字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Support is generally considered the role 輔助是被大家認為是五線中影響力最小的位置 with the least amount of impact out of all five roles 所以我想帶大家看看比誰都還有影響力的一位輔助 So I wanted to take a look at a support player who has more impact than anyone else in the game 這位是Immortals Olleh(歐雷) This is immortals Olleh 他是Immortals的輔助,而他最近爬上了美服菁英第一的位置 He is the starting support for Immortals and he recently hit rank 1 on the Na challenger ladder 一個輔助到底是怎麼爬上菁英第一的? How the hell did a support player hit rank 1 let's take a look at Olleh's play style 讓我們來看看他的玩法 I have launched every single one of Olleh's VOD's in the last month and I noticed something Olleh Roams 我在上個月把他的實況紀錄全部看過了 A lot I mean like a lot 然後...我注意到一件事情 Compared to other high ranking supports like P1 stunt. Olleh is all over the map in one game Olleh跑線的次數.... Olleh played his thresh. He spent a total of four minutes in the actual bot lane 很多 He spends most of his time in the early game in the river between mid and bot lane 我指的很多是... Olleh often plays jungle as his secondary role 非常多 And this makes him really good at roaming and setting up ganks. Olleh is incredibly patient with his ganks 與其他高端輔助像是P1 Stunt相比 he can sit there for up to 40 seconds and wait for you just to make a single misstep a Olleh會跑遍整個召喚峽谷 Single mistake and as soon as you do he will punish you for it 他有一場玩瑟雷希 Oftentimes Olleh really likes to roam with his jungler 那場他人在下路的時間只有四分鐘 He roams in accordance with his junglers jungling path 他前期大多都待在中路與下路的河道 So that he can gank along with his jungler at the same time 打野是Olleh常玩的次要位置,這讓他很擅長跑線及抓人 Since they have the most map presence jungle players hit Rank 1 all the time 他在抓人的時候是非常有耐心的 But since Olleh is constantly roaming on support. He feels like a secondary jungler 他可以在那裏等個40秒,就等你犯下一個錯誤 You could almost say that he's like a jungle, sidekick even if Olleh is not going for a gank 當你失誤的那一刻,他就會讓你付出代價 He's constantly fighting for vision in the river to make it safer for his mid laner and his jungler Olleh也常常跟著他的打野一起去抓人 you could call him a 他會配合打野的吃野路線 Goalleh because he doesn't let anything 好讓他與打野能同時出來抓人 Slip through his defense between mid and bot lane to supplement his high Roam play style 打野的人常常因為對線上的影響力而爬上菁英第一 Olleh likes to play thresh and bard he is capable of playing peel support such as Soraka and Janna 但因為Olleh玩輔助也常常跑線 But he doesn't choose to do so often in soloqueue 他讓人感覺就像隊伍上的第二個打野 Olleh plays roam based champions because he feels that he can carry harder in Solo queue and 你都可以說他是打野的Friend了 Feels more excited when he plays them he really likes to buy mobility boots 就算他沒在跑線,他也常常為了河道的視野跟人打架 He says if he thinks he can roam then he will just rush mobility boots in fact in his last 10 games 讓他的中路及打野能更安全 Olleh first bought mobility boots before anything else in 你可以叫他Goalleh,因為他不讓任何中路與下路之間的東西逃過他的手掌心 9 out of those 10 games whether he was ahead or behind 他常常玩瑟雷希跟巴德來配合他喜歡跑線的風格 Whenever Olleh roams he always always brings a control ward along with him unless he's been 他雖然保排的角色像珍娜跟索拉卡也很強 Snowballing his lane Olleh does not stay in the bot lane 但是他在單排的時候不常選 He feels that unless he can get something bot lane Olleh覺得他玩跑線角色在單排時比較能Carry He tries to roam instead, basically 他也覺得玩他們的時候比較有趣 He is constantly doing something trying to scare the enemy laners into playing safer trying to get vision for his laners 他非常喜歡出疾行之靴 So they can play more aggressive one thing that 他說他如果覺得能跑線的話,就會盡快出疾行之靴 Olleh really likes to do is gank his own lane since he plays hook based champions like Thresh and Blitzcrank a lot 而在他最近十場對戰紀錄裡面 It can be quite easy to predict if you can see the champion in lane and approaching you fast 不管領先或落後,Olleh十場就有九場第一件裝是出疾行之靴 By ganking his own lane like a jungler 在跑線的時候他一定會帶一根紅眼 He's more easily able to hit his hook skillshots one thing that Olleh does a lot that many supports actively try to avoid is 除非他在下路滾雪球,不然他不會待在下路 Olleh takes kills in the early game if you look Olleh's stats in a lot of those games the numbers don't look like 他覺得如果他不能在下路拿到東西,他就會嘗試去跑線 a supports KDa 基本上,他一定會一直在做事 They look like a laners KDa 嚇嚇對方來讓他們玩的保守點 Olleh intentionally takes kills in the early game because getting more gold for your support in your early game is much more effective than 幫我方做視野來讓我方更激進點 getting kills on your ad carry think about how useful it actually is to get a 由於他常常玩能拉人的角色,他也會去Gank他自己的線 longsword or a cull on your ad carry in the early game as 當你在線上快速接近對方的時候你想拉人的意思是很明顯的 Compared to if your support was able to get sightstone 而你如果像打野一樣不在對方視野裡的話鉤子就比較容易中了 By five minutes if you can get a fast fight stone 有一件只有他其他輔助都不會去做的事情 Or mobility boots really early on 就是他會在前期撿頭 That will help your team's early game out a lot more than a little bit of extra ad on your ad carry 你仔細看看這些戰績 Marksmen are meant to be scaling champions and supports are meant to carry them through the early game 看起來都不像一個輔助會有的戰績 So it makes a lot more sense that they should be hitting their item spikes first Olleh在前期會撿頭 One of the reasons that Olleh is so good at Hook champions like thresh 因為前期輔助的經濟會比AD的經濟重要 Is that he's so good at setting up hooks through vision 想想看,你的AD在前期多一件汰除品或長劍能帶來的優勢其實並不大 He's very good at predicting the enemy's movements in pockets of vision 相比輔助在遊戲五分鐘就出眼石能帶來的優勢是很大的 He throws his hooks where people are going to be not where they currently are as my old football coach used to say 如果你能很早就有疾行或者眼石 Don't throw the ball where the receiver currently is throw the ball where this receiver is going to be and that is exactly 給團隊的效益會比讓你的AD多一些物攻還要好 What Olleh is so good at doing? AD都是後期角色,在前期就是要依賴輔助來度過 I think Olleh's greatest strengths is his ability to be able to predict enemy movements and 所以給輔助錢讓他能出更好的裝備就更有道理了 Shotcalling with the rest of his team in this clip Olleh's jungler Elise just got picked off by Tahm kench and Lee sin 他勾人的輔助會這麼強的其中一個原因就是他很能藉由視野來勾人 Rather than walking straight back to bot lane 就算只用一小片的視野他也能勾到對方 He waits patiently in the brush for them to finish scuttle crab 他出勾的方向都是對方會在的地方,而不是對方所在的地方 Olleh, correctly predicts that lee is going to invade and try to take Gromp since Elise is Dead 就像我的足球教練說的:把球傳到那個人會在的地方,而不是傳到那個人在的地方 So he makes the call for his mid laner to follow him into their own jungle 而Olleh非常擅長這種事情 Tahm kench returns to the bot lane because he assumes that his jungler is going to be safe 我覺得他厲害的地方就是能預測對方的動向來領導自己的隊伍 Olleh goes in and hits a great hook guaranteeing a revenge kill on Lee sin 在這個片段中,伊莉絲剛剛被李星跟貪啃奇殺掉了 Olleh is really good at shot calling and directing his team and he is very 他選擇在草叢裡等對方吃掉河蟹,而不是直接走回下路 Tilt proof in some of the games that I watched I never thought Olleh猜到了李星會因為伊莉絲死了而跑去反他的啾吉 Olleh would make a reasonable comeback Olleh never gives up a game. No matter. How bad it looks 所以他叫上了中路來野區殺李星 He's always trying to look at the positive side, Olleh's in game 貪啃奇覺得李星反野會小心所以先回到下路了 Name is humble diligence, and he does live up to it the enemy team doesn't have twice as many kills as us Olleh勾到李星,成功幫伊莉絲復仇 They only have 5 more kills than us. Don't worry. Don't feed. I'll carry if you are nice to your team Olleh很擅長指引自己的隊伍 They will be nice to you the time that we played together is short 而且他不是個玻璃心 But why should I spend that time on being negative to other people when I can spend that little bit of time? 有些場我看了都不敢相信他反敗了 Praising them instead in one game Olleh played with Tyler1, and Tyler wasn't having the most fun time Olleh不放棄任何一場遊戲,而且永遠保持樂觀 He was constantly getting one shot because he was playing jinx vs Zed. So he just wanted to play the next game 他確實跟他的遊戲名稱很搭配,"謙虛、勤奮" What did Olleh say no we can win trust believe in us even if his AD carry has given up he still "對面的擊殺數才沒有我們的兩倍,只是多五顆而已!"、 Hasn't given up protecting his ad carry telling tyler to believe in the team "別擔心,別死,我會Carry你們的" Oh, Olleh Is like the main character of an anime series 如果你對你的隊友好的話,他們也會對你好 Staying super positive throughout the entire thing 既然我們一起玩的時間不長 Olleh still lost that game of course 那我為什麼要當個消極的人、而不是享受這段時間呢? I mean, it's just he never succumb to the negativity 有一場Olleh排到了Tyler1,然後...Tyler不是很享受 but you know 他因為對方選了劫而一直被秒殺,所以一直想投降開始下一局 Your memes are dreams and friendship doesn't prevent your zed from blowing up your adc this isn't some fantasy land 那Olleh說了什麼? This is league of Legends "不!我們能贏,要相信自己!" Now Olleh's play style is not the only one able to get to a high rank as a support player there are plenty of other 即使他的AD已經放棄了,他還是沒放棄他的AD lane focused support players 告訴Tyler1要相信隊伍,Olleh就像是動漫的主角 But in terms of supports Olleh's is the only one that has ever gotten to rank one. His jungle like vision based 他整場都保持非常樂觀的態度 Aggressive support style does seem to be the best when it comes to carrying as a support player. Hi there my name's, Dong Huap 雖然Olleh還是輸了,可是他沒有敗給消極的態度 Huge thanks to IMT Olleh for answering my questions about his play style 但是你懂的,一切都是夢、友情不會防止劫秒掉你的AD You can check out his twitch stream in the description below you can follow him on Twitter 這不是什麼幻想世界,這是英雄聯盟 Hopefully imt will actually win something this season. Maybe in terms of Runes and masteries Olleh's setup is pretty standard Olleh的獨特玩法並沒有讓他成為唯一一個能上菁英的輔助玩家 There's no real deviations. He just has two versions one for Thresh one for bard. 菁英榜上還有很多專心線上的輔助玩家 Not really changing it. It's just mostly just very early game focused and pretty much just standard with auto attack Harass 即使如此,Olleh是唯一一個能上菁英第一的輔助玩家 The video is over at this point 他的類似打野、依賴視野的激進流輔助似乎是最Carry的玩法 But if you want you can stick around for the bonus content the bonus content is just me talking over some of my favorite place HI,我是Dong huap from spectating Olleh 非常感謝IMT Olleh回答我對他的玩法的疑問 until next time then bye 你可以在下面的註解看到他的實況網址和他的Twitter So after watching all the Olleh's Vods so these are some of my favorite clips 呃嗯...大概IMT這季會贏個什麼 That I found that I couldn't really find place for them in the video 大概啦 But I thought they were really fun to watch so this one is basically basically Olleh was trying to get a gank mid 就Olleh的天賦符文來看,沒有什麼特別的,只是他有兩種,一個給瑟雷希一個給巴德 but he couldn't really do it, so 也沒什麼改動,就是注重在前期跟普攻騷擾而已 what he does instead is he spam things for reksai to go camp this brush because bard has to eventually go through here and 主要內容已經沒了,但是如果你想的話可以留下來看額外內容,基本上就是我講一些我在觀戰Olleh時看到的東西 - just like Clockwork like bard shows up perfectly as soon as everyone gets there and it's 呃嗯...各位們我們下次見,掰! It's just amazing to see how like it just precise 在看過Olleh所有的實況紀錄後,這些是我最喜歡的片段 Like just everything is it's all according to Olleh's plan 我發現找不到可以放在影片的哪裡,但是他們很有趣,所以.. It's like he's directing an orchestra, and they're all part of his symphony 這一個基本上就是Olleh想要Gank中路,但是找不到機會 And this last clip this last clip was the one that made me laugh the hardest 他之後狂刷趕路中要雷珂煞來蹲這個草叢,因為他知道巴德要來了 basically always playing trundle support, and he starts pillar and he just 然後...就像是時鐘一樣的精準,巴德來的時間剛好大家都到了 Sona and she literally can't move because she's body blocked by the pillar and 這真的很神奇,真的是...精確! Olleh's like physical body so she has to he basically forces her flash 一切都照著Olleh的計畫走,就像是他是管弦樂隊的指揮一樣 at level one and then he plays the rest of the lane like super patiently and as soon as he hits levels two and 這最後一個片段是我覺得最好笑的 he like Regens a decent amount he just all in's on sivir and Olleh在玩特朗德輔助,然後第一點點柱子 he gets two first blood kill's so it's just yeah he basically he and Lucian should basically just win this game at around uh 然後他就把索娜卡到根本不能動 Like five minutes. I think yeah around five minutes 因為他被兩根棒子卡住了 That's just they just win this game because the jungler comes in and she can't really do anything 索娜一等就被逼出閃現,接下來他就等到他上兩等 What was funny about Olleh is that even though? He has like you know he plays thresh and bard like a insane 然後他血也回得差不多了,就全上希維爾 God he has all these weird support picks that like he just makes work 他就拿到兩顆頭了,他基本上跟路西恩已經贏線了,就只用了大約呃... so for example 五分鐘...左右? Elise 隨便啦,差不多 His favorite jungler is Elise 然後他們就贏了 But he is played at least I would say five games as support Elise 對面打野來了也沒什麼用 Maybe maybe more I'm not act im not a hundred percent sure on that 好笑的事情是 But I seen him play just straight up Elise support, and it wasn't an accident 即使Olleh把瑟雷希跟巴德玩的像神一樣 He just he just picked Elise support. He's like let's play a Elise support, and he fucking makes it work 他還是會選一些奇怪的輔助,而且還很有用
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 輔助 玩法 實況 隊伍 爬上 角色 Olleh是如何作為支援主力獲得排名1的? (How Olleh Got Rank 1 as a Support Main) 131 2 Flora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字