字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello! This week is International Deaf Weak . 嗨!這週是國際聽障週。 I am making three videos which are about deafness 我會做三部有關聽障的影片 and I am aware that there is a dog 還有我注意到有隻狗 making a noise 正在製造噪音 when there's a noise it's probably a dog 當有噪音就表示大概是隻狗 They are staring at me guiltily so it was definitely a dog 他們正充滿罪惡感的在看著我,所以一定是隻狗 The 3 videos I'm making this week are 我這週要做的影片是關於 The second was "我能以及不能聽到的" and the third is 第二部是關於 You can find the other 2 on my channel "為什麼我要帶助聽器" Pointing out that I don't sound deaf it's probably the first thing that most people do 第三部是關於 when I meet them "為什麼我聽起來不像聾人" Also rather humorously, they rather tell me as if this is new information to me . like 你可以在我的頻道看到其他兩部影片 Oh! Gosh I had no idea! No one ever mentioned it before! 多數的人在第一次跟我見面的時候,第一個指出的大概就是 I don't know how I sound today right this very moment but I could hear not perfectly 說我聽起來不像聾人 but I could hear pretty well before the age of 15 so I know how my voice sounds like 這也挺有趣的,他們說的好像這對我是新的資訊 People around me do say that my voice has changed since going deaf 像是,"喔天啊!我從來都不知道誒!從來沒有人跟我提過呢!" What I think people mean by this is that I don't sound slurred 我不知道我今天此刻聽起來如何,但是我 which is the voice that people seem to typically assume a deaf person has 在15歲以前的聽力,不是完美但是可以聽得到我自己的聲音聽起來是什麼樣子 A slurred voice and it doesn't have the pronunciation of most syllables 我周遭的人有跟我說過,自從聾了之後聲音就變了 People around me has said that my voice has actually become clearer since becoming deaf 我想他們的意思應該是說我講話沒有口齒不清 and there is a reason for that, because I worked really hard on it and I do work very hard on my voice 口齒不清應該是大家對聽障人士的一般印象 I worry I suppose about my voice becoming more slurred so I practice 通常是含糊不清的聲音,還有某些音節上會有發音困難 I just make sure to say all of my words clearly 我身邊的人說,自從我開始聽不見後,聲音變得比較乾淨了 Because when people speak to me in a very clear way it's much easier for me to understand them 這其實是有原因的。我真的很努力,真的,花了很大的功夫訓練我的聲音。 So I assume that if I attempt to speak in the clearest way that I can it's going to help other people hear me 我擔心...我想應該是...我的聲音會變得很含糊,所以我...練習 Also a lot of it has to do with muscle memory in the I remember how to speak clearly 我確保我每個說出來的字都是清楚的 I remember how to do accents 因為當別人跟我說話的時候,如果他們說的很清楚,我會比較容易理解他們 'Why I don't sound deaf?' 所以我認為如果我嘗試把每個字都說清楚了,就可以幫助大家聽懂我在說什麼 That's terrible! See I even know my accents are terrible 這很大一部分跟肌肉記憶有關,我記得如何說的清楚 'Oh what I can and can't hear' 我記得如何說不同的口音 That was meant to be Irish. Did I do it? Did it work? "為什麼我聽起來不像聾人呢?" Anyway yes, so my voice is so incredibly clear because I work very hard on making sure that is clear, I pronounce everything 這真是太糟糕了! I don't do it consciously as I way to not sound deaf or 你看,我甚至知道我模仿的口音很糟。 as a way to be more English, I think we reached peak point of British right now "喔,我到底能以及不能聽到什麼呢" It's just the easiest way for me to remember how to make sounds 那聽起來應該要是愛爾蘭口音。 Having a voice that does not sound deaf can be a negative 聽起來如何?我有成功嗎? In the much like the word disabled is a great thing because that is a label that helps me 總之,我的聲音聽起來超級清楚是因為我盡了很大的努力去確保它聽起來很清楚, It gets me the things that I need in order to live life as a disabled person 我把每個音都唸出來了 Having a voice that does not sound deaf is a problem 我並不是因為要刻意聽起來不像聾人 in that makes people think that I can hear 或是要聽起來比較像英國人。我想我們現在挺英國的(笑) Which I cant 這對我來說只是一個很簡單的方法來記住如何發聲 So when Imeet people for the first time they have no idea that I am deaf 聽起來不像聾人也可能有些負面影響 They'll just chat to me or they will lean in... oh the lean in... 像是”殘疾人士“這個字是好的,這個標籤對我來說幫助很大 That's always awkward because they lean in to talk in my ear and I push them back so I can lip read 這讓我能取得可以順利讓我過生活的東西 but also i push them back and I stare at their lips so they are kind of assuming 'oh my god did that girl think I was going in for a kiss?' 但是我聽起來不像聽障人士就是個問題了, 'I was not going in to kiss her, this is really weird, this is very awkward. Do I say something like Oh my God I wasn't going to kiss you 這讓人誤以為我聽得到 Wait does she think, does she know, does she know I know, Does she know I know she knows? 但其實不行 Oh my god! 所以當我跟人第一次見面時,他們不知道我其實是聽障 Also having a voice that doesn't sound deaf is not a helpful thing on the internet 大家就會很自然的跟我聊天,或是他們會越來越靠近 Hi, internet 這總是很尷尬,因為他們會越來越靠近我耳邊說話,但是我會推開因為我需要讀唇語 Because people write a lot that I don't sound deaf 因為我推開他們而且我一直盯著他們的嘴唇,所以他們會開始胡思亂想"喔天啊這女生以為我要親她嗎?" and it makes them believe that I am not deaf, but why someone would fake being deaf "我沒有想要親她啊!這超奇怪的而且好尷尬喔。我剛剛有說什麼類似喔天啊我沒有要親你啊" I have yet to know... "等等!她想要親我嗎?她知道嗎?她知道我知道嗎?她知道我知道她知道嗎?" As I said in my other videos this week, deafness is not one thing 我的天啊! There is not a set way to be deaf, it does not mean that you have 100% hearing loss 而且聽起來不像聽障,在網路世界裡一點幫助也沒有 You can't hear a thing, you are brought up with deaf parents, went to a deaf school and you've never talked to hearing people before 嗨,網路世界 You only use sign language, you never use your voice 因為很多人會寫說我聽起來不像聽障 That's not deafness, that's a type of deafness, that's a person who is deaf and is living their life, doing their thing 這讓他們以為我其實不是聽障,但為什麼有人會想要假裝是聽障呢 You can also have been born deaf, gone to a mainstream school, used your voice, lip read and then get older 我到現在也還不知道呢.... and be like damn it I wish I could sign 就像我這星期的其他影片中所說的,聽障不只是聽不到而已 You could also be born hearing, loose your hearing, then your school says 關於聽障這沒有明確的界線,這不代表你是100%失去聽力 We can't help you learn sign language now deaf kid, but we can provide you with an interpreter 你完全聽不到聲音,你被聽障父母帶大,去上聽障學校,以及你從來沒有跟可以聽到的人說話過 So helpful! 你只用手語,你從來沒有使用過你的聲音 I've never actually had sign language classes, no, I just taught myself using the internet and books 這並不是聽障,這只是一種類型的聽障,這只是一個人他是聽障並且過著他們的生活,做他們的事 And watching my sign language interpreter that my school and the local council were happy to provide 你也可能一出生就是聽障,去一般的學校,使用你的聲音,讀唇語然後長大 But not classes! 然後可能突然覺得”可惡,我希望我能比手語“ That was a sticky few months... 你也可能出生的時候是聽的見的,失去你的聽力,然後你的學校說 / year of confusion "我們現在不能幫你學手語,但是我們可以提供你一位手語翻譯者“ Also my sign language, I only use SSE 真的幫好大喔! Which is called 'Signed Supported English' 我從來沒有上過手語課,沒有...我只是從網路上及書上自己學 Confusing... 然後看著我的學校及當地政府高興提供給我的手語翻譯者 It is very different from BSL, British Sign Language 但是沒有手語課呢! This are 2 very different things 那幾個月真是棘手啊... They use the same signs... also makaton, makaton is a different thing /幾年的困惑啊.... BSL and SSE use the same signs but in a different way 我使用的手語系統只有SSE For example, SSE is actually just the English language but with added sign 又稱作為"Signed Supported English" So you would say: Hello, What Is Your Name ? 恩...真混亂啊... But then in BSL you would say: Name You What? 這跟BSL又非常不一樣了 "British Sign Language" Oh you would also say hello, you don't have to be rude 這是兩種非常不一樣的系統 Do you see the difference? 他們使用同種手勢,還有makaton也是,makaton是完全不一樣的事了(*makaton是另外一種手語系統) BSL I think it's quite like French in it's grammar structure BSL跟SS用同樣的手勢,但使用方法不同 it takes all the words and it puts the most important word first 例如說,SSE基本上就是英語然後加上手勢 If you want to ask someone how old they are, you would say: Age You What? 所以當你說: 哈囉,你叫什麼名字? It's the most important part first, so the person inmediatly understands what this question is going to be about 但用BSL的話你會說: 名字 你 什麼? I use SSE because it's much easier for me, I was obviously brought up hearing 喔,也會打招呼,你不用很失禮 I have that sentence structure in my mind already 這樣看得出來差別嗎? I generally interact with people who are hearing BSL對我來說文法上有點像法文的結構 They are speaking in such a way that if I am lipreading, it's pure english 拿所有句子裡的字並把最重要的放在句首 and then the interpreter is standing next to them, if I miss a sentence they have said and then I'm like hmm 你如果想要問別人他幾歲,你會說: 年齡 你 多少? I turn to the interpreter, the interpreter can easily pick up what they are saying but just sign it 把重要的字放在第一個字,看的人就可以第一時間了解你在問的問題是關於什麼 Whereas when there is BSL interpreter I find it quite hard 我使用SSE是因為對我來說比較簡單,我成長的過程是可以聽得見的 I'll be lipreading someone like 我的腦已經習慣使用句子的結構 Yeah yeah... oh I got a bit stuck there 我通常跟可以聽的到的人互動 and then you turn to the interpreter and the interpreter would tell it in BSL and you are like 他們就單純使用英語在說話,如果我正在讀唇語 And I get it, I get what the signs are but I need to switch them around in my brain 然後我的手語翻譯者站在他們旁邊,如果我漏看了其中一句他們說的話(然後我露出恩??的表情) and considering I already got cognitive issues, uh! 我只要轉向我的手語翻譯者,他可以很輕易的接上說話者的內容並翻譯給我看 I'm actually like a little... clogs turning in the brain 但當狀況是一位BSL翻譯者的時候,我發現比較困難 Uh, other things you might not now about sign language is that different countries have different sign languages 例如我正在讀某人唇語的時候 There are different sign languages across the world, America for instance has its own sign language 當我有點無法跟上的時候 Even though we speak the same language 我轉向我的翻譯者請他幫忙,而他使用BSL的時候..... There are... dun dun dun 我可以理解,我知道手勢是什麼意思,但是我的腦袋需要去轉換 Maybe 300 different sign languages in the world 然後考慮我已經有些認知上的麻煩~呼! I know, I'm as shocked as you are, I just looked that up 實際上我已經有點.....腦袋轉不太動了 There are so many sign languages because, sign language is a kind of ever evolving thing 喔!另外你們可能不知道,不同國家有不同的手語系統 Also, some deaf schools just create their own 每個國家有他們自己的手語,像美國就有自己的手語系統 Claudia and I have our own kind of version of sign language because she's being quite slow to learn 雖然我們都說同樣的語言 I think she is a bit scared because she doesn't like trying things she doesn't already know she's good at 所以總共有....... We kind of organically created our own 大概300種不同的手語系統在全球使用著 But I need to teach her the proper stuff, and I will 我懂,我也跟你一樣驚訝。我其實才剛剛查到 I hope you have enjoyed these videos about deafness 會有這麼多種手語的原因是因為,手語其實是不停在進化的 Deaf stuff.. 而且,有些聽障學校會製造他們自己的手語系統 I hope you've had a good International Week of The Deaf Claudia跟我也有...像是我們自己之間用的手語,因為他其實學的有點慢 I am going to let you know how Claudia gets on with learning sign language 我覺得她有點害怕 Give a thumbs up if you have enjoyed this video, leave a comment down bellow with what you think 因為她不喜歡嘗試她不確定自己是不是擅長的事 it's the easiest way that I can teach Claudia and bare in mind I'm a terrible teacher apparently 我們就自然的產生屬於我們自己的手語 I'm pretty good at teaching through video, I'm not good in person because I correct every little mistake 但是我需要教她正確的手語,而且我一定會教她 and then you can't get to the end of the sentence. It's incredibly annoying but I can't stop doing it 我希望你們享受這些有關聽覺障礙的影片 And of course subscribe, if you are new here, welcome, and I'll see you next time! 我的聽障狀況,有關聽障的事
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 聽障 手語 聲音 翻譯 手勢 使用 為什麼我的聲音不聾 // 國際聾人周 [CC] 。 (Why I Don't Sound Deaf // International Week of the Deaf [CC]) 130 10 MouseP 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字