字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We're bringing you a round-up of Five Types of Japanese Stationery That You Didn't Know You Needed. 我們今天幫大家彙整了「5 種你沒想到,但一定用得到的日本文具」。 This is part one of a four-part video series, so make sure you're subscribed to see the next video. 這部影片是我們「日本文具四部曲」的首部曲,所以別忘了訂閱,繼續看下一支影片。 Let's dive right in! 我們直接進入主題吧! In this video, we'll be going through the following categories, starting with Staplers & Binder Clips. 在今天的影片中,我們會依這些種類來做介紹,首先是釘書機和長尾夾。 First up on our list is the Kokuyo Harinacs Stapleless Stapler. 在我們榜上的第一個是 Kokuyo 的「無針釘書機」。 Its cleverly designed blade punches out and tucks an arrow shaped flap through a slit to stitch paper sheets together without ever using a staple. 它聰明的設計讓刀片可以把要釘在一起的紙打出箭頭形狀的洞,並將它們穿過一個縫隙來固定紙張,而不需要用到訂書針。 It's eco-friendly too, since you'll never have to refill another staple in your life. 這也非常環保,因為你再也不需要用到訂書針了。 Featuring handles that fold ingeniously to the side. 下一個文具則標榜可以把夾子的尾端往旁邊折。 These Velos Binder Clips don't get in the way when you're flipping through your documents. Velos 的長尾夾讓你在翻閱文件時不再擋住你的視線。 Seriously, why aren't all binder clips made like this? 說真的,全部的長尾夾應該都要做成這樣才對嘛! They come in small, medium, and large, with the large size holding up to ninety sheets of paper. 它的尺寸有小、中、大,最大的尺寸可以夾 90 張紙。 Magnets & Push Pins. 磁鐵和圖釘。 Despite their deceptively small size, H Concept's Pinwheel Magnets are incredibly strong. 別被他們小巧的外表欺騙了,H Concept 風車磁鐵的磁力強度可是非常強的。 They can hold several sheets of paper with ease. 他們可以輕輕鬆鬆固定住好幾張紙。 But that's not the only reason they made our list. 但這不是唯一一個讓它被列入榜上的理由。 Their charming design is sure to put a smile on your face. 它們吸引人的設計絕對能讓你會心一笑。 We could spend hours blowing on those cute pinwheels. 我們甚至可以花上幾小時吹著這些可愛的風車。 Have you ever seen a push pin like the Kokuyo Punyo Punyo? 你有看過像 Kokuyo 的「超彈安全圖釘」嗎? They have a band of soft silicone around the sharp end that protects your hands when the pins aren't being used. 在 Kokuyo 的圖釘尖端有一段矽膠環,可以保護你的手在使用圖釘時不會被刺到。 Now that's a thoughtful extra little detail! 這真的是個貼心的額外設計! To use them, simply push the pin through the silicone, which will flatten as you stick it into the desired surface. 要使用圖釘時,把圖釘直接壓下去,讓針穿過矽膠就可以了,矽膠同時可以讓你要固定的那張紙保持平坦。 Reading Accessories. 閱讀用配件。 The Kokuyo Fingertip Protector may seem like a little bit much, but the five star reviews on JetPens.com say it all. Kokuyo 的「翻頁紙套」看起來可能會讓你覺得有點多餘,但它在 JetPens.com 的五星評價在在證明了它的用處。 These are a godsend if you do a lot of reading. 這個發明對很常閱讀的人來說真的是一大福音。 Their rubber texture makes them especially good for flipping through slippery magazines or textbook pages. 它的橡膠材質可以讓你在翻書時很方便,尤其像是那些紙張較光滑的雜誌或教科書。 Plus, your fingers are protected from those pesky paper cuts. 而且,它也可以保護你的手指不被紙的邊緣割傷。 The cheerful RayMay Light Man is a fun and flexible companion that comes with a magnifying glass and an LED light. 快樂的 Raymay「人型 LED 燈可彎曲多用架」是個有趣又「軟 Q」的好夥伴,它同時附有放大鏡和 LED 燈。 Great for camping trips or late-night reading. 在露營或在夜晚看書時非常實用。 He can be posed to hold phones, glasses, and other objects. 它可以折成拿來放手機、眼鏡和其他東西的架子。 He even comes with magnets in his feet to help him stand securely. 它的腳下甚至還有磁鐵,可以讓它更穩固。 Page Markers & Sticky Notes. 書籤及便利貼。 We can't get enough of the Beverly Kokosasu Page Markers. 我們超愛 Beverly Kokosasu 的書籤。 And not just because they're cute! 不只是因為它的設計很可愛! Have you ever bookmarked a page, only to go back and not remember what exactly you were interested in? 你有沒有曾經在某一頁貼上書籤,但之後再回過頭來看時,卻完全想不起來自己是對那頁的哪個部分有興趣? These innovative page markers solve this problem. 這個創新的書籤解決了這個問題。 Simply stick them on the exact location you want to mark, then tear off the longer section and use it as a page flag. 只要先將書籤貼在你想要做記號的那個地方,再撕下較長的部分,用來當作標註頁碼的標籤。 That way when you flip back to the page, you can immediately locate the exact spot you were looking for. 這樣只要當你翻回那一頁時,你也可以馬上找到你感興趣的段落了。 Another great study tool, the Sun-Star Piri-it Page Markers 另一個陪伴你讀書的好物則是 Sun-Star 的「Piri-it 雙用標示便箋」。 Make it easy for you to keep track of your progress. 它可以讓你輕鬆地了解自己的進度。 They start out with one expression, then change to another when you tear off the perforated top. 它們剛開始會是一個符號,但只要你沿著虛線把上半部撕掉,它們就會變成另一個符號。 You can go from "Look!" to "OK!", a question mark to an exclamation point, or a confused face to an enlightened face. 如果把「看這裡」的上半部撕掉就會變成「瞭解了」,問號則會變成驚嘆號,原先那張困惑的臉,也會變成開竅的表情。 How genius is that? 這個設計也太天才了吧! While these Kokuyo Tack Memo Sticky Notes may look like ordinary sticky notes, they're actually much more versatile! 雖然 Kokuyo 的這款便利貼看起來就像一般的便利貼,但它們的用途可多著呢!。 The adhesive covers more than half of the back of the sticky notes, so they won't move around. 它們背面有黏著功能的部分超過便利貼的一半,所以它們比較不容易移動或掉落。 But they're still easy to remove and re-stick. 但它們還是可以很輕鬆地撕下來並重複黏貼。 You can even use them as index tabs, or use them to make movable entries in your planner. 你也可以把它用來當作索引標籤,或把行程寫在上面,讓你可以在計畫本上簡單地更動行程。 Writing Instruments. 書寫工具。 At first glance, the Uni Color 3 looks like a multi-pen when in fact, it's a multi-pencil. Uni 的「Color 3」乍看之下跟一般的三色原子筆沒什麼兩樣,但其實它是「三色自動鉛筆」。 It comes with three different colored leads inside, and when you use them up, you can refill it with the colored lead of your choice. 它裡面有三種顏色的筆芯,如果你用完了,你也可以再買其他顏色的補充包。 The Color 3 comes with Nano Dia color lead, which we like because it erases cleanly. 這支三色自動鉛筆使用的是 uni Nano Dia 的筆芯,我們很喜歡它是因為它很容易擦拭乾淨。 Yes, it's really supposed to look like that. 好的,我們一定要看接下來的這一樣文具! The Kokuyo Beetle Tip Highlighter has an interesting tip shape that's actually quite versatile. Kokuyo 的「獨角仙螢光筆」有著非常有趣的筆頭設計,讓它可以非常萬用。 You can create fine lines, broad lines, and double lines depending on the way you hold the tip. 你可以用它畫出細線、粗線,還有雙線,端看你握筆的方式。 Pretty cool, right? 超酷的對吧? Last but not least, the Ohto Minimo is possibly the world's slimmest ballpoint pen. 最後的 Ohto「攜帶型迷你原子筆」應該是世界上筆身最細的原子筆。 The plastic card that's included comes with a pen sleeve, so you can easily slip it into your planner, notebook, or wallet. 附在一起的塑膠片上有個筆套,所以你可以隨心所欲地把這支筆夾在你的計畫本、筆記本或皮夾裡。 Its 0.5 mm needle-tip writes smoothly with a dark black ink. 它的筆頭是 0.5 mm,是黑色的墨水,而且書寫起來很滑順。 We've barely scratched the surface on what Japanese stationery has to offer. 我們今天在這部影片中只是淺談這些日本文具而已。 Check out JetPens.com for more unique stationery items from Japan and beyond. 快上 JetPens.com 去看看更多日本及其他國家的特色文具小物。 Part two is coming soon, so make sure you're subscribed. 「日本文具二部曲」馬上就要發佈了,所以別忘了訂閱唷! Thanks for watching! 感謝你的收看!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 文具 書籤 日本 設計 磁鐵 風車 文具控必買!5 樣你沒想到,但一定用得到的創意日本文具! (5 Types of Japanese Stationery You Didn't Know You Needed) 33660 1937 Vivian Chen 發佈於 2019 年 02 月 08 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字