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Hi! Good morning!
a few days ago
I got a comment on one of my other YouTube videos that I thought was
very very interesting
and also something which i thought
might be
relevant to lot of people
i'm gonna talk about that
in today's video
uh... so
let's take a look at this comment and I'm going to read it out to you I think
I often read some research papers about my major psychology
in english in order to collect
date which is necessary for my graduation thesis
i guess my academic vocabulary has improved through reading
research papers
i have problems with speaking english in daily life
if possible could you please tell me how to improve my speaking for daily
yeah so i think this is a problem which many many many many people
ask me about
let me just say that actually when I
decided to take a master's and I
graduate school
uh... to study linguistics about four years ago now
at first
i actually found it very very difficult to read research papers and academic
books about
that subject
because it was a new subject for me
it was the first time i'd studied it when i
started back that course
i wasn't used to the
vocabulary and the grammar and language used in those research papers
and academic books
reading a lot
it became very very easy and very very natural
and the reason that is
is because there is this thing called
for example
music has genre
there is rock music rock music is a genre
there's classical music
that is a genre there's pop music pop music is
a genre
and of course
different genres have sub genres so classical has violin and piano
those are all genres within
another music genre
uh... fiction is another good example there are many genres of fiction
for example mystery
mystery is a genre
horror is a genre romance is a genre
think about this
if you want to become and vary good
and very skilled
piano player
listening to a lot of rock music and a lot of heavy metal
is not going to help you become
a very good
in the same way listening to a lot of piano music
probably is not going to help you get really good
the rock guitar
if you want to
get very good at the piano
it's much better to listen to a lot of
piano music right
and if you want to get really good at heavy metal
you should listen to
a lot of heavy metal
make sense?
um... fiction is exactly the same i guess if you want to become a very good
mystery novel writer
reading a lot of romance novels although it is still
a novel and it's still kind of the same kind of thing
it's probably not going to help you so much where as reading a lot of all
the latest
mystery novels is probably going to help you with your on ideas
and become a very good mystery novel writer
also has genre
so the language
the grammar and the vocabulary and
phrases and expressions used
and even the style used in
academic writing
or academic speech
is very very different
to the languages used in
for example a business meeting
and the language used in a business meeting or a business situation
is very very different
to the language used
in daily conversation with for example your next door neighbor with a friend
because english like i said has
these are all genres
um... which means if for example you find
it very easy to listen to
the news
and to read the newspaper
but you find it very difficult to understand daily conversation and to
speak in daily conversation
it's probably because
your english is kind of imbalanced
towards news talk
which is very different to daily conversation
the best way to get around this is to find materials which
have a lot of the english you use in daily conversation if you're having
trouble with daily conversation
uh... listen to a lot of very
normal conversations watch the TV drama
shows and things like that are very good i think
try and get a good balance of different genres I think is very good as well
I think maybe that's why the englishclass101 lessons and for me I
use the japanesepod101 lessons i think that's why they were so
good for me because
they have a lot of different situations in conversations and dialogues from
a lot of different kinds of contexts
uh... some will be about a business meeting and some will be about
going to the supermarket and some is conversation with
the character's mother
or something like that gives you a very nice kind of balance of different things
yeah I found those audio lessons from japanesepod
for english learners I found them very very good
for that ... but yeah if you're finding you have trouble with one kind of english
but not another it's probably because your input is very imbalanced
using a lot of different
materials of course reading is also a really really great
read many many different kinds of books and different things
graded readers are very good for this because
they have many different topics
that you can read about
I think that is
about all there is to say on this topic so
see you in the next video