字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 On this episode of China Uncensored, 本集《中國解密》: is Australia being infiltrated 澳洲社會與各政府階層 at all levels of society and government 是否正受到中國 by a highly organized network of Chinese spies? 組織嚴密的間諜網滲透呢? Or is Australia just being racist? 還是澳洲只是嚴重種族歧視? Welcome back to China Uncensored. 歡迎回到《中國解密》 I'm Chris Chappell. 我是主持人 Chris Chappell Something's rotten in the state of Australia. 澳洲名聲有點臭掉了 And I'm not talking about Vegemite. 我說的不是維吉麥 I'm talking about racism. 我在說的是種族主義 The Chinese Embassy has accused 中國大使館指控 [中國駐澳洲大使館譴責澳媒報導假新聞] the Australian media and government of having, 澳洲媒體和政府 “a Cold War mentality,” 「帶有冷戰時期的想法 “racial prejudice,” 種族偏見 and “anti-China hysteria and paranoia.” 還有強烈的反中情緒與妄想」 Why? 為什麼呢? Well, let's listen to this report 嗯,我們來聽聽看 from Australian media in June. 澳洲媒體六月的報導 “A joint investigation by a team of journalists 「《四方》 (Four Corners) 與 《費爾法克斯媒體》記者團隊 from Four Corners and Fairfax Media 聯合調查發現 中國政府與其附從人員 has exposed a concerted campaign 滲入澳洲政治程序 by the Chinese government and its proxies 以推行自身利益」 to infiltrate the Australian political process 目前為止我還看不到任何種族歧視 to promote its own interests.” 沒關係,澳洲總理滕博爾 I'm not seeing any racism here so far. 才剛宣布一項針對 中裔澳洲人的法案 Okay, but Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull 引來中國外交部強烈不滿 just announced new laws targeting Chinese Australians. 「我們對澳大利亞領導人 有關言論感到震驚 And it's got China's Foreign Ministry seething. 這種言論毫無原則地 迎合澳大利亞 “We were shocked at what Turnbull had said. 一些媒體不負責任的報導 Such comments pander to certain 充滿了對中國的偏見」 irresponsible reports in Australian media, 沒錯,聽聽看滕博爾 they are full of prejudice against China.” 在這個月初說了什麼 Yeah, just listen to what Turnbull said 「我要非常清楚地說 at the beginning of the month. 我們聚焦在澳洲境內的 外國政府和人員的一切活動 “I want to be very clear, 並非質疑來自其他國家的 澳洲公民的忠誠度」 we have focused on the activities 所以,他有特別說明 這問題不是在質疑 of foreign states and their agents in Australia, 中裔澳洲人的忠誠度 and not the loyalties of Australians 我也沒有在這裡看到任何種族歧視 who happen to be from another country.” 該不會中國共產黨只是藉種族歧視 Wait, so he's specifically stating 來轉移大家對其他事實的關注吧? that the issue is not about questioning 但他們真的這麼做嗎? the loyalties of Chinese Australians. 畢竟 I'm not seeing the racism there, either. 中國官媒《人民日報》說 [中國指控澳媒種族歧視與妄想] Could the Chinese Communist Party be, 澳洲政府應該「實事求是」 I don't know, 讓我們看看事實是什麼 using racism to distract everyone 今年十二月是 from the actual facts? 中澳建交四十五周年紀念 But would they really do such a thing? 根據《紐約時報》報導 [中國指責澳洲有外力影響恐懼] After all, 「中國一直把澳洲當作 測試軟實力的實驗室 China's state-run People's Daily 在澳洲展示自己的經濟實力 said that the Australian government should 派留學生到澳洲的大學學習 “uphold the principle of truth from facts.” 並在該國建立與 中國共產黨關係密切的組織」 Well, let's take a look at the facts. 這些也是 《四方》 與《費爾法克斯媒體》 This December marks 45 years 在今年稍早的報導中所提到的重點 of bilateral relations between 不過中國沒意識到的是 the People's Republic of China and Australia. 送中國人去澳洲學習 According to the New York Times, 他們最後都…… “China has long treated Australia 我們就老實說吧 as a laboratory for soft power experiments, 發展出最讓人困惑的英語口音 flexing its economic muscle, 比如,Chocco? sending students to study at its universities Bickie? and creating organizations with close ties Macca’s? to the Communist Party.” 不必再多說 That was also the gist of the Fairfax Media 回到正題 回應媒體報導中共試圖影響澳洲 and Four Corners reports earlier this year. 滕博爾政府推出新法 禁止外國政治獻金 However, what China failed to realize 要求外國人員進行透明登記註冊 is that by sending its citizens to study in Australia, 這些法案依照美國類似法案做為範例 they'd end up with— 澳洲法案規定 let's be honest here— 協助外國情報單位、洩漏情報 the most confusing English accent. 還有竊取商業機密皆屬非法 I mean, “Chocco”? 違法者可能面臨 15 到 20 年有期徒刑 “Bickie”? 請注意沒有一項法條針對中國 “Macca's”? 只不過 I rest my case. 要是考慮到哪個國家 正試著滲透澳洲的話 Anyway, in response to media reports exposing 中國會是受新法影響最嚴重的 the CCP's attempts to influence Australia, 拿一個案子來說好了 the Turnbull government is proposing laws 澳洲國會議員山姆·達斯提阿里 banning foreign campaign donations, 他的臉回答了一個問題 and requiring transparent registration of foreign agents. 「吃太多 Tim Tam 的豆豆先生 The laws are actually modeled after 在成為政治人物後因醜聞下台 similar laws in the United States. 會是什麼樣子」 They make it illegal 媒體現在都把 達斯提阿里叫作「上海山姆」 to support foreign intelligence agencies, 不過這一點也不好笑 leak information, 因為我剛剛提到的媒體報導 and steal trade secrets, 揭露達斯提阿里有 數千元美金的政治獻金 with offenders facing 15-20 years in prison. 來自中國億萬富翁黃向墨 Notice that none of that specifically targets China. 而黃向墨跟中共 有相當緊密的關係 It's just that, 雖然這些情況有點可疑 considering which foreign powers 但在澳洲舊的政治獻金法中 [工黨:達斯提阿里的政治獻金合法但背離選民期待] are actively trying to infiltrate Australia, 「可疑」完全不犯法 China will be most affected by the new laws. 事實上,黃向墨在過去四年來 Take a specific case for example: 給了澳洲三個最大黨 Australian Parliament Member Sam Dastyari — 將近兩百七十萬美元的政治獻金 whose face answers the question 其中至少有一百萬 由達斯提阿里為工黨爭取獲得 “What if Mr. Bean ate too many Tim Tams, 不過這個月稍早 ran for office, 事實證明黃向墨 和達斯提阿里的關係 then resigned in disgrace?” 比外界想像的更加密切 Media are now calling Sam Dastyari 在 2016 年一場 中國媒體記者會上 “Shanghai Sam”— 達斯提阿里針對 中國南海問題的發言 but there's nothing funny about that. 抵觸他所屬政黨的立場 Because the media reports I just mentioned 沒人確切知道他說了什麼 uncovered thousands of dollars worth of 只是中國媒體之後開始報導 campaign contributions made to Dastyari 稱他建議澳洲應該迴避南海爭議 by Huang Xiangmo, 而這跟他所屬的 工黨在幾天前所說的 a Chinese billionaire with questionable ties 正好相反 to the Chinese regime. 工黨指明中國政府 Now while that all was very sketchy, 應該遵守海牙國際法庭 under Australia's old campaign contribution laws, 否定中國在南海宣稱 “sketchy” was perfectly legal. 擁有大部分領土的決定 In fact, Huang Xiangmo gave 在多方爭議後 almost 2.7 million dollars 達斯提阿里說他 「回答了一個不該回答的外交問題 to the three biggest Australian political parties 咕噥了幾句給了錯誤的答案」 over the course of four years. 他只是咕噥了幾句 At least a million of that was raised 那情況還沒那麼糟,對吧? by Dastyari for his Australian Labor Party. 這跟他豆豆先生的形象很符合 But earlier this month, 所以他又重新開始他的政治生涯 it came out that 只不過那場記者會的 錄音檔現在公開了 Huang Xiangmo and Dastyari's relationship 而他的回應聽起來 不像是咕噥了幾句 went deeper than anyone expected. 「中國領土邊界的完整性 At a press conference with Chinese media in 2016, 是中國的事 Dastyari contradicted his own party's stance 澳洲身為中國的朋友 on the South China Sea. 必須了解在數千年的歷史中 No one knew exactly what he said, 在數千年的歷史中 just that Chinese media started reporting 什麼是澳洲該介入的 什麼是不該介入的 that he was saying Australia 你聽到了吧,數千年的歷史! should butt out of the South China Sea conflict— 中國的邊界是他們自己的事! which was the opposite of what the Labor Party 澳洲當然要滾一邊 had just said the day before. 為什麼這聽起來有點像 共產黨的官方台詞? The Labor Party was saying the Chinese regime 媒體還發現在達斯提阿里 「咕噥幾句」幾個星期後 should abide by a recent ruling by the Hague 他又一不小心 剛好來到黃向墨的豪宅 rejecting China's claim to a big portion 警告「他的手機可能正被國安單位監聽」 [中國稱澳媒「杜撰」中國影響力] of the South China Sea. 就是,「嘿, 澳洲政府可能正在注意你 After some controversy, 你可能會需要拋棄式手機 Dastyari said he took “a foreign policy question 來進行所有的非法活動 he shouldn't have taken, 身為好朋友 mumbled it and answered it incorrectly." 提醒你一下」 But you know, he only mumbled some answer, 多可愛的小傻瓜 that's not really all that bad, right? 就跟豆豆先生一樣 It's just in keeping with his Mr. Bean persona. 達斯提阿里也被指控嘗試 And so he began to build up his career again. 向黨內一位成員施壓 Except a recording of that conference just came out. 要她取消與 民主運動人士在香港的會面 And it sure doesn't sound like mumbling. 這些事情被爆出來後 “The Chinese integrity of its borders 民眾要求達斯提阿里 退出國會下台 is a matter for China, 他又再一次重覆中共的台詞 and the role that Australia 不過這次是與種族歧視有關 should be playing as a friend is to know, 「我知道滕博爾 和自由黨想要汙衊我 that with the several thousand years of history, 但他和他的黨員暗示我 並非一個忠誠的澳洲人 thousands of years of history, 真的非常傷人 where it is and isn't our place to be involved.” 也傷害所有在海外出生的澳洲人」 You know, thousands of years of history! 達斯提阿里說這話的原因 是因為他在伊朗出生 China's borders are China's business! 而這絕對跟他被指控 與中國勾結有關係 Australia should just butt out. 總之,上海山姆下台了 Why, that sounds just like 還說 2018 年不會參選議員 the official Communist Party line! 可惜的是 他不是唯一一個這樣的人 And we now know that a few weeks 澳洲情報組織 ASIO after Dastyari “mumbled” that response, 最近「查出出十位與中國情報局 有關的國家和地方政府參選人」 he also kind of accidentally stumbled his way ASIO 沒有點名是誰 to Huang Xiangmo's mansion and alerted him that 不過確實提到 至少其中一人成功當選 “his phone was probably being tapped 而且目前仍然在職中 by security agencies.” 他或她可能已經在準備 As in, “Hey the Australian authorities are watching you. 「我只是咕噥幾句」的藉口了 You might want to use a burner phone 澳洲的狀況就像是是一個警訊 for all your illegal activities. 各國需要了解這到底是怎麼一回事 Just saying. 因為這種事絕不會只發生在澳洲 As a friend.” 在接下來幾個月 What a lovable klutz. 會有越來越多 Just like Mr. Bean. 中國共產黨試圖影響 西方國家的消息報導出來 Dastyari is also accused of trying to 而美國似乎已經注意到了 [中國介入外國的行動引起華府警戒] pressure another member of his own party 但有一件事是 西方媒體和政府要小心的 to cancel a meeting with a pro-democracy activist 在澳洲媒體報導出這些新聞後 while she was in Hong Kong. 澳洲發生多起中國人被騷擾和歧視的案例 [中國學生坎培拉遇襲,中國社區呼籲採取行動] And now that all this has come out 這真的很令人遺憾 and there are calls for Dastyari 不只是種族歧視很糟糕 to resign from Parliament, 歧視一百二十萬名中裔澳洲人 he is once again parroting 也剛好幫了中國共產黨一把 the Communist Party line. 不要忘記了 當中國勢力滲入外國時 But this time, about racism. 第一批受害者就是 住在那些國家的中國人 “I expect Turnbull and the Liberals to smear me, 他們是中共滲透 影響思想的第一批人 but for he and his colleagues to suggest 甚至被中共噤聲 that I am not a true or loyal Australian 中共的中央統一戰線工作部 is incredibly hurtful— 有一個特別的部門專門針對 and hurtful to all overseas-born Australians.” 這些海外的中國人,呃…… Dastyari is referring to the fact 「維持」他們的忠誠 that he was born in Iran, 而當中共的行為 which is definitely relevant to the fact 造成一般的中裔澳洲人被抗議時 that he's accused of selling out to China. 中國政府就改變策略 But anyway, Shanghai Sam is resigning now, 裝得他們好像是 那些海外華人的保護者 saying he won't return to parliament in 2018. 英雄般地保護他們 Unfortunately, he isn't one of a kind. 免於受到澳洲政府和媒體的歧視 Australia's security agency ASIO 我想,在目前這個問題上 just “identified 10 state and local political candidates 澳洲政府跟媒體才是一直注意 linked to Chinese intelligence agencies.” 避免歧視中裔澳洲人的一方 ASIO didn't name names, 當然這並沒有阻止 中共繼續指控他們 but did indicate that at least one of the people 不過就像《人民日報》說的 was elected and is still in office. 我們都可以判斷什麼才是事實 He or she is probably getting their 對於澳洲為了防堵 外國介入所成立的新法案 “I was just mumbling” defense ready. 你有什麼看法呢? Anyway, Australia is like the canary in the coal mine. 對於中國聲稱種族歧視這件事 Other countries need to take a look 你又如何看待呢 at what's happening because it's not just Australia. 將你的想法留在下面 In the coming months, 謝謝收看本集 《中國解密》 there will be a lot more coming out 我是主持人 Chris Chappell about the Chinese Communist Party's 下次再會 attempts to influence Western countries. 不要傷害中國人的情感 And it seems the US is taking notice. 來 ChinaUncensored.tv 看看 But there's something that Western media 我們每週上傳在 YouTube 看不到的 and governments should be careful about. 完整半小時節目 After these stories broke in the Australian media, 搶在其他國家領導者前 there have been legitimate instances of racism 知道中國怎麼干涉外國 and harassment of Chinese people in Australia. ChinaUncensored.tv And that's a shame. Not just because racism is bad. Which it is. But expressing prejudice against 1.2 million Chinese Australians also plays right into the Chinese Communist Party's hands. Let's not forget that the first victims of the CCP's infiltration into foreign countries are the Chinese people living in those countries. They are the first ones to be infiltrated and influenced, not to mention silenced, by the Party. The CCP's United Front Work Department has a special division dedicated to targeting overseas Chinese to, uh, “maintain” their loyalty. And then when the CCP's actions cause a backlash toward normal Chinese Australians, the Chinese regime changes tactics, trying to act like it's the defender of overseas Chinese, heroically protecting them from a racist Australian government and media. In this case, I think the Australian government and media have been for the most part very careful to not be racist against Chinese Australians. Sure, that hasn't stopped the CCP from making their accusations. But, like the People's Daily said, we can all judge the “truth from facts.” So what do you think about Australia's new foreign interference laws? And what do you think about the Chinese regime's claims of racism? Leave your comments below. Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored. Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell, see you next time. Don't hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. Visit ChinaUncensored.tv. We upload full half hour episodes you won't see on YouTube. Learn about interference from the Chinese regime, before even world leaders do! ChinaUncensored.tv.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 澳洲 中國 中共 澳洲人 媒體 種族 澳洲是否對華人有種族歧視? (Is Australia Being Racist Against Chinese?) 310 20 phoebe2345 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字