hi, I'm Phil from BBC Learning English.
嗨,我是 BBC 英語的 Phill
Today, I'm going to tell you the difference between 'even though' and 'even if'.
今天我要來告訴你 even though 和 even if之間的差異
Now, we use them both for emphasis but they don't mean the same.
We use 'even though' to introduce something that's true, but might be a little bit unexpected.
我們用 even though 來引導出某件事實但可能有點無法預料
It's a bit like 'despite'.
有點像 despite
Even though I hate driving, I'm still going to Scotland by car.
Even though I hate tennis, I'm still going to watch the final.
We use 'even if' to introduce something hypothetical, so it might not be real.
我們用 even if 來引導某件假設性的事情所以很可能不是真的
Even if it's sunny when we're in Scotland, I'm not going swimming.
Even if you paid me, I wouldn't watch that film.
So, 'even though' is for things that are true but unexpected, and 'even if' is for things that are hypothetical, so they might not be real.
所以,even though 用在真的事情但是是無法預料的 而 even if 是用在假設性的事情 所以可能不是真的
Even though they look the same, they are different – even if you didn't notice at first!
即使他們看起來一樣他們其實不同 - 即便一開始你沒有注意到!