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  • Boys and girls, come hear my greeting.

  • I hope you don't plan on sleeping tonight for while you are dreaming.

  • Evil awakes unearthed and creeping there's things that thump things that bite things that go bump in the night.

  • "What are these things?" you sit and ponder. Brace yourselves we call them?

  • Monsters.

  • What?

  • He's gonna tell us about monsters, but they're not gonna be that scary

  • Silence you dirty apparition, don't you see the danger you are in for what I speak is 100 percent real.

  • Don't believe me?

  • Just ask my pet eel.

  • This guy is nuts.

  • What?

  • I'm not an Apparition, I'm a ghoul!

  • The first monster we'll see today is something that

  • Uh..

  • Likes to eat hay. First they champ then they stamp then..

  • Okay, I can't speak in rhymes for the whole thing. I have a question for you guys. Are you familiar with the term "furry"?

  • What?

  • well after doing research on these monsters, I don't think "furry" is a new concept

  • Humans for whatever reason have always been obsessed with personifying animals and who can blame them

  • Look how cute these guys are. now a lot of these monsters follow a similar pattern

  • So if you ever wanted to Frankenstein up a monster

  • All you have to do is take two already existing animals

  • (one of them being preferably a human) and then you just gotta put them together

  • You all know about mermaids one part sexy(isn't this channel family friendly?). The other half is just some lady

  • Well, do you know about this even scarier combination? It's called a hippo

  • Campus half hippo half college. They say after four stressful years he accumulates

  • $100,000 of debt and no one in his field is hiring

  • AhAhAhAhAhAhAhA

  • Ohhh I'm just messing with you guys. Okay, but for real a hippocampus is a half fish half Horse

  • Oh like the Neo pet!

  • What?

  • Yeah, uhh Fiopian, I had one when I was like 2?

  • ... I used my Christmas paint brush on it.

  • You guys aren't scared of a literal sea horse?

  • Well, how does it kill people? Like I turn them into stone?

  • Uhh No, but the Scandinavians have a version called the kelpie that tricks humans into riding them and then it drowns the humans

  • Probably should have started with that one....

  • That's OK , I guess

  • Alright Edward if a murderous horse doesn't put you on edge then how about this. A Monopod!

  • Yeah, that's right. It looks just like a regular person

  • But it only has one leg.

  • Whoa! Are you calling amputees monsters?!

  • No! this amputee has one giant leg

  • and by the way

  • These guys date back all the way to 400 BC, waay before the first amputee ever existed. Also despite them Only having one leg

  • They're supposedly very fast. So imagine this guy aggressively chasing you at midnight. Yeah, I'm sure you'd piss your pants, too.

  • What about this a Blemmy. again, Looks like a regular person but oh wait, where is its head? I don't see it anywhere!

  • Oh, it's on it's chest like some kind of

  • Pokemon...

  • Come on, does this not terrify you? how would you give this guy a hug without suffocating him?

  • My dad doesn't have a head. Also he rides a horse. So this is all a pretty normal Tuesday for me...

  • All right, it's fine That you're not scared because I've been saving the best monsters for last

  • Everyone meet the Serpopard. It has the body of a lion, the head of a lion,

  • but the neck of a snake. Oh, that's so gross. Why would anything need that long of a neck?

  • So it can talk to giraffes?

  • Imagine if it could retract its neck and then you just think it's a normal old lion and say "hey that's pretty scary

  • but at least it's 20 feet away from me!" and then its head would just extend out of its body and then bite your head off!

  • Speaking of snake based creatures. What is the second most mischievous animal?

  • answer - the snake. snakes represents Slytherin from Harry Potter

  • And those guys are always up to something. and snakes were responsible for the fall of man.

  • But do you know what the number one most mischievous animal is?

  • Answer - the Fox he's been in a ton of fables. He's a master hustler.

  • So the Fox and the snake are two of the most mischievous animals.

  • But what if they had a baby together? Well take a look at this monster from Chile called the...

  • the...

  • NGJJGJ...

  • I can't say it.

  • Nguruvilu, There we go! :D

  • It's a half Fox half snake and it has a claw for a tail and it also creates whirlpools to drown people.

  • Now his would be a really cool monster, if it wasn't so terrifying.

  • You know what? I got even more snake based monsters to show you. take a look at the amphisbaena

  • Amphisbaena

  • I said it right. it's a half snake half..

  • snake, but the same half. It's a snake with two heads on both ends for double biting action!

  • I think it'd be cool if there was a creature that was the snake's tail on both sides. That'd be so useless

  • Oh, wait, that's just an oversized worm.

  • How ould either one of them poop?

  • Great question! I honestly don't know how a real snake poops. And the last snake based monster

  • I'm gonna show you is called a Chelodina Longicollis. That's its Latin name. It's real name is the snake neck turtle

  • It's a lot like the Serpopard with its long neck

  • but instead of turtle. What I doubt you'll have to worry about these things. There's no way these abominations can be real

  • No, those are real.

  • Huh?

  • They're indigenous to Australia. I saw one at the zoo with my Dad.

  • Phhhh Hah.

  • There's no way these things can be real.

  • No, They are defnietly real, but do you know what isn't real? All of us

  • None of us are real James. Why do you think we all have the same voice? You're talking to yourself again.

  • It's been three weeks since the accident.

  • You need to snap out of it!

  • What are you guys talking about?

  • You're totally real!

  • So, did I scare you, huh? You guys scared?

  • Hey, You!

  • Knock it off in there!

  • -Deep Inhale-


  • Muuuuuahahhahahahahha!

  • Thank you all for watching. don't forget to keep on rocking.

  • That's it. That's all I got that those are all the rhymes I got, but seriously guys, thank you all for watching.

  • I hope you all have a spooky and safe Halloween!

  • Were there any scary monsters that I missed? tell me about it in the comment box down below. If you haven't yet

  • be sure to check out my Kickstarter for can't catch Harry. It's ending in this many days (4 days)

  • I don't know when this video is gonna come out so act fast

  • Huge thanks to all the people who worked on this video

  • I wouldn't have been able to get it out before Halloween if it wasn't for them. Thanks again for watching

  • May your Halloween candy be sweet and heartfelt and no matter what you do

  • Wear your seatbelt

  • DAB

Boys and girls, come hear my greeting.


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B1 中級 美國腔

你不知道你床底下有多少怪獸 (Monsters You Didn't Know Were Under Your Bed)

  • 40 1
    wadeking 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日