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  • Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and this week we're gonna make a

  • giant ice cream Snickers bar! So let's start by studying a little one. Obviously

  • it has chocolate on the outside we can see that and if you cut into it we can

  • see there we've got ice cream down the bottom and peanuts and caramel up the

  • top. Just let me dissect this into all the pieces so we can taste each

  • component on its own. The ice cream is slightly off-white and it does taste

  • like vanilla ice cream but it has a very slight nutty taste to it. I'm not sure if

  • that's actually from the ice cream or if it's just from the fact that it's been

  • sitting next to the peanuts in the bar but I think we can get away with just

  • using vanilla ice cream because my ice cream bowl will only make one litre at a

  • time and we're gonna need way more than that for this. The chocolate itself is a

  • milk chocolate ... it's probably also had a lot of extra fat added to it just to

  • make it easier to get that thin coat when you're pouring it over ice cream.

  • But with our big one we can get away with a slightly thicker coat so we're just

  • gonna use straight normal delicious milk chocolate. Now the bit I am really

  • interested in is the caramel ... once it is frozen it is quite thick but now you can

  • see when it's defrosted it's of course softer. It's definitely salted in flavour

  • so we're gonna have to add some salt in there too. Now I don't have a container

  • that's the right size so I'm going to use a cardboard box. For this length it

  • will be the right height but this is a little bit wider than it should be if we

  • were making it in proportion but I don't think anyone's gonna care if they get a

  • little bit of extra ice cream Snickers

  • non-stick baking paper and we're ready to start. Tip your ice cream out of the

  • container and cut big chunks out of it and add that into your box. Make sure you

  • fill up little gaps and then smooth off the top and then of course that's got to

  • go back in the freezer or it will melt. For the yummy caramel part we're gonna need

  • peanuts obviously glucose syrup sugar milk and cream and I'll put all these

  • recipe quantities on the

  • website for you in grams and ounces and cups and there's a link to

  • that below. Add the cream milk and the glucose syrup into the pan with the

  • sugar. Once you've got all of that in you wanna heat it over high heat. Now I like

  • to stir it at first just to make sure all the sugar is dissolved and then you

  • want to wash down the sides of the pan using a wet pastry brush ... this just gets

  • off any little sugar crystals that might have splashed up onto the sides and if

  • you don't get them off it can make it crystallize out at the end so instead of

  • having a nice smooth caramel you end up with like a fudge which is definitely

  • not what we want. Add a candy thermometer and make sure it's not touching the

  • bottom of the pan and let that boil unstirred until it reaches about a

  • hundred and ten degrees (celcius). You can take it off the heat at 105 if you want a softer

  • caramel but I want mine a little bit chewy.

  • remove it from the heat and add in those peanuts and stir those through. That

  • caramel color looks a little bit pale compared to what was in the actual

  • Snickers so I'm gonna add a little bit of brown food coloring to make it look a

  • bit deeper. Then stick the whole pan in a sink of cold water to cool it down

  • quickly. It looks like a big pot of baked beans at the moment! If you want to test

  • the consistency of your caramel you can put some of it into a bowl and then

  • freeze it to see how thick it will be ... if it's too thick you can just stir in

  • some extra cream at this stage. Mine is quite firm when it's frozen but I quite

  • like that texture so I'm gonna leave it just like that. If you want it like it is

  • in the bars add a little bit more cream to that or only heat it to 105. Once it's

  • cooled to room temperature you can spoon that over the ice cream ... yum

  • that caramel and peanuts mmm. Have I ever told you about the time when I was a

  • teenager and I went out for a run and when I came home I remember saying to my

  • mum it feels like I've been stung by a bee in the back of my throat. Now

  • obviously I hadn't because I would have known if I'd swallowed a bee but that's

  • what it felt like and mum said oh go have a

  • lie down and so I did and a little while later I came out and I just had blotches

  • all over me like red blotches! My whole head was swelling my tongue was so

  • swollen that I couldn't talk properly and I was finding it hard to breathe and

  • they rushed me down to hospital and obviously I was having an anaphylactic

  • reaction to something but they didn't know what it was and the same thing

  • happened several times over the next few years and to cut a long story short

  • after seeing many doctors and specialists who had no idea what was

  • going on I eventually saw a top immunologist who

  • told me I had food-dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis! Quite a mouthful there.

  • What that means is basically you need a trigger food which for me is

  • peanuts plus exercise and then you'll get the anaphylactic reaction. So if you

  • don't have the food and you exercise you're fine ... if you have the food and you

  • don't exercise you're fine ... but if you have those two together then you're

  • going to not be able to breathe and need to go to a hospital. So for me if I eat

  • some of these Snickers I won't be able to exercise for the next 24 hours so

  • that's my excuse

  • rare person too which just means it's going to take ages to get diagnosed

  • properly tell me about it in the comments I'd like to hear about it and

  • commiserate with you. Put that back in the freezer for at least a few hours

  • then spread out some chocolate. I'm not bothering to temper this because it's

  • going to go in the freezer so we don't need to and then put that big slab of

  • ice cream and caramel on top. Use a spatula to quickly spread the chocolate

  • up the sides all the way up as far as you can. Now this is going to set really

  • quickly obviously because of the cold ice cream so you need to work fairly

  • fast and just keep spreading that up. Once all the sides are done pour more

  • chocolate on top and spread it out all over and then you'll need to of course

  • put this back in the freezer so that your ice cream stays frozen and doesn't

  • start to melt. Now it's time to wrap it up put it on some cellophane. Far out

  • that's heavy! I can't get my fingers out!

  • Got it okay now wrap the cellophane around first. I'm using cellophane

  • because I don't want the ice cream drips on the paper to make it go soggy once we

  • start cutting it, so I thought I'll put the plastic on first. Once you've done

  • that layer then we'll wrap around some wrapping paper and tape it into place.

  • put some glue inside each end and squash the ends together so that it looks like

  • the end of a chocolate bar wrapper then print a label and use some glue to stick

  • it on top. Make sure you put ice cream bar so people know to store it in the

  • freezer and then cut a zig-zag pattern out of each end and there you have a

  • giant Snickers ice cream bar! That wasn't too hard to make in the end and it looks

  • pretty impressive and it weighs a whopping 8.7 kilograms or

  • 19 pounds so it's definitely one that you would want to share! Let's check what

  • that looks like on the inside...

  • Subscribe to HowToCookThat for more cakes, chocolates and desserts. Click here

  • for more GIANT things, here for more minis and here for gadgets. Make it a

  • great week and I'll see you on Friday.

Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and this week we're gonna make a


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巨型冰淇淋士力架吧如何烹飪,安里爾登 (Giant ICE CREAM Snickers Bar How To Cook That Ann Reardon)

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    pikachu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日