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Every now and then I search YouTube looking for real guides on how to use LingQ, but it still hasn't happened
It would be nice to just see someone use it for 20 plus minutes while describing
What they're doing. If you've ever had a question like Sono2 or however you pronounce this name
You're in luck because in this video I'm gonna go through exactly how I use
LingQ for learning languages
if you've never heard of LingQ,
it's an online platform for learning languages just by reading and writing, and
Honestly, right now it is my favorite app for learning languages. If you're still confused or if there's still something you want to know
Leave me a comment below and I'll be sure to answer it as soon as I can
Alright, so the first thing I'm gonna do is show you guys
LingQ using German we're gonna choose right there and only because German is a language that I have not
German is the language that I have not yet learned it all using LingQ
Or any other method really,
so this is gonna be able to show you guys exactly what link is like from the very beginning and so
We're just gonna do this really briefly. We're gonna go to guided courses. All right, I
Don't know anything in German so we're just gonna start right here I guess getting started
Will use will start the first one
Alright, so we're in a lesson now, maybe I should go back a little bit. These are different courses that you can use
If you're gonna learn German using LingQ and
In each course, there's various lessons
And then when you decide which lesson you want to use you, just click on it and it'll bring us to it
All right there so you see now all the words here are highlighted in blue
That's because I don't know any words in German
After I learn a few words link is actually going to save those words and then these words here will not show up as blue
so for example
Well, I don't know any of these so I don't even know where to start
Okay here's a word that I see show up a few times
We. Vee. Okay, you can even listen to it here
Alright, so apparently it means how alright
I haven't actually learned this word yet. I haven't memorized that I haven't internalized it but we're gonna say that I have
Alright now you see I clicked on this word here and it saved it so that now LingQ understands
I know this word and
It's shown here highlighted
Actually, I take that back, I'm sorry, I haven't learned the word it's saved it as a lingQ. It's essentially
Saved as a word that I'm learning and that's why it's highlighted in yellow now
Every time I click on this word it's gonna show this little thing right here. It's gonna give me a translation
It's gonna give me options for looking up other translations and it's gonna have down here
it's gonna show the level that I've understood this word at, so
This is my first time
Seeing this word
So it's a number one and you can move up the levels and as you do, it'll go from being more yellow
Slightly less yellow to just underlined and then the checkmark means it's a known word
So there and I got a point because I learned one word. All right
Let's see. What else can we do here?
learn the word "es"
Okay, see that must be a really popular word in German
And then once I learn it
oops, let me click there.
Once I learn it
Every instance of that word is now learned. Now what happens when you turn the page?
All right, well, I guess this lesson was only one page
And so I learned a whole bunch of words. Let's go back to that page again. Alright, this lesson was only one page
So when I turned the page, I finished the lesson, but let's go back to that page
Now literally every single word on here is considered to be known
I learned it except for the one word that I created a lingq for. That's still saved as a word that I'm learning
And I can upgrade that and set that one to be known as well
All right. Now you can also you see that it highlights in gray a phrase you can
you can set whole phrases as
lingqs, okay, so
Let's say I just want to learn what this set of words right here means, okay
Or I want to learn what the whole thing means
Okay, you can you can set different lingqs for
Different numbers of words and that's quite useful
All right, so that is what it's like when your brand brands new to a language now, of course
I don't actually know all of these words
So let's go through and change some of these from known to being a lingq. All right, so, how do they say this?
Mochten... all right. I don't actually know this word. Apparently it means want, so I'm gonna change it to a lingq
All right
We're gonna set that to one because I don't know it at all. See we already went over
So we're gonna say that I know that to a level two. All right Wie,
we're say I know that to a level two and
Keine, we're gonna say I know this. It means "no" apparently.
I thought that was nein, but I don't know that at all, so we're gonna set it to level one
I think it means "is"
Am I right? Okay.
I don't speak German that just happens to be one of the words in German that I know
We're gonna set that as a lingq, but I already kind of knew that word. So we're gonna change it to a four
All right. Now what we're gonna do is go back to vocabulary
There we go, all right, so now we have here all the words that were working on learning alright now we're gonna go to
Reviser. I have my iPads at the French. We're gonna go to basically check our our knowledge test ourselves
and it gives you
Flashcards I have mine set to actually give you the answer
with the picture with when the when the word comes up just because
I'm not actually interested in using this to test myself real hard
I just wanted to use it as just like a
Just a quick reminder a quick refresher
That I don't need to put a whole lot of effort in and then I can get right back to reading
Alright and then you click whether you knew it or not, and that was easy... that was easy
00:07:12,030 --> 00:07:16,399 Yeah, and then you go through and then you can say "mochten", okay, I don't actually know that word that well
And then just go through several times. You can also set this to come up
While you're in the process of reading so let's go to something in here
This is this more than one page. No, I've got to go to one that's more than one page
All right, this one has three pages in the lesson so we'll say I'm gonna learn
This word. Okay. I'm gonna learn this word
Now, let's say I've heard the whole page and all the words that are still in blue
I understand when I turned the page it's gonna set those to known and
Also if I hit this little green arrow here
It's gonna show me flashcards of the words that I just learned on that page as a quick refresher
alright, so
We're gonna go through that one. All right, we'll say yeah, I know that one and
then... Let's see. I didn't remember it super well
so we're gonna say
Show it to me again and
Then this one we'll say I didn't remember super well and then it gives you the next page as soon as you're done
With your little quizzes from the previous page and then you just keep going through and every time you turn the page it
Remembers all the words that were blue now, you notice the first page that I was on
While learning German every single word was blue
And now as we go further and further
They're becoming more and more white. And I'm also getting more yellow ones which are the links that I'm learning
and we can go back to
Let's see.
Rather than learning German. We're gonna go into French, which is a language that I'm actually learning
Let's see, we'll go to
Le Tartuffe
Which is a book that I'm reading in French right now for one of my French classes
This is a pretty old book. It's kind of is little more intense
So you can see there's still a bunch of words in here that I'm still learning
Either I
might already know them, but I haven't yet encountered them in LingQ. so LingQ obviously doesn't know that I know the word until
After I've encountered it and LingQ. So for example here the word hi means the same. I already know that
Oops, so I don't need a lingq. I'm just gonna set it to known
What else do we have?
people at school I
Know that word. We're just gonna go click on I know this word. Sorry
I guess I should have set my iPad to English before doing this video. But whatever. I'm pretty sure you get the point
It's I know this word and then this one is ignore
Then if I want to test myself while reading the book I can just click on this little arrow again
Go through a few times now
It'll go through a few of these and then I'll bring me to the next page and
Every word that was just blue on this page is now white. Okay, so
it's really useful for getting a lot of exposures to vocabulary, especially if you
Want to read if you want to learn languages via the input method
You're gonna get a lot of input and it's so much easier to read on LingQ
Because you always have the dictionary being right there
Sorry if it was speaking over me
You always have the dictionary right there when you encounter a new word that you want to learn. So super useful. I highly recommend it
Let's see. I have a ton of flashcards that I'm learning in French
Because I honestly don't really use
Spaced repetition system very often I prefer to use Memrise or Anki
You're also just gonna encounter a ton of words
If you're reading more advanced texts, you're just gonna encounter a ton of words that you don't actually need to spend time memorizing
But that's okay really the point of using link is not the spaced repetition system it's
being able to read a whole bunch of
Material quickly easily with definitions, right there, getting just a lot of input and that is LingQ in a nutshell. If you still have any questions
feel free to leave me a comment below. I would love to answer them. And if not, we'll see you guys in the next video