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  • Hello!

  • So excitingly, next week

  • is international week of the deaf.

  • Ooh!

  • I'm going to be making three videos

  • That are going to go through the week

  • They're going to be on a different schedule

  • *gasp*

  • How will we cope?

  • We will cope fine.

  • They will be on a Monday, Wednesday

  • and Friday

  • rather than my normal Thursday, Friday and Saturday

  • And by the way, can we again just discuss Saturday,

  • because what a sign, the day we clean stuff.

  • I mean I'd say it's the day

  • we go shopping and then go out and party, *but*

  • Yes, historical signs.

  • I wanted to start

  • my deaf video week

  • with thirteen things I want

  • my hearing friends

  • to know.

  • Number one! I'm faking it.

  • Yeah. My understanding, that is. Because really,

  • I have no clue!

  • Probably 50% of the time,

  • I, I'm, I'm just, I've lost the plot.

  • I'm good at it!

  • Er, It's second nature now.

  • But I hate it!

  • I'll have a conversation with you,

  • We'll walk away from each other,

  • you'll think: "Oh, yeah, completely,

  • She completely knows what's going on-

  • *No*. No.

  • For the last ten minutes, maybe? I've had absolutely no clue.

  • It is amazing how far

  • "Oh, yes!"

  • And "Really!"

  • And this face:

  • can get you in life.

  • Number two!

  • Please can we meet somewhere

  • with really good lighting?

  • Going to a pub or a bar is really great, and I love dancing,

  • but I really can't understand without lip-reading, and maybe a little bit of sign.

  • So, somewhere with good lighting is pretty much vitally important.

  • *Please*.

  • Number three.

  • If you could learn just a few signs, that would be really helpful for me.

  • Like: mainly toilet.

  • Or: toilet!

  • Actually probably *just* toilet.

  • Toilet...

  • Please...

  • Four!

  • When I follow something that you were just saying with a completely unrelated story,

  • and I speak very loudly, and with a lot of emphasis for a *very* long time!

  • I didn't really mean to talk over you, or, to act like I wasn't listening to what you were saying,

  • it's just that literally I wasn't listening to what you were saying and I could not understand what you were saying,

  • and now I don't really want to be left alone, and isolated from this conversation, because I am terrified of the isolation of deafness,

  • OK? So here is a story that vaguely relates; please just nod.

  • Five!

  • Please don't play games with my hearing.

  • Hmm.

  • Even if it's just holding your hand over your mouth, and saying: "Can you hear me now?"

  • *Sarcastic laughter*.

  • No.

  • It's like if someone's on crutches and you take their crutch away from them - Hah!

  • Can you walk now?

  • No. And you're an arse.

  • Six!

  • Please feel free to complain about how really loud and noisy it is in here,

  • and how you've got earache, and ugh!

  • It's totally fine! It's OK. You're not offending me.

  • My hearing can exist in a completely separate realm to yours; it's OK.

  • Seven!

  • But do not say: "Oh! I wish I was deaf!"

  • Do you? Do you.

  • Just because the baby's crying,

  • that doesn't mean it's great

  • to not be able to use one of your senses properly.

  • K?

  • You wish that you had really selective hearing, and you could choose when to turn it off.

  • You are *not* wishing that you were left entirely on your own, unable to hear anything,

  • and you have absolutely no choice in the matter.

  • Eight!

  • *Please* tell me any and all juicy gossip!

  • I am dying to hear.

  • I LOVE a good gossip, but you know I can't overhear, and then jump into your conversation,

  • so please, please, *please*,

  • Tap me on the shoulder and say: "Hey! Did you know about this?"

  • I'm like- *gasp* I did not! Tell me more.

  • I am an awful gossip. I should probably work on that, but-

  • I don't want to!

  • Nine!

  • Using your phone to communicate with me is totally fine!

  • In fact, it's a really great idea. Yes please! Do that more.

  • If you've already said it twice, and I still don't understand, then go ahead -

  • whip out your phone, text away and then just- just show me the screen

  • Got it- got it? You understand- understand?

  • Yes! *Please*.

  • And don't worry, it's not rude, it is an excellent idea.

  • Ten!

  • I'm only half-sorry that I can't sing in tune, or- or dance to the beat.

  • Um, mainly I just... don't care.

  • I'm busy. Having too much fun.

  • So, we're gonna go to karaoke,

  • and you will probably have difficulty ever seeing me in the same light *ever* again.

  • I... probably sound like a... cat has been murdered.

  • But I don't care!

  • Eleven!

  • It's all in the eyes!

  • OK, no, it- it's not, it's all in the face - your face.

  • Could you please just add some expression to it?

  • Thank you.

  • I can't hear your tone, so I- I can't really read between the lines of what you're saying.

  • I... *sigh*

  • If you're joking then, could you please just wink at me?

  • I know you'll feel really... stupid, but it's *very* helpful!

  • Twelve!

  • Following on from that:

  • I didn't mean it that way, I'm *so* sorry!

  • I *constantly* accidentally offend people with my tone of voice.

  • My poor wife gets the- gets the real brunt of this.

  • I'll say something nice, and then she'll look at me with such... offence! Such hurt! Such pain!

  • And... I'm just a bit confused.

  • I'm a *very* happy person, uh, but my voice is sometimes a little passive-aggressive.

  • And, um - and sarcastic.

  • But- but it's not me. I promise. I'm so sorry. Please be my friend again!

  • Thirteen!

  • And, finally, can I *please* have your attention?

  • Look up when you're talking, don't turn away mid-sentence.

  • And please, please, *please*, stop talking to your phone!

  • Being deaf means that I am *forced* to truly listen to you.

  • So... please could you just do the courtesy of... listening to me?

  • So, there you go, my thirteen things I want my hearing friends to know.

  • Hi- hi friends.

  • I think I'm just gonna post this on Facebook like: Hi! Hello everyone who- who knows me - be my friend again!

  • If you enjoyed this video, then please, hit the like button, that's very kind of you and it really does help spread my little message.

  • And, if you are not already, then come along, subscribe, come in, join us,

  • and I hope that you are looking forward to next week's videos! The first of which will be coming on Monday.

  • Yay!



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A2 初級 英國腔

我的聽力朋友應該知道的13件事//國際聾人周[CC]。 (13 Things My Hearing Friends Should Know // International Week of the Deaf [CC])

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    MouseP 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日