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(uptempo music)
- Hey, yo, it's (mumbles) back here
with another gaming video
and we're back with some more Hello Neighbor!
That's right, they updated the game,
so that means I gotta play some more runaway
from guy that wants to touch my butt!
Let's see.
Let's just jump in.
We gotta jump into the story, right?
Wow, you can definitely tell the graphics got an upgrade!
Oh, it looks so nice!
Some nice music, it's so calm.
Oh, what's happening?
Oh, is that my house?
Looks like it could use some work, right?
Hit the brakes.
Hit the brakes!
Whoa (laughs).
Alright, everybody out of the pool.
Hmm, looking good.
What's that?
Oh, it's one of the boxes.
Don't box me in, bro.
Okay, so it's, oh, yeah, there's my list again.
Get inside and move stuff inside.
Alright, so it's starting out
a lot like the previous version
although my house looks way different.
Looks like my house number is 1414.
(mumbles) hike (laughs)!
Oh, the key is under the stone under the mailbox.
Oh, there it is (laughs).
Okay, hold E to pick up.
Hey, hey, he's got the key!
What are you doin' stealing my key, bird?
That's foul (laughs).
Have a rock!
He throws like pear (laughs)!
He dropped the key though, so that's good.
Give me the key!
♫ The key to my heart
Unlock I say!
There we go.
Uh oh, it's stuck!
How do I get in?
Oh, crowbar party.
My favorite (laughs)!
When it comes to opening doors,
I really nailed it (laughs).
Don't pry me away from my feelings (laughs).
(door creaking) Oh.
(calm music)
Aw, might need to clean up just a little bit.
On the next episode of Hoarders (laughs)!
Hats off to me (laughs)!
What am I supposed to do with this?
(groaning) That's just an empty room.
Okay, better bring in my stuff.
Okay, oh, what's happening?
What's gonna show me more of the house?
Uh oh, creepy peeper isn't in there, is he?
Oh, I was worried that creepy peeper
was gonna be in there (laughs).
I wouldn't doubt it.
Jump out from behind the couch,
try and touch your butt!
Definitely wouldn't doubt it.
Oh, gonna try out the couch.
Ah, I'm gonna take a little nappy nap.
Alright, sweet dreams!
(creepy music) Uh oh!
(groaning) Okay.
I must ask you a question!
What are ya' doin'?
Whoa, he just stuck the key in his belly rolls!
What's that slamming?
Oh, so he put a keycard in that room
and he's boarding it up?
Whoa, he really likes milk, gee (laughs).
He really likes milk!
He was mad he was out of milk!
Oh, and then you use the keycard right there.
Wait, why am I outside?
What was that?
Did you hear something?
Uh oh!
- [Neighbor] Quiet!
- What is happening?
Whoa, I think there is someone in there with him!
(groans) Oh, I think he saw me.
No you don't you butt touching nerd burglar!
Hold shift to run.
Okay, yeah, I know how to play!
Okay, I'm goin' over here.
Oh, boy, that does not sound good!
What is happening?
There's someone in there screaming!
Uh oh.
What's happening?
It's a cut scene.
(groaning) Don't let him see you!
(groans) Oh, he put someone downstairs!
Well, I really need to help 'em out.
What are we doin'?
What are we doin'?
What are we doin'?
Where we goin'?
Don't go in!
Are you just gonna walk in?
(door creaking) Oh, boy!
(coat hanger slams)
Oh, no!
(screams) Now the butt toucher's coming!
The butt toucher's coming!
What do I do? What do I do?
Do I hide in here?
What's happening?
You don't see me!
I'm not in here!
Go somewhere else.
It's totally fine (laughs).
Okay, what was that?
Is it like a demon monster in there?
How do I do this?
What's happening?
What's happening?
Did he find me?
(coat hanger slams)
(screams) We gonna do this every time (groans)!
No butt toucher?
No butt toucher?
No, you don't wanna touch butts!
No, no, go forward, go forward!
Oh, (groans) I pressed the wrong button!
Okay, I'm in here.
I'm in here.
What is happening?
Ah, no!
Okay, I'm back in.
I'm back in.
It's fine! It's fine!
It's really good.
(groaning) You don't see me!
(groaning) You don't see me!
I'm not here!
Okay, okay, okay.
I think I have to take that piece of wood off the door.
How much wood could a orange orange orange
if a wood could orang orange, what?
Okay, give me that!
My two by four!
I'm leaving (laughing)!
I stole your two by four going back home!
Why is my house look completely different now?
Okay, looks like I have a phone, a bunch of rooms.
Oh, what's upstairs?
(doorknob turning)
Wait, my own door's locked?
I can't get upstairs?
What kind of bologna is this?
Did you remember to flush?
Ya' did!
Good job (laughs).
Okay, guess I'm goin' back over there!
Don't box me in, bro.
What? What was that?
What was that?
Did he see me?
Did he see me?
Oh, no, no!
He broke his own window to catch me!
No, no, don't touch my butt!
Oh, that's a little too close
for comfort, don't ya' think?
You're sticking your nose right up in there, aren't ya'?
Nope, no oranges in the closet.
Just Tom Cruise (laughs).
Yeah, you go do your thing.
I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna leave
'cause I don't want to be anywhere near ya',
ya' dirty butt toucher!
Okay, let's see.
Okay, there's that one.
Okay, a bunch of boxes back here!
Looks like there's a roof access!
Aw, but it's locked, of course!
Come on!
How am I supposed to raise the roof, dawg (laughs)?
Hmm, does this do anything?
Generate some awesomeness.
Hmm, nope, this one's locked too.
What the heck?
This guy doesn't trust anybody!
You just lock all your doors, huh?
Oh, wait, that looks like an open window.
Can I get in there?
♫ Oh, he's climbing in your windows
♫ touching all your stuff
Alright, let's see if there's anything useful in here.
Oh, check it out!
I'll take-y.
Hmm, I wonder if I can open this up.
Oh, no, no, no, no!
No, no!
Don't drop that!
What are you doin'?
(suspenseful music)
Wait, what's that sound?
What is that?
I hear something!
I had a fruity heart attack!
Man, I'm never gonna get past this part!
Just to let you know, I'm poppin' in here (laughs)!
Okay, I feel like there's gotta be a better way.
A much better way.
Hmm, a stack of boxes, electrical panel.
That's electrifying!
Oh, I wonder if I could stack
those boxes up and get up there.
(groaning) Okay, this is not working very well.
No (laughs)!
You just knocked it over!
Forget this!
Okay, what's in this window?
Oh, tools!
Oh, I want those!
How do I get in that room?
Okay, it looks like there's a door right there,
so if I go in over here,
I should be able to get the tools!
Alright, here we go.
Be real quiet.
Okay, just go through here.
Yeah, you just keep pounding on that, buddy.
You just keep doin' that thing you're doin'!
Oh, no, it's locked!
Oh, for poppin' on the floor!
What am I supposed to do?
Because the pick is in that room to pick locks!
How do I pick the locks if the lock is on the outside?
I don't know.
Time to poop in the closet though (laughs).
I'm stealing his broom, so he can't clean it up (laughs).
Okay, maybe I'll try and get him to come out here.
I'll just ring this door-- (gasps)
Wait, what was that?
What was that?
No, no (crying)!
How'd you get me?
Go away lieutenant butt farts (laughs)!
Okay, what's in this one?
No, that's the same window.
How the heck am I supposed to get to where the tools are?
This is so frustrating!
Hmm, looks like a bathroom.
Oh, no, he saw me!
He saw me!
(screams) He broke the window!
Why do you keep breakin' your own windows to catch me?
No, no (screams)!
Why does he always make me sniff his mustache?
It's weird!
I could've swore I left my mustache
over here somewhere (laughs).
That's what he says!
It's totally what he said.
Okay, come on.
Okay, I think he's gone.
Alright, I think it's safe.
We'll just try and go through the front door?
(laughs) Don't go through the front door!
I don't wanna smell your mustache!
Oh, wow, he just threw me out!
I didn't have to go through the whole closet thing again.
Alright, let's figure this out.
We can do this guys.
You and me.
We can do this.
Okay, shut the power down.
Okay, then we're gonna go all the way around here,
so when he comes out the other side,
I can sneak in from behind.
Hold on, hold on.
Let me just wait for him to run out there.
There we go.
Wait, what, he saw me!
How'd he see me?
Oh, you (mumbles).
No, no, no!
I'm stuck on the fence!
You dirty butt toucher!
You're a pain in the glass (laughs)!
Broke your window!
You comin'?
There's gotta be a key or something.
(gasps) (screaming)
No, no, no, no (crying)!
I hate you!
I hate you so much!
I hate you (laughs)!
Oh, crap!
Oh, no!
Oh, he didn't like it!
He doesn't like when I flash the flashlight at him.
(sighs) Alright, well, I think that's a good place
to stop for now, but I'm gonna keep practicing
and we're gonna kick this game's booty!
You know that?
We're gonna do it!
We gonna get all them secrets.
This lawnmower's a pain in the grass (laughs)!
You like that?
That's where that goes.
Right in there.
Oh, he didn't even see the--
(gasps) Oh, there he is.
(laughing) Oh, he didn't like it (laughs)!
You (screaming).
Alright, guys, thank you so much for watching.
Make sure to hit the like, favorite, subscribe button.
Do it so you can make this
the most popular video on the internet
'cause it totally deserves it 'cause it's so good.
'Till next time, later hot butt toucher!
(uptempo music)