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  • Humans love meat.


  • Steak, fried chicken, bacon, pork belly, and sausages are just the best things.


  • Eating meat has become so trivial that many people don't consider something a proper meal if there's no animal involved.


  • Which is pretty amazing, since only a few decades ago, meat was a luxury product.


  • Today you can get a cheeseburger for a dollar.


  • Paradoxically, meat is pretty much the most inefficient way of feeding humans.


  • If we look at it on a global scale, our meaty diet is literally eating up the planet.


  • Why is that and what can we do about it without giving up steak?


  • Humans keep a lot of animals for food currently about 23 billion chickens, 1.5 billion cattle and roughly 1 billion pigs and sheep.

    為了吃,人類養了很多牲口,目前約有 230 億隻雞、15 億隻牛,以及各約 10 億隻豬和羊。

  • That's a lot of mouths to feed, so we've transformed Earth into a giant feeding ground.


  • 83% of its farmland is used for livestock, for example, its pasture and to farm photo crops like corn and soy.

    百分之 83 的農地被用於養牲口,例如,作為牧場或種植玉米、黃豆這類植物。

  • That's 26 percent of Earth's total land area.

    而這相當於地球百分之 26 的土地。

  • If we include the water we need for these plants meat and dairy production accounts for 27% of global freshwater consumption.

    如果將種植這些植物的水也算進去,製造肉類和乳製品的用水佔了全世界淡水消耗量的百分之 27。

  • Unfortunately, meat production is like a black hole for resources.


  • Since animals are living things, most of their food is used to keep them alive while they grow their tasty parts.


  • Only a fraction of the nutrients from photo crops end up in the meat we buy in the end.


  • Cows, for example, convert only about 4% of the proteins and 3% of the calories of the plants we feed to them into beef.

    以牛來說,牠們吃進去植物的營養只有百分之 4 的蛋白質和百分之 3 的熱量最後留在牛肉裡,

  • More than 97 percent of the calories are lost to us.

    有百分之 97 的卡路里流失掉了。

  • To create 1kg of steak, a cow needs to eat up to 25 kilos of grain and uses up to 15,000 liters of water.

    為製造一公斤牛排,一隻牛至少要吃 25 公斤穀物,並用掉一萬五千公升水。

  • Animal products are guzzling up tons of food, but they only make up 18 percent of the calories humans eat.

    動物食品吞噬了大量食物,但卻只佔人類攝取熱量的 18%。

  • According to projections, we could nourish an additional 3.5 billion people if we just ate the stuff we feed to animals.

    據預估,如果直接吃飼養動物用的糧食,這夠額外 35 億人吃。

  • To make our favorite food group even more unsustainable, about 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are created by the meat industry,

    我們最愛的食物更加不永續的另一個因素是,人為排放溫室氣體中,有百分之 15 來自肉品產業,

  • as much as by all ships planes trucks and cars combined.


  • And there's another aspect to meat: it comes from actual living beings.


  • Pigs cattle and chicken are not the ones writing the history books, but if they were, humans would appear as rampant genocidal maniacs that thrive on suffering


  • Globally, we kill about 200 million animals every day, about 74 billion a year.

    全球每天大約有一億七千六百萬隻動物被人類殺害,每年約有 740 億隻。

  • This means that every one and a half years, we kill more animals than people have lived in the entire 200,000 year history of humanity.


  • One could argue that we're doing them a favor, after all, they wouldn't exist without us.


  • We might eat them in the end, but we also provide food and shelter and the gift of existence to them.


  • Unfortunately, we're not very nice gods.


  • A lot of our meat comes from factory farms. Huge industrial systems that house thousands of animals.


  • Engineered to be as efficient as possible, they have little regard for things like quality of life.


  • Most pigs are raised in gigantic windowless sheds and never get to see the sun.


  • Sows are kept in pens too small to turn around where they give birth to one litter of piglets after another, until it's their turn to be turned into bacon.


  • Dairy cows are forced to breathe continually to ensure their milk supply, but are separated from their calves hours after birth.


  • To fatten up beef cattle for slaughter, they're put in feedlots, confined pens where they can't roam and put on weight more quickly.


  • To make it possible to keep them so tightly together without dying of diseases, the majority of antibiotics we use are for livestock, up to 80% in the US.

    為避免牠們因為過度擁擠而死於傳染病,人類使用的抗生素有一半用在牲口,在美國更高達百分之 80。

  • Which helps in the short term, but also fuels antibiotic resistances.


  • But the ones that may have got the worst deal are chickens.


  • In factory farms, they're kept in such vast numbers and so close to each other that they can't form the social structures they have in nature.


  • So they start attacking each other.


  • To stop that, we cut their beaks and claws.


  • Male chickens are deemed worthless, since they can't lay eggs and are not suitable for meat production.


  • So within minutes after birth, they're usually gassed and shredded and grinders.


  • Several hundred million baby chickens are killed this way each year.


  • Even if you had a personal score to settle with chickens, how we treat them is beyond broken.


  • So better buy organic meat where animals are treated nicely, right?


  • Organic farming regulations are designed to grant animals a minimum of comfort.


  • The problem is that organic is an elastic term.


  • According to EU regulations, an organic hen still might share one square metre of space with five others.


  • That's a long way off from happy farmyard chickens.


  • Farms that sincerely do their best do exist, of course, but meat is still a business.


  • An organic label is a way to charge more money and countless scandals have revealed producers looking for ways to cheat the system


  • And while organic meat might be less cruel, it needs even more resources than conventional meat production.


  • So buying organic is still preferable, but does not grant you moral absolution.


  • The truth is, if suffering were a resource, we would create billions of tons of it per year.


  • The way we treat animals will probably be one of the things future generations will look down on in disgust.


  • While all these things are true, something else is true too:


  • Steak is amazing; burgers are the best food; chicken wings taste great.


  • Meat satisfies something buried deep in our little brain.


  • We hardly ever see how our meat is made, we just eat it and love it.


  • It creates joy, it brings us together for family meals and barbecue parties.


  • Eating meat doesn't make you a bad person; not eating meat doesn't make you a good one.


  • Life is complicated and so is the world we've created.


  • So how should we deal with the fact that meat is extremely unsustainable and a sort of horrible torture ?


  • For now, the easiest option is opting out more often.


  • Taking a meat-free day per week already makes a difference.


  • If you want to eat meat produced with less suffering, try to buy from trusted producers with a good track record, even if it costs more.


  • To make an impact on the environment, go for chicken and pig rather than lamb and beef as they convert their feed more efficiently into meat.


  • And if you're going to have your steak you should eat it too.


  • An average American throws out nearly a pound of food per day, a lot of which is meat.


  • In the future, science could get us clean meat.


  • Various startups have successfully grown meat in labs and are working on doing so on a commercial scale.


  • But solutions like this are still a few years away.


  • For now, enjoy your steak, but also respect it.


  • And if you can, make it something special again.


Humans love meat.


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