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  • My colleagues and I would like to talk to you today about a part of KPMG that you might not be as aware of.

  • What I'm referring to, is technology.

  • When we go and solve client's business issues, they need to have a technology component to it, and we're right at the heart of that.

  • So listen today to what some of my colleagues have

  • to say about why they chose KPMG as a place for their technology career.

  • Technology is constantly changing.

  • I can't think of other industry that's changing so rapidly.

  • My job role is helping a client understand where they can source

  • particular types of technology from, and who are the providers in the market.

  • You work on a large variety of projects, so I've done work which includes working on

  • pitch work which is trying to gain new work with clients.

  • It can then go on to anything from, the strategy to a huge technology transformation.

  • As well as understanding the requirements of the client and coming up with the best and most effective solution.

  • One of the misconceptions about working in technology

  • is that you need to be able to code, and I don't think that's actually the case at all.

  • The range of skill sets and degree disciplines we take in, is vast.

  • I don't have a technology degree, I did a law degree.

  • I did classics at university.

  • Degree background itself, doesn't really play much of a part.

  • The other myth is that it's just very male dominated as an industry.

  • I was pleasantly surprised when I came in to find that there were

  • actually quite a few women that were on the graduate program and it wasn't entirely men.

  • Culturally or gender-wise having a balanced team, having different people

  • bring different ideas, different ways of thinking to solve the solution, it is the key thing.

  • I love working at KPMG, I've had fantastic training from the

  • beginning. You can really feel a real investment in your personal growth as a grad.

  • I've just rolled off the grand scheme after three years, worked on seven different clients. You're so

  • lucky that you can pick and choose what you'd like to do and there is so much choice.

  • In terms of where your career can go, the opportunities are abound.

  • People can grow in a way that they want to, to get a really happy, fulfilling and satisfying career.

  • KPMG offer a lot of support. So when I first came I was given a buddy, a mentor.

  • You're sort of pushed to go out

  • and discover different roles, find your niche, where do you like to be, what do you like to do and just drive your career from there.

  • I'm learning every day it's a fun collaborative environment to be in, it's a great place to be.

  • We would really love it if you could join us as well.

My colleagues and I would like to talk to you today about a part of KPMG that you might not be as aware of.


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A2 初級 美國腔

激發靈感 - 畢馬威的技術諮詢 (Be inspired - Technology Consulting at KPMG)

  • 30 3
    Chris Lyu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日