字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 27 Travel Packing Hacks 27 招旅行打包密技 I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow, and I need to pack. 因為我明天就要出發旅行了,所以我要來打包行李。 I always leave it to the last minute because I got it down to a T. 我每次都會在最後一刻才打包行李,因為我總是能完美地搞定它。 And because of the travel hacks that I've learned over the years, made up over the years of many travels and I wanna share them with you guys. 在這幾年的多次旅行中,我學到了許多打包密技,而今天我就想跟你們分享。 So, let's get packing! 那我們開始打包吧! Roll your clothes instead of folding them. 把你的衣服捲起來,而不是摺起來。 It actually saves you space when you roll your clothes all together instead of folding them and putting them on top of each other. 與其將衣服摺起來,一件一件疊在一起,用捲的可以讓你省下許多空間。 Mark your suitcase as "Fragile" even if it is not. 就算你的行李廂裡面沒有易碎品,也要在上面標示「易碎」。 Because the people who are handling your suitcase, they won't know that it's not fragile. 因為那些處理行李箱的人並不會知道你的行李箱是不是真的有易碎品。 But they'll see the sticker that says it is, and hopefully, hopefully be more careful. 但這些人會看到上面的標籤,也希望,希望他們可以小心一點對待你的行李箱。 Putting jewelry in pill containers is awesome. 把珠寶首飾放進藥盒是個超讚的點子。 It keeps them organized and it keeps you from losing jewelry. 它可以讓你的首飾整整齊齊,也可以不會讓你把珠寶弄丟。 I tend to lose earrings all the time, just one though, always, one goes missing. 我常常弄丟一只耳環,每次就只有一只不見。 But when you have a pill container, doesn't happen as often. 但有了藥盒裝你的首飾後,就不會這麼常不見了。 Still happens sometimes to me, but. 但我有時候還是會不見啦。 Sunglass cases aren't just great for sunglasses. 太陽眼鏡的盒子不只可以用來裝太陽眼鏡。 They're awesome for headphones and cables. 它們也是耳機和各種充電線的收納盒。 If you're worried about packing gels and liquids, instead of buying the liquid shampoo and conditioner, get bar shampoo and conditioner. 如果你擔心不知道該怎麼帶凝膠或液體,那與其買液體的洗髮精和潤髮乳,你可以選擇洗髮皂和潤絲。 I absolutely am obsessed with a company called Rocky Mountain Soap Co. 我超愛一間公司,叫 Rocky Mountain Soap。 They're from Alberta, they make incredible, natural products. 這間公司在加拿大的艾伯塔省,它們製造的產品品質優良又天然。 There's also Lush, I also enjoy their shampoo bars and conditioner. 還有一個品牌叫 Lush,我也很愛它們的洗髮皂和潤絲。 Fold your soap in a washcloth. 把肥皂包在毛巾裡。 It is less gucky than keeping it in one of those plastic containers or a Ziploc bag. 跟裝在塑膠袋或夾鏈袋比起來,包在毛巾裡面比較不會讓肥皂黏黏髒髒的。 Frozen sponges...is a great way to keep your snacks for the plane cold and get through security with flying colors. 冷凍的海綿...它可以讓你要帶上飛機的零食保持冰涼,你也可以成功通過安檢。 Bring an oven mitt for your curling iron or your straightener for the mornings that you have to pack up and leave super early. 幫你早上要用到的電棒捲或離子夾帶上一隻隔熱手套,因為早上你必須迅速把行李收一收就走人。 Hair conditioner can be used for other things than your hair. 潤髮乳除了用在頭髮上,還有其他用途。 It can be used as shoe polish. 它可以當鞋油來用。 It can be used as makeup remover. 也可以用來卸妝。 It can be used as shaving cream. 還可以當刮鬍膏。 If you wear bras, which, I typically don't. 如果你要帶內衣,我通常都不帶。 If I do, it's like these cloth things, I hate bras. 如果真的要穿的話,我會穿這種的,我恨透內衣了。 But if you do wear bras, stack them on top of each other. 但如果你會穿內衣,你可以將它們一件一件疊好。 It saves space. 這樣很省空間。 When you're packing your suitcase, put all the heavy items near the wheels of the suitcase. 你在整理你的行李箱時,把重的東西放在靠近輪子的那側。 So that when you zip it up and put it upright, the heavy items aren't gonna fall and crush other things. 這樣當你拉上拉鍊,把它立起來後,重物才不會東倒西歪,壓到其他東西。 They're already gonna be on the lower end of your suitcase. 他們就會好好地待在行李箱底部。 Anything that you have that is breakable or is gonna explode, hairspray, shampoo bottles, put them in socks. 任何易碎或容易爆開的東西,像是髮膠、裝洗髮精的罐子,就把它們裝進襪子裡。 That way if they do explode, they've exploded in your socks. 如果他真的爆開來,至少也是在你的襪子裡爆開。 I always like to bring a pillowcase with me, especially if I'm staying in hostels, and I just want my own pillowcase. 我每次都會帶枕頭套,尤其是當我要住在旅館時,我就會帶我自己的枕頭套。 It's also great for laundry. 要洗衣服時,枕頭套也很好用。 If you decide that you're gonna check your bag, make sure that you bring your toiletries, any breakables, anything that's super valuable. 如果你要檢查你的包包,記得一定要帶上盥洗用具、易碎品和貴重的物品。 And a change of clothes in a carry-on bag that you're gonna bring with you on the plane. 還要在你會帶上飛機的隨身行李放一套乾淨的衣服。 That way if your luggage does go missing, you still have your valuables with you and a change of clothes which is always nice. 這樣一來,如果你的行李不見了,你的貴重物品和一套乾淨的換洗衣物都還在你身上,這樣總是比較好。 If you're going to a colder destination, wear as many items of clothing as possible for the flight. 如果你要去比較冷的地方,在上飛機前穿上越多件衣服越好。 I'm talkin' like, layer it up, layer it up. 我說的是像這樣,一件、一件又一件地穿起來。 Wear your big, bulky jacket. 穿上又大又笨重的夾克。 Wear your big boots. 還有你的靴子。 Wear two sweatshirts, a T-shirt, a long-sleeve. 穿上兩件長袖棉 T、T 恤、長袖衣服。 You can always take it off when you're on the plane, so you're not gonna like, feel like you're in a sauna the whole flight. 你在飛機上隨時都可以脫下來,所以不用擔心整趟飛行會像是在做桑拿。 Sarongs are multi-purpose. 紗龍有許多用途。 You can use them for so many things. 它適用於很多場合。 You can use it to cover up at religious monuments or temples or churches. 在宗教遺跡、寺廟或教堂前,你可以把它披在自己身上。 You can use it as a blanket for if you're on an overnight bus and it's a little cold. 你也可以把它當成毯子,如果你搭夜行巴士,那上面會有點冷。 You can use it as a beach towel. 它也可以拿來當做海灘浴巾。 You can use it as a pillowcase. 或用來當枕頭套。 You can use it as a fashion accessory. 還可以當成流行配件。 The list goes on. 還有百百種用法。 Which leads me to bring versatile clothing. 這讓我想到要介紹「一衣多穿」的衣服。 Use clothing that is reversible. 善用可以正反兩穿的衣服。 Use clothing that can be made into a few different outfit. 帶一些可以有不同穿法的衣物。 There's a company called Encircled, I'll leave a link in the description box below. 有間公司叫 Encircled,我會在下方資訊欄附上它們的連結。 And they make clothing specifically for travelers. 它們專門設計給旅人穿的衣服。 I have a couple items of their clothing. 我有幾件它們家的衣服。 This one shirt I have can be worn eight different ways. 我的這件衣服可以有八種不同的穿法。 There's like all these buttons you can play with to change up the look of the shirt. 你可以試試扣上不同的釦子,讓它看起來變成另一件衣服。 Another brand which I love, it's one of my favorite stores, it's called Faraday. 我喜歡的另一個牌子,也是我的其中一間愛店,叫 Faraday。 And they make a lot of reversible clothing. 它們設計很多可以正反兩穿的衣服。 I'm actually wearing a dress right now. 我現在就穿著洋裝。 This one's not reversible, but it's super light and really easy to pack. 這件不能正反兩穿,但它很輕也很好打包。 Packing cubes. 旅行收納袋。 Enough said, life-changing, seriously. 不用多說,你的人生會因此改變,我認真的。 Fold cables properly. 把各式各樣的線收好。 I get in trouble all the time for this because I've tended, in the past, and by past I mean probably the last trip I took to just stuff cables in a bag. 我以前在這方面都很頭大,我說的以前大概就是指上一趟旅行,以前我都是直接把各種線塞進包包。 But if you actually wrap them up properly, then they take up a lot less room and you don't wreck them and have to buy another one. 但如果你好好把它們捲好,它們就不這麼佔空間、也不會這麼容易斷掉,然後你還要再買一條新的。 And to limit the amount of cables you are bringing with you, see how many of your electronics actually take the same cable. 為了要最少化你帶的電線,檢查一下你的電子產品有哪些是可以共用同一條線的。 You might be surprised. 你會很驚訝的。 I have tended to, in the past, just clump all my necklaces together and then I spend hours trying to untangle them. 我以前習慣直接把項鍊集中成一坨,然後我就要花上好幾個小時解開它們。 If you take your necklaces and string them through a straw, it keeps them nice and untangled, super-clean. 但如果你把你的項鍊穿過吸管,它們看起來就會整整齊齊,也不會打結。 It just makes life a lot easier. 你的生活會簡單許多。 To keep your clothing and anything else in your suitcase from getting dirty, put the soles of your shoes in a shower cap. 想要讓你的衣服和其他東西保持乾淨,你可以把鞋底放進浴帽裡面。 I'm gonna let you in a dirty little secret. 我要跟你們說一個見不得人的小秘密。 Sephora, love it there. 我超愛絲芙蘭 (化妝品品牌)。 One of the main reasons is free samples. 最主要的原因就是它可以索取免費試用包。 You can go into Sephora and ask for samples of pretty much anything to try out. 你可以走進絲芙蘭的專櫃,跟他們索取一大堆試用包來試試。 I'm talkin' like a month's worth of foundation in one sample. 我說的是像那種可以用一個月的粉底液試用包。 The samples are always under 100 milliliters, which means you can take it in your carry-on on the plane. 這些試用包的量都少於 100 毫升,讓你可以直接帶進隨身行李上飛機。 GoToob, fantastic! GoToob 分裝瓶,它們太讚了! They are great if you just wanna pack a carry-on to squeeze in some shampoo, squeeze in some conditioner, some sunscreen. 如果你想在隨身行李帶一些洗髮精、護髮乳、防曬乳,GoToob 分裝瓶會是很棒的選擇。 They're all under 100 milliliters, so you're not gonna have a problem in security and you can get out every last drop of that shampoo! 它們的容量都少於 100 毫升,所以在過安檢的時候不會有什麼問題,而且你可以把你的洗髮精用到一滴不剩! Another way to prevent your liquids or your gels from busting all over your bag. 這也可以預防液體或凝膠在你的包包溢得到處都是。 Sounded very sexual. 聽起來蠻那個的哦! Unscrew the lids of each product, put some saran wrap over the bottle, and then screw the lid back on. 轉開每個蓋子,在瓶口鋪上保鮮膜,再將蓋子轉緊。 If it bursts, it ain't goin' nowhere. 如果真的爆開了,它也不會流到哪裡去。 Cotton swabs, great for many things, especially for cleaning those ears of yours. 棉花棒有許多妙用,尤其可以用來清潔你的耳朵。 If you have an old medicine bottle, stuff them in there. 如果你有舊的藥罐,就把它們塞進去吧! It's a great way to keep them clean, keep them organized, and save space. 這樣可以讓棉花棒保持乾淨、整齊又省空間。 If you're going international, and you have a lot of electronics with you, bring an adapter of course, but also bring a power bar. 如果你要去國外旅遊,而且需要帶一堆電子產品,除了不可少的變壓器之外,也可以帶上延長線。 That way, you can plug six different items into your power bar, and only have to bring the one international adapter. 這樣你只需要帶一個變壓器,就可以同時充六個電子產品。 (big sigh) (大聲嘆氣) And that was a lot of packing hacks. 以上這些就是有夠多的打包技巧。 But I hope you found them super helpful. 希望你們覺得這些技巧很實用。 I hope they make your packing experience way easier, way more efficient, and less stressful for your next trip. 我希望這些方法可以讓你再打包行李的過程中更輕鬆、更有效率,也希望你的下一趟旅程不再這麼有壓力。 If there's a packing hack that you guys have, that you use that I haven't mentioned in this video, I really wanna hear from you. 如果你們還有其他影片中我沒有提到的打包技巧,我很樂意看看你們的妙招。 I'm sure we all do, so leave a comment below and share those with us! 我想大家也是,所以在下方留言、跟我們分享吧! I would also love to know where you're packing your suitcase to go to next. 我也想知道你們是為了去哪裡而打包行李? And what are your 2018 travel plans? 你 2018 年計畫要去哪裡旅遊呢? Have you made them yet? 你已經規劃好了嗎? Are you kind of like in the middle of planning them? 或是正在規畫呢? Whatever it is, share with us, let's inspire each other. 不管如何都可以跟我們分享,讓彼此互相啟發。 Alright, travel tribe, if you have suggestions for an upcoming video, share with us because I wanna turn them into a video. 好啦,旅人幫,如果你們對下一部影片有任何建議,歡迎跟我們分享,因為我想要把這些靈感做成影片。 I love your suggestions. 我很愛你們的建議。 And please, like, be extra creative. 請大家發揮創造力。 Let's make some like, new videos that aren't already on the YouTube. 我們一起拍一些 YouTube 上從來沒出現過的影片。 Something different, something even bizarre, something extra creative. 一些比較特別的、甚至比較古怪的、比較有創意的。 Let's have fun with it! 讓我們一起同樂吧! There's like so many airplanes today. 今天好像有很多班飛機耶。 Where dem people goin'? 那些人要去哪啊? I need a little water break, it's gettin' hot. 我需要喝口水休息一下,天氣越來越熱了。 Ahh, yeah, some soda water. 啊,這就對了,一些蘇打水。 Alright, back in action. 好了,繼續拍攝吧!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 行李 衣服 枕頭套 行李箱 洗髮精 飛機 27 招旅行打包密技!帶得好、帶得巧,讓行李不再亂糟糟!(27 Travel PACKING HACKS - How to Pack Better!) 26599 1042 Samuel 發佈於 2019 年 07 月 08 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字