字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello. 哈囉 So this week is International Week of the Deaf. 這週是國際聽障週 Yeah! 耶! And I'm going to be making three videos that are about deafness. 我會做三部有關聽覺障礙的影片 The first one is what I can and can't hear. 第一部是有關我可以聽得見及聽不見的 The second one is why I wear hearing aids. 第二部是有關我為什麼要帶助聽器 The third one is my most asked question. 第三部是我最常被問的問題 Why I don't sound deaf. 為什麼我說話不像聽障人士 This is the very first video and you can find the rest of them on my channel. 這部是第一部影片,你們可以在我的頻道上找到其他影片。 What can I hear? 我聽得到什麼呢? Excellent question 這問題很棒 It's quite a difficult thing to describe 這還蠻難描述的 because obviously I live inside my own head. 很顯然的因為我住在自己的腦袋裡...? What I hear is sort of what I hear. 我所聽的應該就是我聽到的... It took me a long time 我花了很久的時間 to even realize that I was going deaf. 才瞭解到其實我慢慢的在失去聽覺 I started about 15 and it went on through 18, 從15歲開始到我18歲 when I went to university and kind of realized that I couldn't hear anything. 當我上大學的時候我才理解我其實聽不到任何東西 I should probably point out that before then, I had been really ill. 我應該在這邊提醒一下,我之前病的很重 And I was spending most of my time in hospital 大多數的時間都在醫院裡度過 or in my bed at home. 或是我家的床上 And I wasn't really talking to a lot of people. 我並沒有一直跟很多人說話 I was mainly reading 大部分我都在看書 and writing. 或寫作 So, these aren't things that require ears. 所以其實我用不太到耳朵 I was also watching an awful lot of "Gossip Girl." 我也看了超多"花邊教主" Subtitles are my friend. 字幕是我的好朋友 But this video is about my hearing right now. 但這部影片是有關我的聽力 It's obviously different in both ears. 兩邊耳朵很明顯的不同 My left one is much worse than my right one. 我左邊的耳朵比右邊的差很多 The left one is now, I think, 85% hearing loss. 左邊現在的聽力,我想,應該有85%聽覺喪失 And the right one, I think, is 65%. 右邊我想應該是65%左右 They're also- 00:01:56,680 --> 00:01:58,160 但這不只是... but it's not just... 我能聽見多少 How much I can hear. 也包括我能聽到什麼 It's also about what I can hear 我可以聽到不同程度的音高 So, I can hear different pitches to different degrees. 如果是很低的音高 If it's a very low-pitched thing, 我通常可以聽的比較好 I can generally hear it better. 你們喜歡我低沈的聲音嗎? Did you like my low voice? 如果是很高的音 If it's really high-pitched, 我就完全聽不見了 then I can't hear it at all. 就算很大聲也聽不到 Even if it's really really loud. 就算我帶著助聽器也聽不到 Even if I am wearing my hearing aids. 助聽器並不能幫我聽到高音 They won't help me hear something that's very high-pitched. 所以如果像是警報聲 So an alarm for instance, 我可以坐在旁邊 I can sit next to the alarm just 然後完全不知道發生什麼事 and have no idea 為什麼一堆人就在旁邊跑來跑去 why all these different people are just running around everywhere. 他們可能在尖叫 Maybe they're screaming. 我也不知道。尖叫也是很高的音頻 I don't know. Screaming is also high-pitched. 我應該是無法聽到 I probably wouldn't be able to hear that. 沒有帶助聽器的時候 Without my hearing aids in, 聲音會像是我在水裡聽到的感覺 sounds will comes to me as if I am underwater 或是我的耳朵被綿毛蟲堵住了一樣 or like I have cotton wool bugs stuck in my ears 然後一道玻璃的牆包在外面的感覺 and then a wall of glass on the outside. 這樣講有懂嗎? Does that make sense? 所以,其實已經聲音已經是很模糊的了 So, it's already fuzzy, 然後外面還有一道牆 but then there's also a wall. 如果你可以想像,試著要聽到圍牆外面的人,然後耳朵被綿毛蟲塞住的感覺 If you can imagine attempting to hear someone through a wall whilst wearing cotton wool bugs in your ears. 這就是我的聽覺 That's my hearing. 這也同時表示 What that also means 我聽到的聲音沒有方向性 is that there's no directional hearing. 如果現在有個噪音 If there is a noise, 我不知道這是從哪邊傳來的 I don't know where it's coming from. 轉身然後像是“天阿,什麼?" Turn around like, oh my God, What? "發生什麼事?" What's happening? "從哪來的?" Where is it? "到底怎麼了?" What's going on? 我不知道! I don't know! 那就是我的表情,每次都是這樣 That's my face, all the time. 不,其實不是 No, it's not. 我其實早就放棄嘗試了 I generally give up on trying. 如果現在只有兩個人,我們一起坐在房間裡然後很安靜的話 If there's just two people and we are sitting in a room together and silent, 這樣的話,是的,我會注意到你 then yes, you will have my attention. 我看得到你 I can see you. 我知道我們在對談 I know that you're talking. 如果我正在閱讀 If I am reading something 然後我聽到模糊的噪音 and I get the fuzz noise. 很明顯的我會看向你 I obviously know to look up at you 因為只有你在這裡 because it's only you here. 只有你 Only you. 但是 However, 如果我們在一個擁擠的房間,到處都是人 if we are in a room that is absolutely full of people everywhere, 那就是像一面牆 then that's just a wall. 聲音像一面牆 That's a wall of sound 我不會知道你是不是在跟我說話 and I'm not going to know if you're speaking to me 就算你就坐在我旁邊 even if you're sitting right next to me. 沒有助聽器的情況下 Without my hearing aids in, 我沒有辦法分別字 I can't pick apart words. 你的聲音就像是跟週遭的環境一樣 Your voice is exactly the same to me 對我來說就是一般的噪音而已 as every other general noise 在房間裡會有的聲響 that you would have in a room. 不管是暖氣機 Whether that's a radiator 或是 that is 一個很吵的聲音 quite noisy 或是個冰箱 or a fridge. 洗碗機正在洗碗 The dishwasher is on. 像這些狀況 Something like that. 對我來說全部都是一樣 It's all one thing. 我無法... I can't- 對我來說沒有音調的差別 There are no different notes to me. 很奇怪的,雖然我不能聽到高音 Strangely, even though I can't hear high notes, 但是我可以聽到比較低的音 but I can hear low notes, 但我不能分別什麼是高音 I can't tell you what is a high note 及什麼是低音 and what is a low note. 這樣有辦法理解嗎? Does that make sense to you? 但當我戴上助聽器的時候 But with my hearing aids in, 它們可以.....把非人類聲音範圍的 they basically block out the different noises 不同的噪音擋掉 that aren't in the human voice range. 所以我只會接收到說話的聲音 So, I'll only be getting voice noises 這樣對我來說就簡單很多了 and that obviously makes a lot easier for me then to... 如果我跟Claudia一起拍影片 If I'm making a video with Claudia, 她坐在我旁邊 she's sat next to me 正在說話 and she's talking, 我沒有辦法很完整的告訴你她每個字在說什麼 I won't be able to tell you what the words are that she is saying just exactly. 我沒有辦法重複給你聽 I can't repeat that back to you. 但是 But 我大概知道她在說什麼 I'll get the idea of what she's saying 因為我會聽到一句話的其中幾個字 because I'll have got a few words of that sentence 然後我的腦就會用力的把句子拼完 and my brain will put together 會自動把漏掉的字補進句子裡去 those words and some words to go in the gaps. 然後就會像,嗯她應該是這個意思 And it'll be like, she probably means this 或是,應該是那樣 or it's probably that. 我知道什麼時候要笑,因為.. And I know when to laugh because (笑) *laughs* 因為她會做些可愛的表情 because she does a little face. 我聽不到聲調 I don't know tones. 我無法告訴你音高 I can't tell you the pitch of something. 我也無法告訴你音調 I can't tell you the note. 但是我可以跟你描述,有些聲音像是這樣 But I can tell you that some sounds are like this 有些聲音像是這樣 and some sounds like this 然後 and 有些聲音像是... some sounds are like 這樣 this. 對啊,這就是我想像的聲音的樣子 Yeah, that's how I think it sounds. 然後有聲音像是這樣... And a sound like this... 嗯,不對 Well, no. 聲音像這樣的 A sound like this 是個很好玩的聲音 is a funny sound. 就像有人在說笑話一樣 That's someone telling a joke. 這就是我腦處理聲音的方法 This is how my brain works. 嗯所以.... And um... 這大概就是為什麼,我總是超級累 This is generally, probably why I'm so freaking tired 一整天 all the time 因為我根本就不知道發生什麼事 because I've got no clue what's going on, 然後我的腦非常的努力 but my brain is really trying 超級努力的 incredibly hard 想要整理些什麼頭緒出來 to work out what the hell it is. 所以像,我有這個字,然後這個字,嗯... So, we've got this word, but then this word, but hmm. 喔也許是這個...嗯.... But maybe this, but hmm. 也許是這個.嗯... But this. Hmm. 這就是我腦在做的事 And that's what my brain is doing 以驚人的速度在處理 at breakneck speed 因為說話的速度是很快的 because the speed of speech is incredible. 然後 And... 我很努力的在腦中把字組起來 So, I'm trying to put that all together in my brain. 試著理解她在說什麼 Trying to work out what she's saying. 這一定是什麼但這些是....哈哈! It's definitely a thing but those are... aha! 一個笑話 Joke. 關於我的聽覺障礙有幾件事 A few things about my deafness. 大吼 Yelling 沒有多大幫助 isn't particularly helpful. 可能會比較大聲 It makes the sound louder, 可是聲音不會變清楚 but it doesn't make it clearer, 清晰度才是我的問題 and the clarity is my problem. 當然,有某種程度的音量當然會有所幫助 Although, obviously, a level of volume is helpful. 如果你在跟我說悄悄話 If you are whispering to me, 我又沒有辦法讀你的唇語 and I can't see your lips to lip-read, 這樣有用嗎? what's the point? 我很抱歉,你必須要把你的秘密寫下來 I'm sorry. You have to write your secrets down. 我會燒掉它的 I'll burn it. 大吼 Yelling is also... 也不是非常有幫助 not very helpful 因為會讓你的嘴變形 because it really distorts the shape of your mouth. 如果你正在大聲吼叫 If you are yelling, 你的唇就會看起來跟平常的不一樣 then your lips are doing something very different. 我試著不要大聲說話,因為狗狗會被驚動 I'm trying not to yell because the dogs will move. 如果,如果有任何事情可以讓Walter移動的話 As if, as if anything can move Walter. 看看他 Look at him. 你在這還好嗎,夥伴? You alright there, bud? 你還好嗎? You okay? 沒關係的 It's okay. 喔,可憐的小東西 Aww, poor little chap. 他一整個早上都在忙 It's been a busy morning. 他吃了點早餐 He ate some breakfast. 但還是有可以幫助我了解你在說什麼的方法 But ways that you can help me to understand what you're saying 就是.... would be... 把發音說清楚一點 speaking quite clearly, 不要遮蓋住你的嘴巴 not covering your mouth, 不要有鬍子 not having a beard, 最好是不要邊吃東西邊說話 preferably not eating at the same time. 用比較低沉的聲音說話幫助會很大 Lowering your tone can actually be quite helpful. 特別是... Especially... 如果妳是聲音很高的女生 If you are a girl who has a quite high-pitched voice. 在群體中的話 In a group setting, 請不要同時跟別人一起說話 please don't talk over other people. 還有... And... 讓我注意你 Get my attention 如果我正在看其他地方 if I am looking somewhere else. 這樣很有幫助 That's also helpful. Claudia 花大半的時間來吸引我的注意力... Claudia spends her whole life just coming up to me like... 或跺腳 or stomping. 跺腳的作用還不錯,如果我們倆都是光腳在房子裡走來走去 Stomping also works quite well if we have bare feet, and we'll walk around the house, 如果她需要我 and she needs my attention, 她就會用力踏地板幾下 she just wacks her foot down on the floor quite a few times. 喔! Ooh! 還蠻有耐心的嘛~ Very patient. 我希望這影片對你有幫助 I hope you found this video very helpful 關於這位聽障小女孩 in relation to this one little deaf girl 以及 and... 我的聽覺 my own hearing. 我想很明顯的,這影片 Obviously, I think the most important thing 要表達的重點是 that you can take away from this 所有的聽障人士都是不同的 is that all Deaf people are different. 所有的聽覺也是不同的 Everyone's hearing is different. 造成我們聽障的原因 The reasons for our deafness, 也都不同 all different. 我們如何面對我們的聽覺障礙 How we cope with that deafness, 也都不一樣 all different. 我們對聽覺障礙的感覺 How we feel about that deafness, 也全然不同 all different. 也沒有通用的準則 There is no one-size-fits-all 我希望你很享受這影片 I hope you have enjoyed this video. 如果喜歡請按讚 And if you have, hit the like button. 謝謝你~ Thank you. 還有按下訂閱按鈕 And hit subscribe. 看看我其他的影片 Watch some other of my videos. 拜託了,我的影片因為關於聽障及身體殘疾而被YouTube去收益化政策影響 Please, because YouTube demonetizes them because they are about deafness and disability. 最後,祝你們都有個快樂的國際聽障週 And happy International Week of the Deaf!
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 聲音 聽覺 聽障 聽到 耳朵 影片 我能聽到什麼,不能聽到什麼 // 國際聾人周 [CC] 。 (What I Can and Can't Hear // International Week of the Deaf [CC]) 121 9 MouseP 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字