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Hello, everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to 'Oxygen Not Included'
Now, this is the latest game made by the developers of 'Don't Starve' and 'Don't Starve Together'.
I believe it's pronounced 'clay-entertainment', but don't quote me on that one!
But they gave me a key for an early-not even early-access, but a pre-alpha build of the game to test out,
and I'm really excited about it because
this game, supposedly, it's kind of a space survival, colony management, death-is-lurking-behind-every-single-door- type game.
Because, I may hate the ocean, and-uh-some people call me out on my uh my hypocrisy
because space is kind of the same way...
...it's just a big ol' ball of death no matter where you look.
But I'm ready to help Quincy, Horatio, and Elvira live in this terrifying...dark...place known as SPACE.
So, I want to point out that I've never played this game before.
I have no idea how to play it. I've never seen a video on it so I'm going to be learning from scratch.
Because there's not many resources on how to play it in the first place and I wouldn't necessarily do anything about that anyway.
I'm not a hundred percent sure of what I should do about this, but Quincy seems pretty good. He's a level 7 miner.
Horatio... level 1... not very athletic.
But at least Elvira is... pretty good architect.
So what am I-I I've never done this before so I'm gonna...
Jack... grease monkey, small bladder...
"A life time of running from his responsibilities made Jack emotionally impenetrable."
No, not gonna do that one.
Ooh...a scientist!
"Grub thinks plants are neat." That's good.
I kinda like that, but I think I can do better.
A physician might be nice.
"Stress response: *laughs* Vomiter"
Oh man, everyone else's stress response is destructive. That's no good.
Eleanor, OH I like dancy feet! Ooh HELL yeah!
Oh mole hands! I don't know what that means.
"A severe climate requires a severe woman."
"This Eleanor is that woman."
Okay! I'm down for this.
I'm down for this. I'm gonna make-I'm gonna actually name this guy. He's Mark.
I'm a miner because I like digging things.
"At any given moment a Mark is viscerally reliving ten different humiliating memories."
Well, that is absolutely the truth.
Okay, name your colony.
Duhhh, I'm gonna name this-let's just imagine from my Kerbal Space Program play through that uh,
the Crashy
uh, McSplodey. The Crashy McSplodey
turned into a colony in space after it finally went off into the stars
And uh, the Crashy McSplodey is now the uh, Smashy
Smashy McDeathy Colony
That's what it is!
We're a.. wer- we're real optimistic here at the Smashy Mc-Deathy Colony.
And a, hopefully
We're going to survive.
Alright, let's embark
Let's go on this!
I'm ready for this
I'm super ready!
Woah.. Alrighty then!
WOO! New hope!
*Reading*: "ALERT! Your crew has awoken miles beneath the surface of an unfamiliar terrestrial body."
"Oddly, they have no recollection of how they got there."
"It might be best to start digging"
Oh... This is weird!
So we went through-
Oh, a printing pod?
Next duplicant?
Ration box?! Okay,
Basic controls!
I should read this:
"WASD to pan your camera, mouse wheel to zoom in and out"
"H will return to the printing pod"
"Simulation can be speed up by using the top buttons on the left"
Ooooooo - uhhhhhhh
"Pressing tab will cycle through them", okay, "space will pause"
Oh let's just pause that until I know what im doing. "Colony requires toilets"
I'll get to that in just a second I need to figure out my bearings
because i want to actually learn here
I don't just flail-a-fail miserably
I mean that's going to happen anyway but don't worry about that, I'll get to that
"Duplicates are generally self motivated"
"and do not need to be individually managed in order to preform tasks in the colony"
"You can use the dig tool, G, and the build menu in the lower left of the screen to begin planning job tasks"
"Once you have a few placed, your Duplicates will automatically get to work for you"
They're like the sims. OK alright so, dig
So obviously we will probably need to dig through here, and connect the dots
I imagine it would be bad if we went too high, because that looks like the cold, deathly vacuum of space,
and I don't think we need to go there
So let's just dig a path through here
Oh I like that
And then uh...
Ooh, is that some kind of mineral?
That might be a mineral, I'm not 100% sure
And then the build tools
which are
down here?
Ooooooooh okay
Oh cool
"Missing resource: raw material", okay
We're basically gonna have to get materials to build stuff
For the Smashy McDeathy colony
And then, be pretty good.
"Stress: pretty low"
"Population: low"
"Available calories," okay good
So I guess,
I guess we just go for it, right?
Alright, go for it!
Ho, boy
Man, screw shovels! I want a laser gun to dig through my problems!
Holy sh*t
Okay, but that's cool
Because what that means is...
Oh, sh*t
Alright, so right-click to get out of that-
What that means is,
all things go into the storage box, or is that just the ration box?
Cause we got oxygen going there, but it's dropping rapidly-
I need to get that taken care of soon
I need some sort of power-
Oh, a manual generator.
Can I have Mark just run off all his problems?
And I'm just gonna dig out
I'm gonna get this nice-
Nice and even here.
Let's get a nice-
Maybe, maybe actually open up this 'cause then we might be able to collect
all these resources while we're doing this.
and then uh they can hurry up their tasks by speeding it up
oh that's SOO COOL
Oh, I love this!
And, and- I love Don't Starve
to death
like, I love that game, it's absolutely awesome
and they're getting a ton of resources there.
I don't know where they're being stored
but I've got a tab for "Consumable" or "Organic" materials
"Edible", "Raw"...
and then "Raw Metals"
So, uh - that's copper!
So that's definately copper...
So let me, uhh...pause this for a second.
So what I need to do - I have...
Oh! I now have materials.
So I can build a manual generator.
I'll keep it, like...
I'll keep it, like, right here, I guess.
Alright then!
Then 'electrical wire' will run that to whatever
I need to power, right?
And then I'd probably need a battery
So, I'm just gonna do this
because I'm experimenting here
I don't exactly know what's gonna go on.
So I definitely need to do that
and then I'll probably need an
"algae condenser" right there...
Alright, right there
And let's see how that does.
I don't know if that's gonna be any sort of good
So the materials just lie on the ground-whoaaah!
Okay, alright then
They're just shooting their- *chuckles*
What are they- are they just shooting?
They're just shooting nuts and bolts at it!
That's even better!
A laser to deconstruct anything
and then a scrap gun!
That's amazing!
Okay, so those are gonna go there
and I'm hoping...
Okay, do I need to connect those with the wire?
Yeah, I do, don't I?
*Quietly* Alright- ah!
Alright then
Ahhhhhohohoh *chuckles in ecstasy*
That's so cohohooool!!! *giggles*
Ohhhhh, so wiring...
ah, I thought that was just gonna be buried in the ground
but that's actually a little bit inconvenient.
Okay, so, I missed a founda-
I just...okay, I just...
ruined everything. Is there a way to, like...?
Put stuff back in that?
Because I just ruined that *laughs*.
I just absolutely destroyed that.
I am an idiot.
That is stupid.
How do I put foundation back there?
I've already screwed up everything!
I know that for a fact!
You guys, just...
need to calm down,
do I need to put red alert on this one?
Because I don't know if that-
that's absolutely necessary here.
Everybody just calm down, I'm a bad manager here.
Don't know what I'm doin'.
Alright, you know what? I think I gotta
deconstruct these, because I...
I- I goofed...real hard.
Alright, there we go!
This is...
I- I goofed real bad.
I'm sorry.
Oh boy
Okay, so...
Alright, so let's just...
let's just do this again.
I'm gonna dig out here...
and this is gonna be the area where we
kinda make stuff.
And then, uh, we're just gonna assume
that this was plann ed.
Okay, I can connect wires directly across
things, so they don't need to be out of
the way of anything else.
So now that I got the power,
I can have my little guy-
And then I can have from the-
from this to- oh, I- I guess I could-
Whoo! That's- that's not what I wanted.
How do I not...?
Right then, I'm just gonna deconstruct this
and have this nearby, then
because I don't necessarily neeeed
that to be far away...
Have that right there.
And then just wire it straight across.
I have no idea.
Uh? Ohhhh, they just passed out
That's so 'dorable.
Why did they all just fall down at the same time?
*characters whistle-snore*
Oooookay, alright then.
Hope you all don't DIE!
In the depths of space!
Is there like no limit to- OH!
My god, what is that?
Hooohhhhh, that looks scary.
I don't know if I want any of that
that looks very scary.
Okay, so there seems to be some sort of gas
over there, that's probably gonna explode
and melt our faces off.
And then there's probably a whole bunch of
other problems over here.
This is just pure liquid blood
oh, no, that's magma *chuckles nervously*
Oh, that actually is death, okay, that's good.
"Hydrogen: Unbreathable"
but probably a good resource
Which is very important,
so we eventually gotta get down to that water.
'Cause I bet we don't have any of that.
And we need toilets! *chuckles*
Oh boy, we need toilets!
Okay, I should have probably- oh!
A massage....!
A massage table
"Stations: research station, medical cot..."
"Outhouse", that'd be nice.
Alright, uhhh
We'll put the outhouse all by the
by the hydrogen place...
I can't
I can't build it there, apparently
Put it there by the hydrogen place, that way
the methane and the hydrogen will combine
and then a spark will go off
and everything will blow up and we'll all die!
That sound good?
Alright, so, now I just need to make sure that
this is wired up.
It is, right?
So is that going?
"Awaiting material delivery"
Holy crap! He automatically does it!
I don't even need to assign that!
That's so cool!
And then they're gonna build this outhouse, right?
Eleanor's just waiting, like
"Come on, Mark! Jesus Chriiiiist!"
"Can't you teelll I have neeeeds?"
*huffs* Geeze, Eleanor, gosh
If you would get off your lazy *ss and actually
Wh-where-where? Oh
Oh, they're hungry.
Aw, time to eat!
They have to suck *laughs*
they have to suck the food out of the box!
They don't know how to use their hands anymore.
Everything's just done in their multi-tools.
You know what? I can appreciate that
If I had a tool that could do anything
destruction and construction at the same time
I wouldn't be bothering with these old bad boys anymore
Do my Let's Plays purely through the power of lasers.
I get it, you all need to take a sh*t.
Why don't you just go?
"Duplicates must have accessible paths to their jobs"
"in order to work. When placing tasks,"
"keep in mind the Duplicates can only climb obstacles"
"2 tiles high, and are themselves 2 tiles tall."
Ohhh, okay then
So they can't get up there is the problem.
That's fine.
*characters plead for toilets*
That's okay.
I know, it's ready! It's right there.
What do you mean, insufficient resources?!
What more could you possibly need?!
Yyyou can't get dirt?
Well, there's some dirt on the ground over there
but I d- I dunno if I wanna
ah, I guess we might as well, I guess we need some dirt!
I suppose
Alright, go for it!
Can I cancel this one?
Wait, I can cancel this order
Cancel that.
Waaaaah! They fell
Wait - you gonna fall?
That's so cool
Alright, so you -waaaaah!
You got- you got that...
I'm watching yooouu!
There you go!
Okay, so...apparently I need a lotta dirt to go into that
SO I need to actually do some more stuff here
I need to make a foooood
"Produces low quality food"
"low quality ingredients"
so I'm just gonna put that there and hope they dig it out of the way.
And then... power...
There we go!
Go for it!
*making building sounds* BlblblbBLBLBLBLBLBLblblblblblblllll.....
Alright, there we go
Ooh! DId Elvira level up?
H*ll yeah!
Go for it, Elvira!
Sh*t, are we running out of sh*t?
Eeee- stop getting in the way!
Okay, we got rations, ooh
we don't have a lotta rations,
we need some more food real bad.
Uhhh, we're doing okay on breathable gas, thankfully
That's pretty good
And what is that? "Oxylite"? Oh okay.
"Oxylite blocked".
Oh, that's cool! So that just...
naturally distributes oxygen.
Ooooh! What is this? "Mushbar"? Or "Liceloaf"?
*grossed out and gagging sounds*
"May cause diarrhea" with the Mushbar
Ehh don't know if I want that!
Think we'll make "Liceloaf"
Even though that sounds absolutely terrible.
*sighs* oh, meal-lice, ugh!
F*ck, dude!
Alright, we're gonna make that, I guess.
Oh sh*t
So this is a lot more in-depth than I though it was gonna be
And my little guys- I love you to death
Elvira, Eleanor, and Mark
you're gonna be just fine.
If you think that I would let anything happen to you guys
You'd be absoluately right- you are going to die
A lot.
Okay, "Duplicates will seek out and collect water"
"and other liquids up to 2 tiles away"
"and deliver it to buildings"
Ookay, so we gotta get down to that water
But we can't just dig straight down, we need to build
a path to it, so I need to dig
so we're gonna build a-
we're gonna, like, minecraft-style this sh*t
Okay, and theeen...
We're gonna build a landing...
And then we're gonna dig back down again.
I wonder if they burn more calories or something
when they're climbing up and down stuff?
Ohhh, this is so cool!
I love this!
I love the automation-ohhhh
I freakin' cut them off, I didn't build that right
Well I'm dumb!
Food shortage? Ohhh sh*t!
"Zero calories of food available"?
Oh, cuz you're far away from it, oh no!
Oh, that's not good.
Okay, well, they don't have oxygen down there
Oh no, they're suffocating!
Y- go up!
Up, up up up
Up! Up! Up!
Alright, um?
Maybe like that?
Maybe they can climb up that way?
Oh please get up there-
I did not do that riiiiight!
I did not do that- they- Mark's dead.
Oh god.
Elvira's dead, oh god.
Eleanor's dead.
I feel awful
I feel terrible *laughs*
I feel awful
What have I done? *chuckles*
Ah, sh*t dude!
Uhh, they're all dead, aren' they?
Oh, they're pretty dead, yeah, okay
They're dead, alright, they're dead
That didn't work out too well.
I'm a baaad colony manager, I did bad
But either way, that'll be the first episode of
Oxygen Not Included, I wanna do more of this
I wanna do a lot more of this, this seems really
really cool.
SO I'm gonna play this again.
Resume game- they're dead, thank you very much.
Uh, I'm gonna do this again.
I'm gonna have another episode of this
and maybe a few more after that because
this seems really cool.
I love the concept of it.
I love management style games like this
and I love games where I can get attached to the characters!
And now they're dead! *chuckles*
And so I'm sad, but, you know
maybe next time, I'll have people that aren't
gonna be so dead!
So that's be kinda fun, too, so
Thank you everybody so much for watching!
Let me know what you think of this down in the comments below.
I don't know if you guys are able to play the pre-alpha
just yet, but uh, if there is a way
I'll provide a link in the description so that
you can try the game for yourself.
So thank you again
and as always I will see you in the next video.
*outro music*