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Today's high-speed trains will have you cruising along at 350 kilometers per hour.
現代的高速列車讓你可以用時速 350 公里的速度移動。
A ticket is about the same as a flight, and the door-to-door time on some of the world's most popular routes is the same⏤or less⏤than getting a plane.
高速列車的票價跟機票錢差不多,而且也跟世界上一些受歡迎的路線之間的交通時間是一樣的,或更短,甚至比搭飛機還快 。
But decades ago, rail travel was in decline.
It faced fierce competition from the air and auto industries.
Then came Japan's bullet train.
By the late 1950s, Japan's economic miracle had transformed the war-ravaged nation.
在 1950 年代晚期,日本的經濟奇蹟似的改變了這個飽受戰爭蹂躪的國家。
Its economy was growing quickly.
The area between Tokyo and Osaka was booming with industry.
People were flocking to the capital for work, but the rail line connecting the two major cities couldn't take the stress.
In 1958, a government panel was set up to tackle the problem and several potential solutions arose.
政府於 1958 年成立一個專案小組來處理這個問題,該小組提出了數個可能的解決方案。
Among them, building the world's first high-speed rail line.
Many were skeptical, but two men were true believers.
Shinji Sogō was the then president of the state-run Japanese National Railway[s].
The other, Sogō's colleague, veteran engineer Hideo Shima.
Up against bureaucratic obstacles and fierce opposition, the two drove the project forward.
In 1959, the Tōkaidō Shinkansen line started construction under Sogō's leadership.
在十河信二的領導下,東海道新幹線於 1959 年開始建造。
Shima was appointed the project's chief engineer.
His team designed the sleek and revolutionary cone-shaped front, from which the bullet train got its name.
Rather than being pulled by an engine in front, each carriage of the bullet train was driven by an individual electric motor, which has proven to be safer, faster, and more efficient.
Apart from the train itself, the team also built wider tracks, which were more costly, but allowed for greater stability and higher speeds.
3,000 bridges and 67 tunnels were built on the 515-kilometer line to allow a clear and largely curveless path.
他們沿著這條 515 公里的鐵路線建造了三千座橋以及 67 個隧道,讓列車行駛在一條順暢且大部分都是筆直的路徑上。
Older trains were banned from the new line.
Equipped with advanced technologies, the new trains were able to travel as fast as 210 kilometers per hour,
新款的火車配有先進的技術,可以用時速 210 公里的速度行駛,
a breakthrough in the passenger rail industry and the world's fastest at the time.
The journey time between Tokyo and Osaka was cut from over six hours to four.
東京和大阪來回的車程從原本的 6 個多小時減至 4 個小時。
On October 1st, 1964, the new line opened, just in time for the Tokyo Olympic Games.
1964 年 10 月 1 日開通一條新幹線,通車營運剛好趕上了東京奧運。
But neither Sogō nor Shima were invited for the inauguration.
They both resigned in 1963 because the project's budget came in at double what was promised: 400 billion yen, the equivalent of 3.6 billion US dollars today.
他們於 1963 年雙雙辭職,因為工程預算比預計的高出一倍:4000 億日圓,等同於現今 36 億美元。
But despite their premature departure, the Tōkaidō Shinkansen line was an immediate success and quickly turned a profit.
It transformed the nation, allowing more people to work in metropolitan areas and became a symbol of Japan's post-war re-emergence as an economic and tech power.
Now over 300 trains operate on the line every day.
現在,東海道新幹線每日運行的列車超過 300 個車次。
And the trip between Tokyo and Osaka has shortened to 2.5 hours.
東京和大阪之間的旅程縮短至 2.5 個小時。
The number of passengers has also soared, reaching 165 million in 2016.
乘客的數量也跟著暴增,於 2016 年達到一億六千五百萬人。
After the success of the Tōkaidō Shinkanse line, Japan has continued expanding its high-speed rail network, and plans to build more.
Following Japan's lead, countries like France, Germany, and China have also developed high-speed railways.
By the end of 2018, the total length of high-speed rail network in the world will be over 46,000 kilometers, and over half of it is in China.
於 2018 年底,世界上高速鐵路網的總長度超過了四萬六千公里,而其中超過一半的鐵路都位於中國。