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What is IELTS?
Good question.
Well, IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System.
This is the ability of people around the world to use, study, or work using English.
So it's valid indicator or executive valid indicator of your English reading, listening,
and writing and speaking skills.
It's administered by the British Counsel IDP in Cambridge.
And it's one of the most popular English exams in the world.
There's about 6,000 government organizations, scholarship programs, license certifications
that actually accept the IELTS as the...
The IELTS scores is valid indicators of your ability.
So there's two types of modules.
There's the academic and there's the general.
These have been the same since 1995.
There's slight differences.
The writing and reading are different for each module but the speaking and listening
are the same.
For the academic, that's more for the students who are applying to do post graduate courses
or university courses.
And then for the general, though it's required by institutions like colleges or high schools,
sometimes for immigration purposes.
But there are changes with that.
So make sure you know which one you need
before you actually take the test.
Because a student of mine, she took the general and it turned out she needed the academic
for immigration.
So it does vary.
Now it takes about 180 minutes for the other 3 modules,
and then for the speaking you can do for either the same day or another day.
But basically, you can get band score between 1 and 9.
9 is obviously the highest, 1 is obviously the lowest.
It's kind of strange, actually.
'Cause you can't actually fail it.
Well, you can if you say your objecting for a 7 or a 6 but you get a 5 or whatever.
But compared to normal tests where it's usually like distinction, merit, pass whatever, fail...
So yeah.
It's just band scores between 1 and 9.
Usually, the most common objective or most common band score required is about 7.
So you need to really just find out what your institution is willing to accept.
And what the authorities are going to accept as well.
And just a side note here:
If you are a foreign student and you're going to go to a foreign university,
so if you're a student and you're going to a foreign university,
sometimes (I'm not saying always) there is some leeway.
Like if you've got band 8 for your reading, for your listening, for your speaking,
and then for your writing, you've got a 7.5 and they required 8,
you should still apply.
You know?
Still give it a shot, send a letter, and they might be willing to accept it.
Complete the letter with something like:
"I promise to do 3 courses of English apart of the classes, during the course to help
me get into the level."
Blah blah blah.
But bear in mind sometimes there is some flexibility.
And more often than not, it doesn't cost that much to actually try and give it a shot.
The immigration is probably a different story.
But for the other cases, for jobs and for other stuff, it's worth a try.
So all the best and good luck in your exam.
And if you want some more tips and if you need some support and you need some feedback,
and you want to improve and you're really determined to get a band 7, 8, or 9,
then come to the website, sign up, and I'll give you a hand.
All the best.
Jump from Band 6 to 7 or it's free.
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