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  • hello everyone and welcome back to love English

  • I'm Sabrah, today we're going to be looking at a more simple topic but it's

  • still a subject which lots of mistakes are made about it's still going to be

  • useful it's also going to be a little bit shorter

  • I know normally my lessons are very very very very long sorry about that but

  • today the lesson is going to be a little bit shorter short and sweet

  • the language I'm saying hello in today is Korean so I'm going to say annyeong

  • haseyo and anyun haseyo I hope that is correct tell me

  • of course if it isn't right are you ready to learn let's get started everyone

  • someone anyone everyone someone anyone so someone everyone and anyone

  • so everyone refers to all if I say hello everyone I'm saying hello to all of you

  • someone is individual hello someone speaking to someone but when we say

  • someone we don't know who anyone is referring to someone out of a group so

  • we're not always sure who again but it can be a group or an individual and it's

  • where you you address all you address everyone but you're not being particular

  • about who someone you're often more particular about who it is I know this

  • sounds a little bit confusing but with the examples I'm going to give I think it's

  • going to become much clearer so if I say can everyone move to the hall now can

  • everyone move to the hall now I mean all of you everybody in this room has to go

  • to the hall now if I say can anyone go to the hall now I'm meaning can a person

  • or a group of people out of this group go and I don't mind who if I say can

  • someone go to the hall now I'm saying is it possible again just like anyone I'm

  • saying is it possible someone I'm saying one person so I just want one person go

  • to the hall now again I'm not being particular about who in this case but

  • I'm emphasizing the individual can someone go to the hall now is asking

  • you're seeing the possibility but it's also selecting one person can anyone go

  • to the hall now it's more possibility can any one of you go however someone

  • compared to anyone is often a bit more specific whereas anyone is more general

  • but we'll talk about that difference a little bit more later it is a little bit

  • complicated but we're going to look at some more examples now to make it clear

  • if I say I didn't meet everyone this means all the people I expected to be

  • there I didn't meet them because I was late I didn't meet everyone because I

  • arrived late I didn't meet everyone if I say I didn't meet anyone

  • the meaning is a little bit similar but it's not quite the same because you're

  • not sure necessarily about the group of people so you could say I didn't meet

  • anyone interesting at the party out of that group of people not one person of

  • them was interesting but if you you can't say I didn't meet everyone

  • interesting everyone is always referring to all whereas anyone addresses all that

  • is referring to a smaller group or one person I didn't meet anyone yeah if you

  • say I didn't meet anyone in this case you mean all as well but usually it's to

  • do with selecting the smaller group of people from that so I didn't meet anyone

  • interesting I didn't see anyone there that I knew you're looking for a smaller

  • group of people out of all if you say I didn't meet someone I didn't meet

  • someone you're saying one person it was one person in particular and you're

  • saying you didn't meet someone so you could say I didn't need that someone

  • special at the party someone is always referring to one but we don't always

  • know who someone stole my chocolate I'm looking for someone to help me someone

  • and anyone can be interchangeable because anyone can also refer to one out

  • of all but anyone can also refer to a group someone only ever refers to one

  • person let's look at this in more detail the difference between these two anyone

  • is more general someone is more particular I'm looking for someone to

  • come and work for me I'm looking for someone particular I'm looking for

  • anyone to come and work for me I don't mind who I'm just looking for people or

  • one person to come and work for me I'm looking for someone special I'm

  • looking for anyone special anybody who is special someone again more particular

  • and looking for someone one person who is special so can you see the difference

  • here anyone more general someone more specific and refering

  • always to one person guys if you're still confused about anyone everyone and

  • someone I've left some exercises down in the description box and some

  • explanations you can follow them there it is a little bit confusing and I think

  • reading more about the different context in which we use it is really going to

  • help you let's move on now to each one each one refers to the individual so for

  • example each one of you is coming with me to the cinema every individual is

  • coming with me to the cinema each one of you is going to jail

  • it's appropriate with this top on every individual each one so if I talk about

  • Laila and I I can say each one of us has a master's degree yeah

  • so it's both of us but I'm emphasizing the individuals involved each one of us

  • now if I say each and every one of you each and every one of you is a great

  • phrase this is emphasizing the individual and the group so often

  • politicians will address a group of their potential voters and they'll say

  • each and every one of you is going to see the improvements under my government

  • it means every individual within this group every individual and everyone okay

  • each and every one of you so you're emphasizing the individual and all

  • people together okay I hope that's clear it's a little bit confusing again an

  • example would be each and every one of you is going to have the chance to play

  • this new sport each and every one of you has won a prize for example I hope

  • that's clear guys and this helped you if you would like another lesson on words

  • like everybody somebody anybody nobody all of those more confusing words then

  • please comment below and let me know as I will make a lesson on that as well

  • don't forget you can follow love English on Facebook Instagram and Twitter please

  • follow us guys for more love English fun don't forget of course to subscribe

  • and share this video as well thank you so much for watching everybody bye bye

  • someone has eaten all my chocolate who could it be? Leila

  • does anyone know where I can find her

hello everyone and welcome back to love English


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A2 初級 英國腔

SOMEONE, EVERYONE, ANYONE--區別!英語詞彙課 (SOMEONE, EVERYONE, ANYONE- The difference! English Vocabulary lesson)

  • 598 21
    Emily 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日