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Well, Brother Xun Guang!
You seem to be in good spirits.
Is something good going on in your life?
Huh! You are correct.
I happen to have some very exciting news to share with everyone!
Well, then let's hear it!
I've heard testimony
that the Lord's incarnated in flesh, and descended in secret!
Incarnated in flesh?
Descended in secret?
That's right!
But how could that be?
The Bible has prophesied
that when the Lord does return, it will be among the clouds,
and all eyes will be able to see Him.
The scene will be one of lightning and thunder
with roiling clouds and marching armies,
shaking the earth and heavens.
The mood will be one of jubilation, excitement, exultation,
and joyous ebullience.
That feeling will be … (Hey, hey …)
You look intoxicated! (Oh yes!)
You know just part of the story, not the whole thing.
Huh? Just where do you get that idea from?
What does it say in Revelation 1 verse 7?
Hey, you just said that
when the Lord comes with clouds, people will become excited,
people will be jubilant. (That's right!)
Then why does it say here,
"all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him"?
Huh? (Yeah!)
Huh? (Yeah!)
When people see Him come among clouds, why would they ever wail?
Ah. If you would like to understand that,
we must look at other prophecies of the Lord's return.
Other prophecies?
There are many prophecies in the Bible on the Lord's return. (Oh?)
Among clouds is not the only way the Lord will return,
no, not by a long shot.
So let me get this straight.
You're saying the Lord will come in other ways too?
Yup. That's correct.
What's in Revelation 16 verse 15?
Matthew 25 verse 6?
Revelation 3 verse 20?
And if that's not enough,
just consider Luke 17—(Hey hey, wait, wait.)
You holding a Bible study meeting?
I'm just talking about the ways the Lord will return.
Do these passages in the Bible prove
that the Lord will come in other ways then?
You couldn't tell?
And are you not getting anything from all this?
And so … (You're getting it?)
I'm getting quite confused.
You should explain it.
If the only way the Lord returns is by coming among the clouds,
then just how will the prophecy of "I come as a thief" be fulfilled?
Yeah, you're right!
If He comes among the clouds, and all eyes behold Him,
who need to shout
"the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him,"
and would the Lord need to "stand at the door, and knock"?
It seems, among the clouds couldn't possibly be the only way He'll come! (Yeah.)
Keep explaining.
As per His prophecies,
He'll first descend in secret, then appear publicly.
"At midnight there was a cry made,"
"stand at the door, and knock," and "as a thief"
refer to the Lord secretly arriving.
"Behold, he comes with clouds"
refers to the Lord's public appearance.
That's how His prophecies will all be fulfilled.
Oh, so the Lord will return by at first coming in secret,
then appearing publicly. (Yes.)
'Kay. But why does He first come in secret?
Coming in secret refers to God becoming flesh,
and therefore coming to earth as the Son of man.
That's "becoming flesh"?
And then did you say "Son of man"?
Is it based in prophecy?
Of course it's based in prophecy.
The Lord Jesus prophesied,
He'd return "as the Son of man,"
He would "appear" and "come as the Son of man."
For instance,
in Luke 17 verses 24 through 25, what does it say?
It is based in prophecy. (Yeah!)
But, what does "the Son of man" refer to?
Well, the "Son of man"
means someone born of man and with normal humanity.
If it's a spirit, then clearly we can't call it a Son of man.
That's right.
That's why the prophecies
of appearing and coming as the Son of man
both refer to the return of the Lord as incarnate flesh.
If God is not incarnate flesh,
He couldn't be called Son of man,
just like Jehovah God, as a Spirit,
can't be referred to as the Son of man.
"Coming as the Son of man" refers to God as incarnate flesh then.
This is such a big mystery!
Lord Jesus also prophesied:
And that's even more proof
that the Lord will indeed return as incarnate flesh.
Now if the only way that the Lord returns was with clouds,
then I ask, how would that prophecy be fulfilled?
That's right.
If the Lord only returned among the clouds,
then who would ever dare resist or reject Him? (There!)
Now he understands.
I do indeed understand,
but why does God come as incarnate flesh in the last days? (Hey!)
Now that's a real good question! (What do you mean?)
God comes as incarnate flesh in the last days
mainly to do judgment work.
You mean the work of judgment?
God comes as incarnate flesh
to express the truth and to do the work of judgment.
And that fulfills the Lord Jesus' prophecies. (Oh?)
Which ones then?
So God comes as incarnate flesh in the last days to express the truth.
It's all in the Bible.
Hey, but why doesn't God do the work of judgment as the Spirit?
Think about it.
If God expressed the truth and did His judgment work as the Spirit,
would it be easy for people to understand and accept?
Hey, that reminds me,
in the Bible it says,
What does this passage in the Bible tell us?
If God speaks to us by thundering in the heavens,
we won't understand or dare approach it.
Does that sound right?
That indeed sounds right.
Jehovah God proclaimed to Moses,
That explains why God has to come as incarnate flesh
to perform the work of judgment.
At last! Now I understand!
Both corrupt mankind and the work of His management plan require
that God come as incarnate flesh. (Yes.)
This is very profound!
The significance of God coming as incarnate flesh
to do His work goes further still! (Oh?)
There's more?
The Bible says, when the Lord returns,
He'll separate the good servant from the wicked ones,
goats from the sheep,
and the wise virgins from the foolish virgins,
correct? (Correct.)
But what's that got to do with God coming as incarnate flesh?
Here is a not very accurate example. (Alright.)
If the emperor cares about public opinion
and wants to root out traitors, what should he do?
Investigate, but in plain clothes.
Yeah, right.
If the emperor rode in his chariot, in all his splendor,
and was surrounded by the royal guard,
the officials would drop to their knees,
and make a point of welcoming him,
none would dare slip up. (Right.)
Then how to sort who's a traitor, who's loyal,
there would be no way to tell.
Yes, that's right!
God comes as incarnate flesh to work and to … (Hey! I get it!)
You're saying God's incarnation is more conducive to revealing people!
That's right.
If God directly came among the clouds,
and proclaimed her to be a goat, and him to be an evil servant,
or proclaimed that you were a foolish virgin,
would you be convinced?
Without facts to prove it, of course I wouldn't believe it!
When God comes as incarnate flesh to work,
that is why it reveals all people.
Those who seek the truth and listen for God's voice,
they are the wise virgins.
They see the appearance of God in the words and work of Almighty God
and so they welcome His return with open hearts.
And God's sheep will all hear His voice.
While the foolish virgins,
because God incarnate appears to be ordinary and quite normal,
carelessly judge, condemn and even resist Him,
and that reveals the evil people.
My goodness. God working as incarnate flesh
really does sort people by their kind.
God is ever so wise!
God comes as incarnate flesh in the last days to express truth,
perform judgment work, purify man
and make overcomers before the great disaster.
Later, after God brings disaster and grants rewards and punishments,
He will reveal Himself to all nations on earth.
At last, I now grasp the steps of the work of God!
Those that accept Almighty God's work in the last days,
undergo chastisement in God's words, and so become purified
will be brought into God's kingdom and will enjoy God's promises and blessings.
It seems that key to welcoming the Lord's return
is listening for His voice,
and to accept the work of God incarnate in secret within the last days.
Yes, that's right!
And Almighty God's words are all too clear.
If people foolishly wait for Lord Jesus to publicly appear with clouds,
and then they reject the Lord Jesus' work when He comes in secret,
the results are utterly frightening!
It's true.
If you wait for God to come publicly among clouds to accept Him,
you're patching a leak once you're out to sea.
By then it's far too late!
OK, I have to go now!
Hey! Hey! Where are you going?
To seek Almighty God's work in the last days!
He really does understand!