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  • I'm fragile.

  • I feel pain. I hurt. I open my eyes. I

  • crave victory. I do not give up.

  • I feel no fear. I fear no man. I create. I

  • conqueror. I hold the power.

  • Make a choice just decide what it's going

  • to be, who you're going to be, how you're

  • going to do it. Just decide and then from

  • that point the universe is going to get

  • out your way. We can't have another bad

  • year. You've got to get to the point

  • where enough is enough. It's much easier to

  • come up with excuses of why you can't do it.

  • If you do what is easy your life will be

  • hard. If you do what is easy, complain about

  • your situation, your circumstances,

  • surrender, and give up on your dreams, become

  • depressed and bitter and angry, anybody

  • can do that. If you do what it's easy

  • your life will be hard but if you do

  • what is hard, keep coming back

  • again and again, get up, get dressed everyday,

  • take life on, taking life by the collar,

  • you say yeah I will do it! I can do this

  • and you said to yourself I'm willing to face

  • you know I'm willing for people to laugh at

  • me, I'm willing to gut this out, I'm

  • willing to make this happen, it's my time.

  • It's possible, it's necessary, it's hard,

  • it's worth it.

  • I'm going to do whatever it takes, I can

  • do it if anybody's ever done, if anybody

  • has ever done it at any point in time in history, then whats

  • possible for one, is possible for me

  • and I'm going to do it and if you do

  • that over and over and over again your

  • life will be easy. This is kind of hard

  • to understand but sometimes you can try

  • so hard or something, sometimes you can

  • be so... so prepared and still fail

  • and when every time you fail it's

  • painful and causes sadness. And especially as

  • I saw last night it causes

  • disappointment.

  • I've often said a man's character is not

  • judged after he celebrates a victory

  • but by what he does when his back is

  • against the wall. So no matter how great

  • the setback, how severe the failure, you

  • never give up. You never give up. You

  • pick yourself up, you brush yourself

  • off, you push forward, you move on.

  • Everybody here, everybody that's watching, I won't

  • be stopped! I can't be stopped!

  • You're either committed or you aren't

  • you're either willing to do everything

  • it takes whatever that might be or you

  • aren't. You either are willing to go

  • through hell and high water and fire and

  • fucking brimstone to get to your goals

  • or you aren't. And that's why you'll never be

  • what you want to be. That's why you'll never

  • have what you want to have. That's why

  • you will never accomplish it, well, you are all over

  • the place.

  • Success guys is a very very lonely road, man. Along that road you're not going to see too many friends.

  • You're going to see your shadow most often.

  • You gotta trust in the heart of hearts.

  • Decide what you're doing, what you believe in, is it a worthy cause and win every fight.

  • I wish I could tell you you're tired

  • go take a break. I wish I could tell you

  • you're tired, rest for a year. I wish I could tell you

  • that that it's going to get easier.

  • I wish I could tell you it's going to get easier.

  • I wish I could tell you that if

  • you just keep going it's going to get

  • lighter but the wait, the wait is gonna get lighter.

  • I wish I could tell you,

  • you get to the point where enough is

  • enough you get to the point where it

  • hurts real bad, you get to the point when

  • it's over, when they're tired, when

  • they're frustrated, when they're ready to

  • give up, when they spent their last dime

  • that's when they get started but what

  • you cannot do is you cannot quit doing

  • the process you cannot give up because

  • it ain't what you see you cannot give up.

  • Work on yourself, work on your focus, you

  • cannot stop you got to work. The problem

  • with you is you see difficult as

  • something negative I want you to see

  • difficult differently. Are you hearing me?

  • I need you to push through that stuff.

  • Push through it.

  • You can get through it. The more you go

  • through the more difficult it is, the

  • more challenging it is, listen to me, the

  • harder it is. Are you hearing me? The more

  • challenging it is all you doing baby

  • is building muscles. In life you're

  • either going to a store, in a store, or

  • you coming out. It's a part of life

  • there's no way around it so just be

  • careful not to allow the trials and the

  • tribulations to consume you. I don't care

  • if you're a billionaire, I don't care if

  • you a CEO or the most important companies

  • I don't care if you an entertainer, like I

  • don't care who you are. You will go to

  • the moon

  • we all have problems what I'm trying to

  • tell you is this though problems are a

  • part of life but guess what

  • they're not like it's not going to be

  • easy.

  • There are moments when you're going to

  • doubt yourself. The rough times are gonna

  • come but they have not come to stay no

  • matter how bad it is or how bad it gets

  • you've got to make it your personal

  • business to make it happen.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to make

  • it in life you got to make no your

  • vitamin. You've got to know every no

  • brings you a step closer to a yes. Anybody

  • can stop because someone said no but

  • there's something in you, in your heart

  • of hearts thats saying i'm not a quitter.

  • There's something in you that says I've

  • got the will to do it there's something

  • in you that says I'm going to find a way.

  • People can help you out and won't

  • help you out because they know too much

  • about you

  • and they don't believe, they can't see

  • this new you. Don't allow those negative

  • naysayers, the people suffering from

  • possibility blindness to stop you.

  • Detoxify your life let all the negative

  • people in your life go, can I change them

  • no. It's a full-time job changing

  • yourself. You are not like everybody else

  • you can walk outside and find pigeons

  • but if you're looking for eagles it's

  • going to take you a minute. You are

  • different and as you think about your

  • goals and dreams, your personal goals

  • your financial goals, whatever that

  • number is I want you to multiply it a

  • hundred times and I want to warn you

  • don't ask yourself how you're going to

  • do it. How, is none of your business

  • I just want you to listen to me, you have

  • something special. You have greatness

  • within you, you have the ability to do

  • more than anything you can ever begin to

  • imagine. You have million-dollar ideas

  • billion-dollar ideas, in you. There are

  • people waiting to hear your voice. You

  • have a vision of yourself doing more

  • achieving more, taking care of your

  • family, making your mark, leaving a

  • legacy. You were born to be successful. Is it

  • easy? Of course it's not easy. It's

  • challenging. It requires patience, it

  • requires persistence, it requires

  • a willingness to do whatever is

  • required to create a new life for

  • yourself. Don't be afraid to close your

  • eyes and dream but then open your eyes

  • and see. For a lot of people the distance

  • between their dreams and the reality

  • is intimidating and they get stuck. They

  • get paralyzed just like I was in that marathon

  • and the only way forward is to be real

  • about what it's going to take for you to

  • achieve those dreams. You have to be

  • honest with yourself. You have to tell yourself

  • the truth.

  • You have to tell yourself the truth

  • of what its going to take for you to be

  • successful. You cannot achieve success

  • without failure.

  • That's why you're here. Theres a

  • voice in you that said

  • I can do this.

  • There's something in you, in your heart of hearts

  • that said I'm not going to let anybody pull

  • my strings. It said i'm going to

  • control my own personal economy. It

  • said I've got a dream I want to achieve

  • I want my children to have a choice of

  • the kind of education they want

  • that said I am the captain of my ship

  • that said I'm going to control my destiny and

  • whatever it takes I'm willing to do the

  • work. There is something in you that

  • said I've got to make this happen

  • there's something in you that said

  • there's a bigger life waiting for me

  • calling my name. There's something in you

  • that says i'm on my way to a greater

  • life. I want you to remember three things

  • number one I want you to never be afraid

  • to make a decision.

  • Be decisive. Don't be afraid to fail. Be

  • fearless. Number two I want you to remember

  • the power of you.You gotta feel that power

  • you got to believe in that power

  • you have that power. Trust me. Last

  • but not least number three can't stop, won't stop.

  • The most important element for you to be

  • able to do this, to be able, to establish the

  • most important one, where you really are in

  • your life today. Where are you and

  • where do you really want to go? What's

  • going to create this extraordinary life

  • and to look at it brand new because some

  • of you right now, if you continue the

  • direction you're going are going to be

  • successful and unfulfilled, unhappy and

  • stressed. If I can change and you can

  • change, everybody can change. There are two reasons of why

  • people are not successful. There are two

  • reasons of why people do not go after

  • their dreams. There are two deadly

  • killers of what causes people to give

  • up. There are two deadly killers of

  • dreams, there are two deadly killers of

  • goals. There are two deadly killers of

  • focus and purpose and those one one of

  • those things is procrastination. To

  • continue to put stuff off, to continue to

  • put stuff on the back burner, to continue

  • to say oh I'll get to that later,

  • why do we do that we do that? We do that because

  • we're afraid of something. What are we

  • afraid of? Are we afraid of failing? A

  • lot of us are not really afraid of

  • failing but we're afraid of the unknown

  • we're afraid of that success. We're

  • afraid of the thing that is going to

  • possibly come to pass we all say we want

  • the big things but we're not afraid of

  • how it might change us so what I want to

  • tell you today is in the midst of being

  • afraid of being successful you cannot be

  • afraid of successful. Successful, success

  • will only make you better. Success will

  • only make you a better who you

  • are. A better version of you. Yeh it's going to

  • change your life thats exactly what its

  • supposed to do.

  • Yes its gonna change your mind that's

  • exactly what it's supposed to do but

  • that is what we call success you cannot

  • be afraid. There's two elements of fear

  • fear one is you can forget everything

  • and run, you can forget everything and

  • leave all your dreams behind, you can

  • forget everything, you leave your family

  • behind, you can forget everything you can

  • leave your goals behind, you can forget

  • everything and leave your purpose behind

  • or you can face everything and rise. If you

  • face everything and rise, you're gonna face

  • those insecurities, you're going to face

  • those self-doubts,

  • you're gonna face the, the

  • scrutiny of others, you're going to face

  • the, the lies that people speak you

  • gonna face everything and you're going

  • to rise above that. Why? Because you're

  • now focusing your purpose, you're now

  • focused on your goals, you're now focus on

  • who you are and you're now focused on

  • where you want to be. The other thing

  • that is a deadly killer of dreams is giving

  • up. You cannot give up on yourself you

  • cannot ever give up on yourself. Why?

  • Because when you give up on yourself you

  • give up on your family, you give up on

  • your goals, you give up on your purpose, you

  • give up on your future, you give up on

  • your all your future success and you

  • just live a basic life. You live a basic

  • life of doing nothing. You live a basic

  • life of just saying, oh okay this is

  • just what i'm supposed to do. You

  • know you have something deeper inside of

  • you. You know you have greater inside of

  • you you know theres purpose down inside of

  • you and you have to give up, you have to

  • give up on giving up. You have to let go

  • of giving up and you have to fight

  • sometimes it's hard but you still have

  • to fight. The hardest fight is the fight

  • within it's not really so much the

  • money issue, it's not so much really

  • the, the naysayers. It's not so much

  • of what people are going to say but it's the

  • who, how you perceive yourself it's

  • the fight of what you think about

  • yourself so now start thinking positive about who you are.

  • God has made you better than who you are

  • God has made you stronger than who you

  • are. You can never give up on God, never

  • give up on yourself and never give up on

  • your dreams. So you begin to look at this

  • decade and affirming that this is your

  • decade as you set goals that will make

  • you stretch that will bring out the best

  • in you as you begin to remove the

  • negative toxic people from your life as

  • you decide to take some chances in life

  • and that's one of the things that's very

  • important this starts it if you're not

  • willing to risk you cannot grow and if

  • you cannot grow you cannot become your

  • best and if you cannot become your best

  • you cannot be happy and if you can't

  • be happy then what else is there?

  • Every single thing you said you wanted

  • you wanted to accomplish, you wanted to

  • do, guess what we still got time baby it

  • is not lost. You still have time, that's

  • right. You still got time baby. Who are

  • you right now and who must you become in

  • order to create what you want? What has

  • to change about you? What is it that you're

  • doing right now that would be a

  • liability for you? As you begin to look

  • towards the future and take inventory of

  • yourself what is it about you right now

  • that you've got to leave this behind

  • because this no longer fits. Looking at

  • where you want to go and the kind of

  • person that you must become, the kind of

  • standards that you have for you what is

  • it that you must do differently? The one

  • commodity that is most valuable on this

  • earth is time. Time to love, time to live

  • from the moment the human body is born

  • it begins dying. I don't think you quite

  • caught that, let me say it again. From the

  • moment the human body is born

  • it begins dying. Some happen faster, some

  • happen slower, some of us help them

  • happen faster, and some of them prevent it from

  • happening sooner than later. How many seconds

  • how many minutes do we waste every day

  • doing things that are nowhere near the

  • goals and aspirations and passions that

  • we have inside?

  • How many times are you going through the course of a

  • day and realize did I do anything I set

  • out to do today? Write down those goals

  • each and every day no matter if there's two

  • goals a day if you can accomplish those

  • then you're doing more than just making

  • it through the day. You are living and

  • achieving your dreams.

  • Find time to better yourself, read

  • explore, research, live life do things

  • you've never thought of doing before

  • that's what it's all about when you're

  • born

  • that's that date that they put on the

  • left side of the tombstone when you die

  • they put another date on the right side

  • of the tombstone but that - in the

  • middle is the most important thing on

  • that tombstone that is a line that

  • throughout that entire time frame you

  • were able to impact and touch others

  • lives you were able to leave your mark on

  • this earth you were able to build a

  • legacy that nobody could change you were

  • able to have it to where people

  • remember who you are no matter what

  • when you're living for that - in the

  • middle you're going to remember your why

  • your why, why are you here not, not the

  • why, why did you do something your why

  • your, your reason for getting up in the

  • morning, your reason for pushing yourself

  • past the brink of exertion and giving up

  • your reason for moving on and getting

  • things done in life that - in the middle

  • that's the thing that pushes you.

  • How do you rate yourself on a scale of

  • one to ten in terms of your physical

  • appearance, in terms of your health, do

  • you take care of yourself? Are you

  • allowing yourself to get overweight and

  • out of shape? Are you conscious of your

  • health, are you watching the food that

  • you take into your body? Do you make a

  • deliberate effort to exercise, you know

  • it was George Burns who said we cannot

  • help getting older but we don't have to

  • get old and many of us get old before

  • our time because we don't take time to

  • take care of ourselves. Your environment

  • is a very good indicator on a scale of

  • one to ten is it what you want it to be

  • do you find it desirable are you

  • satisfied, the job or career that you are

  • involved in someone said that 85% of the

  • American public are unhappy with their jobs

  • are you spending eight hours a day just

  • doing time? Doing something that you

  • don't find challenging, that does not make

  • you stretch mentally that does not

  • stimulate you, that does not inspire you

  • something that you don't find a sense of

  • fulfillment in it. If you're doing that

  • day in and day out it has to affect how

  • you feel about yourself, your level of

  • motivation, your relationships

  • what kind of impact is that having on

  • your life is it nourishing or is it a

  • toxic relationship? Does it drain

  • you or does it build you up? Ask yourself

  • that. How motivated are you to do

  • something about it?

  • Your contribution, your actions. What are

  • you giving? Many people will leave the

  • universe without a trace. No one will

  • know they were here and

  • in fact under their name we could put

  • under there, not used up. Will anybody

  • know that you came this way? What

  • contribution are you giving? What will

  • you leave, what will be different because

  • you came this way? Just stop for a

  • second. Write down your why. What are you

  • doing this for in life? If your why

  • doesn't make you cry then that's not your

  • why. Again, if your why doesn't make you

  • cry then that's not your why. Your why

  • should be something so big that it moves

  • your family tree. Your why should be

  • something so big that it changes the

  • whole outlook on how things are with you

  • and your home, your family, your religion

  • your purpose. Think about your passion

  • think about your opportunities and that's

  • how you find your purpose. OPP. When that

  • why meets up with your passion, your

  • opportunity, your purpose then you'll

  • find out the most important day in your

  • life is the day you remember why you

  • were born and you're going to have to

  • look that darkness in its eyes and not

  • look away from the darkness but rather

  • look straight in the eyes and say I no

  • longer need you I am no longer that

  • darkness and so that darkness will not

  • thrive, it will not survive, that darkness

  • will die that darkness will go away not

  • because you forced it out but because

  • you no longer fear the darkness you let

  • go, you let go the darkness, free up

  • space for the light and when the light

  • gains power when the light regains its

  • power it will overpower any darkness

  • that may try to seep and seek

  • into your mind and body and life it will

  • stride far greater than any darkness has.

  • But you must free yourself from the

  • dark by going deep into a depths of it

  • and understanding it by not running your

  • entire life from it but instead right now

  • today, tomorrow, soon look it in the eyes

  • and say I no longer fear you I have a

  • life to live

  • nothing is hopeless, nothing is

  • worthless, I am powerful, I am beautiful, I

  • am amazing and it's time for me to start

  • believing it no longer do I want to stay

  • in the same routine, stay in the same

  • mindset, the same condition, mind, I want

  • to unleash the power of my mind I want

  • to dive deep into the depths of the light,

  • into the depths of inner peace, into the

  • depths of joy and happiness, in the state

  • of being. Not into the depths of worry

  • and stress and depression and anxiety

  • and shame and guilt but stay away not

  • because I'm scared of it but because i'm free from it.

  • Because i no longer need it. Because i

  • have one life and I'm going to live

  • it to my fullest ability.

  • I just knew in my heart to just go, go

  • all into this endeavor and so I went no

  • questions asked and it wasn't a picnic the

  • rise up is tough but its who you become

  • in the process when you're chasing

  • this unknown when you eliminate fears and

  • so my offering is to really analyze what

  • you love to do and to go chase it because

  • making money should not be your focus to

  • do something that you don't really love

  • to make money what is that? Thats, all that

  • is, is a transference of stress you are

  • taking on stress at this job that you don't like,

  • this is stressful for you so

  • that you have less stress when it comes

  • to finances so is that eliminating the stress?

  • No, you're transferring it from

  • finances to eat at a little better place

  • to live in a little better apartment to then

  • develop more stress while you're at work.

  • Does that make sense?

  • The money will come when you're really

  • good at something

  • I can guarantee it when you really have

  • an effect because that will create a

  • polarizing reaction in people that they

  • will be drawn to you and you cannot be

  • really good at something if you don't

  • love what you're doing. That's the bottom line.

  • Chase this uncertainty where your

  • heart is telling you to go because it

  • knows that it will discover itself if

  • you choose to go down this ambiguity

  • if you choose to go unfold this

  • mystery because you will discover what

  • you're really made of if you choose to

  • go down this abyss.

  • See the thing is for many people they've

  • tried the same path you're on and they

  • failed as you walk this journey you're

  • going to see carcasses all over the

  • place of people that didn't quite have it.

  • That should inspire you because you got further

  • than that person, and that person but you're

  • not looking to get further than them, you're

  • looking to finish. How do you know you're

  • on the right path? Where do you go to ensure

  • that? Do you talk to your neighbor no you

  • don't talk to him.

  • I'll tell you about the neighbor guys

  • that neighbors going to come in man and

  • if you're a little chubby, a little

  • overweight you'd be like hey man I'm

  • thinking about doing a routine man or

  • getting on a training program where I

  • lose some weight. He's going to encourage you at

  • first yeah you should you should

  • basically insulting your ass and you are

  • fat and you lose some weight. It's never

  • support, it's negative shit oh you should

  • lose some weight. So then you go, you take his advice and you start

  • training, you start doing something, you start to get in

  • shape a little bit maybe at his level

  • then all of a sudden he's going to start

  • asking questions his tones going to shift

  • especially as you're getting in better

  • shape than him. Then he's going to start talking shit because

  • what happens now guys is that your

  • success is like a spotlight shining down

  • on their missed opportunities. Success

  • many will love you for it

  • the majority will hate you because your

  • success makes them feel insufficient in

  • their current endeavor reminds them of where

  • they could have done it but they came up

  • short and how they didn't revisit it

  • where they went out and failed and failure

  • is what stood they never revisited it

  • again. The difference between a winner and a

  • loser the failure is there every single

  • time it's just that the winner gets back up and

  • does it again and does it again until it

  • goes his way so now you're down that

  • path and you're all alone how do you

  • know you on the right path how do you

  • know what you're doing is in the right

  • direction if you're wondering if you're

  • on the right path look at the small

  • things of life. How do you do that

  • when you wash your car and spend an hour

  • washing your car, when you finish washing you

  • put the hoses and everything away and

  • the brushes and you come outside to look at the

  • job you did but you notice some spots

  • missing what do you do? Do you regrab the

  • hoses and pull it all out and finish the job

  • right or do you say you know that's good

  • enough, ya it's good enough. See the thing

  • about good enough is we don't know if its

  • enough until the end our final hour

  • and everything is on the line

  • well that's when we find out if

  • it is enough and if we come up short man,

  • doesn't that suck. I promise you guys if

  • today you never say good enough

  • tomorrow you're always have enough. What

  • I'm saying is the character of who you are

  • it's not the title that makes you

  • it's not the success that makes you, the

  • character defines a success, defines the

  • fame and it starts right there. Championships

  • aren't won in the theatre or the arena they're

  • won in the thousands of hours in the training

  • room, and the labs, and the 5 a.m. runs and the training

  • when everyone else is sleeping that's when it's

  • won. The Harvard champion is a light

  • switch that's always on. It doesn't go on

  • and off when someone's watching.

  • It's constant. It's

  • how you look at something if your name's

  • attached to it and you do it right the

  • best of your ability every single time.

I'm fragile.


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史上最佳勵志演講稿彙編#6 - 永不退縮 - 30分鐘勵志視頻 (Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #6 - NEVER BACK DOWN - 30-Minute Motivation Video)

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